
TLEN-5920 (1-6) Independent Study

Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior) or gaduate students in the College of Engineering or Leeds School of Business only.

CSCI-5929 (3) Human-Computer Interaction: Survey and Synthesis 2

Studies recent advances in human-computer interaction through critical analysis of influential papers and self-guided research. Examines new paradigms in input, output, and visualization for technology design and interaction. Considers innovative methods to assess various population design and technological needs. Studies in computer-related fields, social science, business, media arts, and communications benefit learning about human-centered computing research. Recommended prereq., CSCI 5919.

CVEN-5929 (3) Sustainable Community Development 2

Covers the principles, practices and strategies of appropriate technology as part of an integrated and systems approach to community-based development. Course content areas include technical issues in development, environmental health and communicable disease, appropriate and sustainable technologies with hands-on workshops, and global cooperation in development. Prereq., CVEN 5919. Restricted to seniors and graduate students.

CVEN-5939 (3) Sustainable Community Development Field Practicum

Provides a supervised in-field practicum experience in which the student applies theories and concepts learned in Sustainable Community Development I and II (CVEN 5919 and 5929). Prereqs., CVEN 5919 and 5929 or instructor consent. Restricted to students with EDC sub-plan. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with EDC Sub-Plan.

ASEN-5940 (3-6) Engineering Research Internship

Grants credit to foreign visiting graduate students for conducting research within the Aerospace Engineering Sciences department. Credits can be transferred to the student's home institution. CU-Boulder students may also receive credit for conducting research outside of the university, either overseas or in the US. Restricted to students in final year of undergraduate work and graduate students from CU-Boulder or foreign institutions. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CSCI-6000 (1) Introduction to the Computer Science PhD Program

Instructs new Ph.D students in Computer Science how to obtain a Ph.D and how to become an effective member of the computer science research community. Makes students aware of formal requirements, educational objectives, and research themes. Provides evaluative criteria and guidelines for all objectives to be achieved. Restricted to new Ph.D students in Computer Science. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ASEN-6008 (3) Interplanetary Mission Design

Exploration of principles and methods related to the design and construction of trajectories for interplanetary mission design. Some topics covered include: two-and three-body motion, gravity assists, maneuver computation, navigation, numerical integration, and construction of orbits. The main focus is on simple ballistic mission designs, such as Galileo or Cassini, however, libration point trajectories will also be covered. Prereq., ASEN 5050 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6009 (1-2) Special Topics Seminar

Presents research and developments in each department's focus areas. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6010 (3) Advanced Spacecraft Dynamics and Control

Studies the dynamic modeling and control of spacecraft containing multiple momentum exchange devices, and/or flexible spacecraft components. Will develop nonlinear feedback control algorithms, explore singularity avoidance strategies. The second half of the course derives analytical methods (D'Alembert's equations, Lagrange's equations, Boltzmann Hamel equations) to model a hybrid rigid/flexible spacecraft system. Restricted to Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering-Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) students. Prereq., ASEN 5010 or equivalent or instructor consent. Repeatable for credit up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering-Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) students.

ASEN-6013 (3) High Speed Propulsion

Covers air-breathing and rocket propulsion cycles, their relative performance trade-offs, and how they fit within the context of a vehicle system. Specific emphasis will be placed on fundamental cycle analyses, component level design, and propulsion/airframe integration for rockets, turbojets, ramjets, scramjets, combined cycles, and other advanced propulsion concepts. Prereq., ASEN 4013 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6014 (3) Spacecraft Formation Flying

Studies the dynamic modeling and control of spacecraft formations orbiting about a planet. Investigate linear and nonlinear relative motion descriptions, rectilinear and curvilinear coordinates, orbit element difference based descriptions, J2-invariant relative orbits, as well as Lyapunov-based relative motion control strategies. Prereq., ASEN 5050 or equivalent, or instructor consent. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

