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Graduate Teacher Program
The Graduate Teacher Program is a division of the graduate school. Activities prepare graduate students to teach while on the CU Boulder campus and provide continued professional development opportunities as they move through their graduate programs. We help graduate students succeed on the job market and in higher education or the private sector as professionals once they graduate.
To that end, we offer:
comprehensive college teacher training (workshops on teaching, individual consultation on any aspect of the graduate experience, video consultation on teaching in labs, recitations, and courses)
workshops and guidance to support the scholarship of teaching and learning
academic and nonacademic career preparation opportunities through conferences, seminars, poster sessions, and individual consultations on curriculum vitae, job letters, teaching statements, and interviewing skills
apecial workshops and groups to support academic writing for publication and other topics
The Graduate Teacher Program also offers graduate students the opportunity to pursue three certificates. Requirements for each are posted on the GTP website at
The Certificate in College Teaching is designed for graduate students who teach laboratories, recitations, or courses as instructor-of-record on the Boulder campus.
The Professional Development Certificate for Preparing Future Faculty (PDC/PFF) allows those who do not teach the chance to do a project to learn about postsecondary teaching or institutions.
The Professional Development Certificate (PDC/BGIA), in collaboration with Career Services, is available for graduate students considering nonacademic career paths.
The Graduate Teacher Program works directly with 45 departments through the Lead Network, which manages 50 graduate student consultants. Lead consultants receive intensive training, provide video consultation on teaching for teaching assistants and GPTIs, and assist department faculty with discipline-specific TA training.
The Graduate Teacher Program’s Collaborative Preparing Future Faculty Network (COPFFN) consists of 26 colleges and universities on the Front Range and provides opportunities to learn about various collegiate teaching environments. Graduate students may attend site visits to partner campuses, collaborate with a mentor on a partner campus, and attend the COPFFN Forum where COPFF Network faculty speak about their careers.
The Graduate Teacher Program collaborates with the University Libraries to offer Provost’s Fellowships for the University Libraries to graduate students who wish to explore academic librarianship as a career.
Additionally, international graduate students may request personal consultations on teaching, career planning, and referrals to ESL services.