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The College of Music has several beautiful performance halls, including the 2,000-seat Macky Auditorium, the 500-seat Grusin Music Hall, the 270-seat Music Theatre and the 120-seat Chamber Hall. The college is located primarily in the Warner Imig Music Building, a large complex of practice rooms, faculty studios, offices, ensemble rehearsal areas, seminar facilities and classrooms. An addition to the east side of the building features a 4,300 square foot rehearsal space with a 35-foot ceiling and acoustical draping. Additional rehearsal and classroom facilities are located in Macky.
The college’s outstanding Howard B. Waltz Music Library is considered to be among the nation’s most comprehensive. The library contains over 150,000 volumes, scores, recordings and periodicals. Computerized facilities are provided for listening to recordings and work stations are available for computer-based reference searching.
The college also features extensive facilities for music technology and electronic music study. The Computer-Assisted Music Laboratories (I and II) are multi-purpose labs designed primarily for classroom instruction. They feature numerous workstations, each with a Musical Instrument Digital Interface, sampling keyboard and a computer. The CRUNCH lab is a fully-featured electronic music project studio. This lab is optimized for computer music research (including live interactive performance systems), as well as sound recording and editing projects and audio/video production. The Class Piano Laboratory is equipped with 12 digital pianos.