ASEN-6020 (3) Optimal Trajectories

Introduces the theory and practice of trajectory optimization. The general theory behind optimization and optimal control will be introduced with an emphasis on the properties of optimal trajectories. The main application will be to space trajectories, but other applications will also be considered. Prereq., ASEN 5050 or instructor consent. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5014. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ASEN-6021 (3) Viscous Flow

Studies low Reynolds number flows, including incompressible and compressible laminar boundary layer theory; similarity theory; and separation, transition, and turbulent boundary layers. Prereq., ASEN 5051 or equivalent, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6024 (3) Nonlinear Control Systems

Introduces the analysis and control design methods for nonlinear systems, including Lyapunov and Describing Function methods. Prereq., ASEN 5014. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6028 (3) Graduate Projects II

Exposes MS and PhD students to leadership positions in project management and systems engineering while working a complex aerospace engineering project as part of a project team. The project team may perform some or all of the following project activities during this second semester of the two-semester course sequence: requirements definition, design and design review, build, test, and verification. Prereq., ASEN 5018. Recommended prereq., ASEN 4138, or 5148, or 5158. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6037 (3) Turbulent Flows

Studies turbulent closure methods and computational procedures used to solve practical turbulent flows. Emphasizes multi-equation models used with time-averaged equations to calculate free-turbulent shear-flows and turbulent boundary layers. Employs spectral methods in direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulence. Prereq., ASEN 5051 or equivalent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6060 (3) Advanced Astrodynamics

Covers Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms for astrodynamics problems, the computation and characterization of space trajectories in highly dynamic environments, computation of periodic orbits, stability analysis of orbital motion, and development of analytical theories for dynamics. Prereq., ASEN 5050 or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6061 (3) Molecular Gas Dynamics and DSMC

Describes the composition and flow of gases on a microscopic level to examine the behavior of the molecules that make up a macroscopic flow system. Thermodynamic properties, transport phenomena, and the governing Boltzmann Equation are derived from molecular collision dynamics and the kinetic theory. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method is introduced with applications. Restricted to graduate students or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6070 (3) Satellite Geodesy

Focuses on the measurement of the Earth's gravitational field, rotational characteristics, and shape using Earth and space-based tracking of artificial satellites. Particular emphasis on satellite altimetry and satellite gravity measurements. Prereq., ASEN 3200 or instructor consent. Credit not granted for this course and ASEN 5060. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6080 (3) Introduction to Statistical Orbit Determination 2

Continuation of ASEN 5070. Emphasizes orthogonal transformation techniques such as Givens and Householder, square root filtering and smoothing, and considers covariance analysis. Also nonlinear filters and dynamic model compensation techniques. Requires term project that involves the application of many of the techniques required for precise orbit determination. Prereq., ASEN 5070. Formerly ASEN 5080. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6090 (3) Advanced Global Navigation Satellite Systems: Software and Applications

Focuses on high-precision applications of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and the software tools that are needed to achieve these precisions. Topics include precise orbital determination, reference frames, atmospheric delays, relativity, clock models, ambiguity resolution, and scientific applications. Prereq., ASEN 5090. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-6091 (3) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver Architecture

Investigates the overall architecture of satellite navigation receivers: including both the analog radio frequency conditioning (antenna to the analog-to-digital converter) and the various signal processing algorithms. Such treatment of the operation of the receiver will provide insight into the trade-offs that go into GNSS as well as the more broad generic spread spectrum receiver design. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5090. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ASEN-6107 (3) Nonlinear Finite Element Methods

Continuation of ASEN 5007. Covers the formulation and numerical solution of nonlinear static structural problems by finite element methods. Emphasizes the treatment of geometric nonlinearities and structural stability. Prereq., ASEN 5007. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-6139 (3) Logic Synthesis of VLSI Systems

Studies synthesis and optimization of sequential circuits, including retiming transformations and don't care sequences. Gives attention to hardware description languages and their application to finite state systems. Also includes synthesis for testability and performance, algorithms for test generation, formal verification of sequential systems, and synthesis of asynchronous circuits. Prereqs., ECEN 5139 and CSCI 5454.
