Faculty: Physics

On This Page:

Name Title Education
ANDERSON, Dana Z. professor

BSEE, Cornell University; PhD, University of Arizona

ASHBY, Neil professor emeritus
BARTLETT, Albert Allen professor emeritus
BARTLETT, David professor emeritus
BEALE, Paul department chair; professor

BS, University of North Carolina; PhD, Cornell University

BECKER, Andreas associate professor

Dr. rer. Nat., University of Bielefeld, Germany

BETTERTON, Meredith assistant professor

BA, Princeton University; MA, PhD, Harvard University

BIASCA, Debra instructor

PhD, University of Colorado Boulde

BOHN, John L. research professor

BS, PhD, University of Chicago

CARY, John R. professor

BA, University of California, Irvine; MA, PhD, University of California, Berkeley

CLARK, Noel A. professor

BS, MS, John Carroll University; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

COOPER, John professor emeritus
CORNELL, Eric A. professor adjoint

BSc, Stanford; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

CUMALAT, John P. professor

BA, MA, PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

CUNDIFF, Steven T. professor adjoint

BA, Rutgers University; MS, PhD, University of Michigan

DE ALWIS, Senarath professor

BSc, University of London; PhD, University of Cambridge

DEGRAND, Thomas A. professor

BS, University of Tennessee; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

DESSAU, Daniel professor

BS, Rice University; PhD, Stanford University

DeWOLFE, Oliver assistant professor

BA, Weslyan University; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

DREITLEIN, Joseph professor emeritus
DUBSON, Michael associate chair of undergraduate studies; senior instructor

BS, University of Illinois, Urbana; PhD, Cornell University

FALLER, James professor adjunct

AB, Indiana University; MA, PhD, Princeton University

FINKELSTEIN, Noah professor

BA, Yale University; PhD, Princeton University

FORD, William T. professor

BA, Carleton College; PhD, Princeton University

FRANKLIN, Allan D. professor

AB, Columbia College; PhD, Cornell University

GLASER, Matthew A. associate professor attendant rank

BSc, Michigan State University; MS, University of Nevada, Reno; PhD, University of Colorado Boulder

GOLDMAN, Martin V. professor

BA, Princeton University; MS, PhD, Harvard University

GREENE, Chris H. professor

BS, University of Nebraska; MS, PhD, University of Chicago

GURARIE, Victor associate professor

BA, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; MA, PhD, Princeton University

HALL, John professor adjoint

PhD, Carnegie Institute of Technology

HASENFRATZ, Anna professor

MS, PhD, L. Eotvos University, Budapest

HERMANN, Allen M. professor emeritus
HERMELE, Michael assistant professor

AB, Harvard University; MS; PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

HOLLAND, Murray J. professor

BSc, MSc, Auckland University; PhD, Oxford University

HORANYI, Mihaly professor

MS, PhD, Lerand Eötvös University, Budapest

HOUGH, Loren assistant professor

BA, Howard University; PhD, University of Colorado Boulder

JIN, Deborah S. professor adjoint

AB, Princeton University; PhD, University of Chicago

KAPTEYN, Henry professor

BS, Harvey Mudd; MA, Princeton University; PhD, University of California, Berkeley

KEMPF, Sascha Assistant professor

PhD, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

KINNEY, Edward R. professor

SB, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

KNILL, Emanuel lecturer

BS, MS, University of Massachusetts at Boston; PhD, University of Colorado

KRAUSHAAR, Jack J. professor emeritus
LEE, Minhyea assistant professor

BS, MS, Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea; PhD, University of Chicago

LEHNERT, Konrad associate professor adjoint

BS, Harvey Mudd College; PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara

LEVINE, Judah professor adjoint

AB, Yeshiva College; MS, PhD, New York University

LEWANDOWSKI, Heather associate professor

BS, Michigan Tech; MS, PhD, University of Colorado

LIND, David A. professor emeritus
MACLENNAN, Joseph E. professor attendant rank

BS, Rhodes University; MS, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder

MAHANTHAPPA, K. T. professor

BSc, Central College at Bangalore; MSc, Delhi University; PhD, Harvard University

MARINO, Alysia assistant professor

BA, Princeton University; MA, PhD, University of California, Berkeley
