Available only through approval of graduate advisor. Subjects arranged to fit the needs of the particular student. Numbered MCEN 5848--5898. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students only.
Provides opportunities for independent study and research at the Masters level. Students work on research project guided by faculty. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Incorporates biochemistry, pharmaceutical science, and engineering for application in the pharmaceutical industry. Emphasizes microscale mechanisms affecting drug delivery, bioavailability, and stability. Specific topics include thermodynamics of macromolecular conformational stability, crystallization kinetics, interfacial phenomena, and industrial protein folding. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Provides opportunities for independent study at the master's level. Requisites: Restricted to Computer Science (CSEN) graduate students only or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.
Explores commonly used research methods including analytical, agreement, descriptive, and relational methods; experimental design including incorporation, nesting, blocking, and controlling; threats to the internal and external validity of research. Sampling procedures and considerations, measurement validity and reliability, and managing the research study are also reviewed. Same as TLEN 5750. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of EMEN 5005 or APPM 4570 or APPM 5570 (minimum grade C+). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) or graduate students only.
Examines interdisciplinary field of human-computer interaction through a comprehensive content and historical survey. Considers new trajectories of inquiry and how the field merges with others. "Social computing" is emphasized as a central topic. Students across disciplines will find the course foundational for understanding human-centered technology matters, including computer scientists; social scientists; and business and media arts students. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree (CSEN) majors only.
Focuses on the fundamental tools necessary to address sustainable community development projects in low-income communities (LICs). Topics include: human development, sustainable development, and presentation of an integrative and participatory framework for development projects in LICs. The framework consists of a combination of development and engineering project management tools. Framework is illustrated through case studies and student-driven team projects. Requisites: Restricted to students with EDC Sub-Plan.
Studies recent advances in human-computer interaction through critical analysis of influential papers and self-guided research. Examines new paradigms in input, output, and visualization for technology design and interaction. Considers innovative methods to assess various population design and technological needs. Studies in computer-related fields, social science, business, media arts, and communications benefit learning about human-centered computing research. Recommended prereq., CSCI 5919.
Covers the principles, practices and strategies of appropriate technology as part of an integrated and systems approach to community-based development. Course content areas include technical issues in development, environmental health and communicable disease, appropriate and sustainable technologies with hands-on workshops, and global cooperation in development. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of CVEN 5919 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to students with EDC Sub-Plan.
Provides a supervised in-field practicum experience in which the student applies theories and concepts learned in Sustainable Community Development I and II (CVEN 5919 and 5929). Department enforced prereqs., CVEN 5919 and 5929 or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to students with EDC Sub-Plan.
Grants credit to foreign visiting graduate students for conducting research within the Aerospace Engineering Sciences department. Credits can be transferred to the student's home institution. CU-Boulder students may also receive credit for conducting research outside of the university, either overseas or in the US. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Studies the fundamentals behind effective hygiene and remediation processes and engineering solutions developed/designed for specific international problems. Approaches to hygiene, clean water and sanitation in lesser industrialized countries often demand alternative solutions to those developed for industrialized societies. This course explores issues and solutions developed to tackle these problems. Recommended prereqs., CVEN 3424 and CVEN 3414. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Explores the fundamentals of simulating/analyzing civil and architectural environments with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. Run with two parallel sessions: fundamentals and applications, with fundamental lectures presenting the principles of CFD technologies, and application sessions demonstrating the application of CFD for resolving building and environmental engineering problems (different than MCEN/ASEN) with hands-on exercises. Recommended prereqs., AREN 2120 and APPM 2360. Same as AREN 4990. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Instructs new Ph.D students in Computer Science how to obtain a Ph.D and how to become an effective member of the computer science research community. Makes students aware of formal requirements, educational objectives, and research themes. Provides evaluative criteria and guidelines for all objectives to be achieved. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Provides an introduction to reacting flows and combustion. Covers chemical kinetics, including global and detailed mechanisms, and the variable density flow equations are derived. Relevant non-dimensional parameters and limiting behaviors are discussed. The Rankine-Hugoniot relations are presented and various aspects of diffusion, kinetically dominated, and balanced combustion are outlined. Flame structures are discussed, including laminar and turbulent flames, and the Burke-Schumann solution is outlined. The turbulent forms of the motion equations are derived, and the reactive scalar transport equation and mixture fraction variable are presented. The flamelet progress variable approach is outlined, including a comparison of steady and unsteady flamelet models. Specific topics in spray combustion, triple flames, solid-gas reactors, and detonations are discussed. Same as MCEN 6001. Requisites: Restricted to Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering-Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) students.
Provides an introduction to reacting flows and combustion. Covers chemical kinetics, including global and detailed mechanisms, and the variable density flow equations are derived. Relevant non-dimensional parameters and limiting behaviors are discussed. The Rankine-Hugoniot relations are presented and various aspects of diffusion, kinetically dominated, and balanced combustion are outlined. Flame structures are discussed, including laminar and turbulent flames, and the Burke-Schumann solution is outlined. The turbulent forms of the motion equations are derived, and the reactive scalar transport equation and mixture fraction variable are presented. The flamelet progress variable approach is outlined, including a comparison of steady and unsteady flamelet models. Specific topics in spray combustion, triple flames, solid-gas reactors, and detonations are discussed. Same as ASEN 6001. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MCEN 5021 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science graduate students or BS/MS Concurrent Degree Students only.
Exploration of principles and methods related to the design and construction of trajectories for interplanetary mission design. Some topics covered include: two-and three-body motion, gravity assists, maneuver computation, navigation, numerical integration, and construction of orbits. The main focus is on simple ballistic mission designs, such as Galileo or Cassini, however, libration point trajectories will also be covered. Recommended prereq., ASEN 5050 or equivalent or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering (ENGR) graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree (C-ASEN) majors only.