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CHEM-1113 (4) General Chemistry 1
Lect., rec. Intended for first-semester students whose academic plans require advanced work in chemistry. Subjects: components of matter, stolchiometry, classes of reactions, gases, thermochemistry, atomic structure, electron configuration, chemical bonding, molecular shapes, covalent bonding, organic compounds, intermolecular forces, equilibrium. Department enforced prereqs., one year high school chemistry or CHEM 1021 (min grade C-); high school math through pre-calculus. Not recommended for students with grades below B- in CHEM 1021. Department enforced coreq., CHEM 1114. Not open to engineering students with exception of EPEN majors. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 1111, 1251, 1351, or CHEM 1221/CHEN 1211. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science. Requisites: AMEN, AREN, ASEN, CHEN, CSEN, CVEN, ECEN, EEEN, EVEN, MCEN, OPEN or CBEN majors are not allowed to take this class.