
MKTG-3150 (3) Sales Management

Explores the selling task and the essentials of managing the sales force. Includes recruiting, selecting and hiring, training, compensating, supervising, and controlling. Covers sales organization, sales planning, sales forecasting, assigning territories, quotas, and sales analysis. Prereq., BCOR 2400. Restricted to students with 52 hours completed. Formerly MKTG 4150. Prerequisites: Restricted to Business or Advertising majors and 52-180 hours completed.

MKTG-3250 (3) Buyer Behavior

Covers both consumer buying behavior and organizational buying behavior. Consumer behavior topics include needs and motives, personality, perception, learning, attitudes, cultural influence, and contributions of behavioral sciences that lead to understanding consumer decision making and behavior. Explores differences between business and consumer markets, business buying motives, the organizational buying center and roles, and the organizational buying process. Required for marketing majors. Prereq., BCOR 2400. Restricted to students with 52 hours completed. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of BCOR 2050 or 2400. Restricted to Business or ADVT Majors and 52-180 hours completed.

MKTG-3350 (3) Marketing Research

Explores fundamental techniques of data collection and analysis used to solve marketing problems. Specific topics include problem definition, planning an investigation, developing questionnaires, sampling, tabulation, interpreting results, and preparing and presenting a final report. Required for marketing majors. Prereqs., BCOR 1020 and 2400. Restricted to students with 52 hours completed. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of BCOR 1020 and 2050 or 2400. Restricted to Business Majors with 52-180 units completed.

MKTG-3825 (3) Experimental Seminar

Offered irregularly. Provides opportunity for investigation into new frontiers in marketing. Prereq., BCOR 2400. Restricted to BUSN majors with minimum 52 units completed. Prerequisites: Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.

MKTG-4250 (3) Product Strategy

Covers major topics in managing long-term customer relationships that derive from products. Focuses on concepts, analyses, and strategies for existing and new products. Topics include concept development and testing, conjoint analysis, product positioning, brand image measurements and brand management, and product issues in public policy and ethics. Methods of instruction include lectures, case discussions, student group papers and projects, and examinations. Prereqs., MKTG 3250 and 3350. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of MKTG 3250 and 3350. Restricted to Leeds School of Business (BUSN) majors with 52 minimum units required.

MKTG-4300 (3) Pricing and Channels of Distribution

Offered regularly to examine pricing and channel management, the two key components of companys' marketing strategies. Help students to understand the common types of pricing and channel strategies, the rationales behind these strategies. Train students to think analytically in order to apply these strategies. Prereqs., MKTG 3250 and 3350. Restricted to BUSN students with minimum 52 units completed. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses MKTG 3250 and 3350. Restricted to Business majors with minimum 52 units completed.

MKTG-4350 (3) Services Marketing Strategy

Designed for those students interested in working in the service industries. Addresses the distinct needs and problems of service organizations in the area of marketing and service quality. Service organizations (i.e., banks, transportation companies, hotels, hospitals, educational institutions, professional services, etc.) require a distinctive approach to marketing strategy---both in its development and execution. Builds and expands on marketing ideas and how to make them work in service settings. Prereqs., MKTG 3250 and 3350.

MKTG-4500 (3) Advertising Management

Prereqs., MKTG 3250 and 3350. Restricted to students with 52 hours completed.

MKTG-4550 (3) Advertising and Promotion Management

Analyzes advertising and promotion principles and practices from the marketing manager's point of view. Considers the decision to advertise, market analysis as a planning phase of the advertising program, media selection, public relations, sales promotion, promotion budgets, campaigns, evaluation of results, and agency relations. Prereqs., MKTG 3250 and 3350. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite courses of MKTG 3250 and 3350. Restricted to Leeds School of Business (BUSN) majors with 52 minimum units required.

MKTG-4650 (3) Institutional Relationships and Strategy

Focuses on the management of a firm's relationships with other businesses. Addresses business-to-business marketing strategies, relationships with channel members, and strategic alliances/partnerships. Topics include relationship structures, power, conflict, negotiation, industry analysis, selection of business partners, and managing for long-term stability.Prereqs., MKTG 3250 and 3350.

MKTG-4810 (3) Honors Seminar

Social responsibilities of the business executive, business ethics, business-government relations, and business in literature. Open to seniors who have completed at least 30 semester hours of business courses with not less than a 3.30 GPA and have instructor consent. Prereq., BCOR 2400.

MKTG-4820 (3) Special Topics in Marketing

Offered irregularly. Provides opportunity for investigation into new frontiers in marketing.

MKTG-4825 (1-3) Pricing and Channels of Distribution

Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Marketing. Requires prerequisite courses of MKTG 3250 and 3350. Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior). Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite courses of MKTG 3250 and 3350. Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

MKTG-4850 (3) Senior Seminar in Marketing

Capstone marketing course that integrates and further develops what students have learned in other courses. Provides students with the insight and skills necessary to formulate and implement sound socially responsible marketing strategies, product line management strategies, promotional and product/service communication strategies, pricing, and distribution strategies. Prereqs., MKTG 3250, 3350, two additional 4000-level MKTG courses from either MKTG 4250, 4300 or 4550 with the third serving as a co-requisite, and 102 hours completed. Restricted to graduating MKTG majors. Formerly BCOR 4004. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of MKTG 3250 and 3350. Restricted to MKTG Majors with 102 to 180 units completed.

MKTG-4900 (1-6) Independent Study

Intended only for exceptionally well qualified business seniors. Instructor and division chair consent required.

MKTG-6900 (1-3) Independent Study

Requires consent of instructor under whose direction study is taken. Departmental form required.

MKTG-7000 (3) Seminar in Consumer Behavior

Studies the nature and determinants of consumer buying behavior. In-depth investigation of contributions of behavioral sciences (especially psychology, sociology, and cultural anthropology) toward understanding consumer behavior. Influence of demographic factors, motivation, personality, culture, and purchasing behavior. Prereq., instructor consent.

MKTG-7200 (3) Experimental Research Methods in Marketing

Provides a detailed exposure to the design of laboratory/field experiments and quasi-experiments for marketing and consumer research. Emphasizes the choice of design options, data collection methods, statistical analysis, and substantive interpretation of experimental results.

MKTG-7300 (3) Multivariable Methods in Marketing Research

Includes Manova designs, causal models, cluster analysis, discriminant function analysis, factor analysis, and latent structure analysis. Emphasizes computer applications. Prereqs., graduate courses in regression and Manova.

MKTG-7305 (3) Qualitative and Survey Research Methods in Business

Detailed exposure to qualitative and survey research methods in business. Qualitative methods include participant observation, depth interviews, focus-group interviews and ethnography. Survey methods include measurement theory, survey design and sampling, survey implementation, data analysis, and substantive interpretation.

MKTG-7310 (3) Design and Analysis of Experiments in Business

Detailed exposure to experimental research methods for business applications. Emphasizes the choice of design options, data collection methods, statistical analysis, and substantive interpretation of experimental results.

MKTG-7400 (2) Doctoral Seminar: Channels of Distribution

Study of marketing literature in channels of distribution. Includes topics of channel structure, channel power, channel conflict and leadership, physical distribution systems, and regulation.

MKTG-7500 (2) Doctoral Seminar: Promotion

Study of marketing literature dealing with advertising, selling, sales promotion, and sales management. Includes topics of advertising decision models, advertising effects, sales-force performance models, and promotion management.
