All students are responsible for knowing and following the provisions set forth below. Any questions concerning these provisions should be directed to the college. The college cannot assume responsibility for problems resulting from a student’s failure to follow the policies stated here or from incorrect advice given by those outside the Office of Undergraduate Studies. Similarly, students are responsible for all deadlines, rules, and regulations stated in the General Information section of this catalog. All rules and regulations are subject to change. Any questions should be directed to the Leeds School of Business, Office of Undergraduate Studies, room 115, 303-492-6515.
Prospective freshman students are encouraged to complete strong academic programs in high school. A minimum of four academic units should be completed each year with special emphasis given to writing, mathematics, and science skills. For a detailed explanation of the high school preparation desired, see Undergraduate Admission in the General Information section.
Transfer students are expected to demonstrate proficiency in economics, writing, and mathematics. Prospective transfer students should complete courses equivalent to those taken by University of Colorado business freshmen and sophomores.
An undergraduate student who is enrolled on the Boulder campus and wishes to transfer to the Leeds School of Business may submit a completed application for the fall or spring semester. A cumulative university GPA of 3.00 and a cumulative GPA of 2.00 in business courses is necessary to be considered for admission. In addition, students must have 24 completed semester hours, 12 of which must be graded work at CU-Boulder; 6 credit hours of math, including MATH 1071 or ECON 1078, and MATH 1081 or ECON 1088 or a calculus course; and microeconomics and macroeconomics. Students must earn a grade of B- or better in ECON and MATH to be considered for admission. Intrauniversity transfer students must take a minimum of 30 hours of business courses, including their area of emphasis, in residence after admission to the college. Applications are accepted year round and will be reviewed once a month. However, the deadlines for admission prior to the registration period are October 1 for spring and March 1 for fall. Leeds can’t guarantee the usual selection of courses for those who submit applications after the deadline.
In order to apply to the Leeds School of Business, students must complete a mandatory online IUT presentation and quiz.
A service indicator stop will be placed on students’ records when they have earned 60 credit hours, if they have not yet declared their area of emphasis.
Business students may register only for those courses for which they have the stated prerequisites.
Instructors may recommend to the Office of Undergraduate Studies that students who fail to meet expected course attendance or prerequisites be dropped from their courses at any time during the semester.
Classroom attendance is left to the discretion of the instructor. Students are responsible for understanding each instructor’s policy on attendance.
Students who are unavoidably absent should make arrangements with instructors to make up the work missed. Failure to attend regularly may result in receipt of an F in a course. Students who, for illness or other legitimate reasons, miss a final examination must notify the instructor no later than the end of the day on which the examination is given. Failure to do so may result in receipt of an F in the course.
Concurrent registration is for graduating seniors who must be enrolled on two campuses of the University of Colorado at the same time in order to fulfill graduation requirements.
Students enrolled in the Leeds School of Business may exercise the concurrent registration option if they are in their graduating semester or are two semesters from graduating and cannot obtain a course necessary to complete a prerequisite sequence. The course must be required for graduation and must not be offered on the Boulder campus, or the course must conflict with another required course in which the student is enrolled. Students from other colleges and schools who wish to take business courses must have the approval of their own college or school before submitting the concurrent registration form.
The normal scholastic load of an undergraduate student in the college is 15 semester hours, with a maximum of 21 hours during the fall and spring semesters. A maximum of 3 semester hours may be taken during Maymester. A maximum of 6 hours may be taken during a five-week summer term, with no more than 12 hours total during the 10-week summer session.
To receive credit, all courses must be listed on the student’s official transcript by the Office of the Registrar. Credit is then evaluated by the Leeds School of Business to determine degree acceptability.
No credit is given for work experience or cooperative education programs.
All correspondence courses must have prior approval and be evaluated to determine their acceptability.
Advanced Placement (College Board). For students who earn scores of 3, 4, or 5 on Advanced Placement exams, college credit will be given where appropriate. See the General Information section for a comprehensive chart on AP credit.
College-Level Examination Program (CLEP). College credit for approved CLEP subject examinations may be considered, providing the scores are at the 67th percentile or above. Specific information is available in the Office of Undergraduate Student Services.
CLEP credit is only appropriate for nonbusiness requirements and nonbusiness electives. A maximum of 6 hours of credit in any one course area is allowed. CLEP may not be used in course areas where credit has already been allowed. General examinations are not acceptable. CLEP credit is not transferable.
Before a CLEP examination can be taken, students must have prior approval in writing by the Office of Undergraduate Student Services.
Because of enrollment limitations, business classes may not be taken on a no-credit basis.
The college reserves the right to accept or reject all special sources of credit that do not have prior approval of the dean.
A maximum of 6 hours of independent study will be accepted as degree credit. Prior approval is required if the work is to be applied as degree credit. A maximum of 3 hours may be taken in any one semester.
Transfer credit from study abroad programs may be applied to the business degree. Students planning to attend study abroad programs must meet with an undergraduate advisor and have their course selections approved prior to leaving campus.
More specific information about these opportunities is available from the Office of International Education.
The school reserves the right to disallow any credit that it deems inappropriate degree credit.
Credits in business subjects transferred from other institutions will be limited to the number of credit hours given for equivalent work in the regular offerings of the university. Only work from regionally accredited institutions will transfer to the college. A maximum of 60 semester hours of credit may be accepted from a two-year school.
Actual equivalent courses may be substituted for required courses. Students must submit a carefully checked catalog description and course syllabus for course equivalency determination.
Business students desiring to apply course work from another institution or University of Colorado campus toward the BS degree in business administration must have prior approval of the Leeds School of Business. Only nonbusiness requirements or elective credit is acceptable in transfer from other institutions once the student has enrolled.
All courses in the area of emphasis must be taken at the University of Colorado Boulder unless written approval is given by the associate dean of undergraduate studies. Transfer students must take a minimum of 30 hours of business courses, including the area of emphasis, in residence after admission to the college. For more information on transfer of credit policies, see Transfer of College-Level Credit in the Admission section.
In addition to the campuswide grading system and pass/fail policy listed under Registration in the General Information section, the Leeds School of Business enforces the following policies.
Students in the Leeds School of Business may not use the pass/fail option for courses taken to fulfill General Education Core Requirements, courses used to satisfy the Minimum Academic Preparation Standards (MAPS), business core requirements, business major requirements, or business electives. A grade of F when earned in a course taken pass/fail will calculate into the GPA as a failing grade. Only nonbusiness electives may be taken on a pass/fail basis. A maximum of 6 hours of pass/fail credit may be applied toward the BS degree in business administration. Pass/fail determination must be made by the deadline set through the Registrar's Office is irreversible. A maximum of 6 hours designated pass/fail may be taken in any one semester.
Failed Courses. Failed courses may be repeated, but the F will be included in the GPA.
The only incomplete grade given in the college is an I grade is given only when documented circumstances clearly beyond the student’s control prevent the student from completing the course. Generally, students should make up the missing work and not retake the entire course. Students should not register for the class a second time, unless directed by the instructor. All I grades must be made up within one year or the I will be changed to a grade of F.
Final grades as reported by instructors are considered permanent and final. Grade changes will be considered only in cases of documented clerical errors, and must be approved by the associate dean.
Students may withdraw from the university any time before the beginning of the final examination period.