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EDUC-2020 (1) Step 1: Inquiry Approaches to Teaching
Invites science, mathematics and engineering students to explore teaching as a career by providing first-hand experiences teaching science/math lessons in local elementary classrooms. Introduces theory and practice necessary to design and deliver excellent instruction. Master teachers provide ongoing support and feedback. Meets weekly on CU campus (1.5 hours/week) and involves five visits to a local elementary school. Requisites: Restricted to AMEN, ASTR, BCHM, CHEM, EBIO, GEOL, IPHY, MATH, MCDB, PHYS, GEEN, NRSC, A&S Open Option majors, College of Engineering majors, Education minors, EDEL, EDMU, EDEN, EDMA, EDSC, EDSS, EDFR, EDGR, EDLT, EDRU or EDSP majors only.