Introduces elementary education students to art education. Introduces many visual art techniques, art media, and processes used in art education. The class includes hands-on studio art experiences in a format that supports subjects such as literature, writing, music, and social studies. Emphasizes the role of art education and materials in supporting the artistic development and visual literacy of children. Department enforced prereq., completion of 30 hours of course work. Requisites: Restricted to School of Education (EDUC) undergraduates only
Develops students' competencies as community leaders working for a just and sustainable world. Under the supervision of an instructor and a community supervisor, students learn organizational leadership skills by serving as volunteer staff members at community-based organizations. Recommended requisite, admission into INVST CLP. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
Develops students' competencies as community leaders working for a just and sustainable world. Under the supervision of an instructor and a community supervisor, students learn organizational leadership skills by serving as volunteer staff members at community-based organizations. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
Integrates leadership topics and experiences students pursued through the Leadership Studies Minor. Using advanced critical thinking skills, the seminar requires students to evidence their knowledge, competencies and skills related to leadership theory and practice through examining contemporary leadership challenges. Further, the seminar directs students to justify decision-making processes, demonstrating their ability to synthesize prior knowledge to effect desirable, ethical outcomes. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of LEAD 1000 or LDSP 1000 or PRLC 1810 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Comparatively studies education in other countries, emphasizing its role in developing nations, with an emphasis on successful models in basic literacy, primary education, secondary curriculum, and teacher education. Analyzes political, social, and economic policies and ideologies for their relevance to the development process, including the role of international organizations: World Bank, UNICEF, UNESCO, Peace corps and Volunteer Agencies. Same as EDUC 5015.
Focuses on teaching culturally and linguistically diverse students, special education students, and differentiation in the classroom. Emphasizes evidence-based teaching practices and programmatic interventions that support student learning. Includes practicum. Credit not granted for this course and EDUC 4351. Requisites: Restricted to EDEN, EDFR, EDGR, EDIT, EDJP, EDLT, EDMA, EDMU, EDSC, EDRU, EDSP, EDSS or MMED majors only.
Explores current theories of learning in mathematics and science at the secondary level. This course focuses on learners' opportunities to learn mathematics and science in a classroom context from the perspective of different theoretical orientations. Students examine their own assumptions about learning, and critically examine the needs of a diverse student population in the classroom. