Undergraduate Academic Excellence


In recognition of high scholastic achievement, upon recommendation of the faculty, the designation “With High Distinction” or “With Distinction” will be awarded at graduation. To qualify for the “With High Distinction” designation, the student’s cumulative University of Colorado GPA must be at least 3.90. For the “With Distinction” designation, the student’s cumulative GPA must be at least 3.75 but less than 3.90. In addition, for these designations, at least 60 semester hours must have been earned at CU-Boulder.

In addition to the distinction of honors, Leeds School of Business students also may participate in the Latin honors granted by the College of Arts and Sciences. Qualified students are encouraged to participate in this program, which coordinates the offering of a variety of honors seminars as well as the granting of Latin honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude) at graduation. Granting of these honors is determined by the Honors Council based on several criteria, including the quality of original scholarly work (generally reported in the form of a thesis). Latin honors are not conferred on a graduate entering in the summer of 1995 and thereafter simply by virtue of high grades. Interested students should consult the Honors Program listing in the College of Arts and Sciences section or contact the Honors Program in Norlin Library.

Dean’s List

Students in the Leeds School of Business who have completed at least 12 semester hours of CU-Boulder course work for a letter grade in any single semester with a term GPA of 3.600 or better are included on the dean’s list and receive a notation on their transcript.

Beta Gamma Sigma

Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is an honor that must be earned through outstanding scholastic achievement. Such membership is the highest scholastic honor that a student in a school of business or management can attain.

To be eligible for Beta Gamma Sigma membership, students must rank in the top ten percent of their junior class, the top 10 percent of their senior class, or be among the top 20 percent of those students receiving master’s degrees. Also, students completing all requirements for the doctoral degree conferred by a business school are eligible for Beta Gamma Sigma. It should be noted that Beta Gamma Sigma chapters may be chartered only in those schools of business and management accredited by AACSB, the International Association for Management Education.


Each year the college awards a number of divisional and general scholarships. Business scholarships are for students who have completed business course work at the university. The amount and number of the awards vary each year.