The bachelor of science in business administration degree requires:
Skills Assessment. These requirements are designed to ensure that each student has attained a minimum level of competency in the areas of finite math and Excel.
Total Credits. A minimum of 120 acceptable semester hours of credit, as follows:
Required Courses and Semester Credit Hours
The school reserves the right to disallow any credit that it determines is not appropriate academic credit.
Residence. Students must complete 30 hours of business courses in residence on the Boulder campus after admission to the college, including the 18 hours in the area of emphasis and the 9 hours in the area of application (included in the business electives). Students must be in residence at CU-Boulder, and must be registered as business degree students during the term of graduation.
Minimum Grade Point Average
Required Courses and Semester Credit Hours
Students must choose an area of emphasis in accounting, finance, management, or marketing. Areas of emphasis consist of 18 semester hours beyond any business core courses.
Business courses required by specific areas in excess of the 18 hours listed under areas of emphasis may count as business electives.
A list of courses that fulfill specific requirements for each area can be found on the CU website at
Not all classes are accepted as elective credits. Generally, to be acceptable, electives must have a form of assessment such as a term paper and/or examinations, and must be regular classroom-type courses. Course coverage must be college level, must not be repetitious of other work applied toward the degree, must be academic as opposed to vocational or technical, and must be part of the regular university offerings.
The Leeds School of Business reserves the right to disallow any credit that it determines is not appropriate academic credit. For more information, contact the Office of Undergraduate Student Services.
Prospective graduates must sign up for a senior audit with the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Office of Career Development the semester before they plan to graduate. Students planning to graduate in May must request a senior audit by the previous October 1; August graduates must request a senior audit by the previous October 1; and December graduates must request a senior audit by the previous March 1. Failure to do so will delay graduation.
Students desiring to change their area of emphasis after completing the senior audit must request the change through their advisor no later than the first week of class of their final semester. Changes after that time will delay graduation.
Numerous career opportunities exist for graduates trained in both a specialized field and business. For this reason students may be interested in a double-degree program leading to completion of degree requirements concurrently in two fields. Such double-degree programs have been arranged for engineering, environmental design, journalism, and music, and may be arranged for other professional combinations as well.
The two programs of study proceed concurrently, terminating together with the awarding of two degrees. Normally, at least five years will be needed to complete a double-degree program. No substitutions are allowed.
Students desiring to transfer from double-degree programs to the Leeds School of Business must submit an application to the Office of Undergraduate Studies.
For further information contact the Office of Undergraduate Studies.
Beginning fall 2013, a new, 12-hour minor will be available to nonbusiness majors by application.
This program has been uniquely designed for nonbusiness students so that they can effectively perform in an emerging global business environment. Through integrated modular course work, students will be introduced to the essential elements of marketing, management, accounting, finance, and corporate social responsibility.
Once completed, students will choose between one of three business track options: innovation, analytics, or entrepreneurship. Finally, students complete their minor requirements through a business capstone course that focuses on strategy, application, and the development of a “venture plan.” (Students will also have the option of completing multiple tracks for increase breadth of application.)
NOTE: Courses are available in fall and spring.
In addition to the required 12 semester hours of course work, the following requirements apply to the minor in business:
Students can obtain an application for the business minor or get further information in the Office of Undergraduate Student Services.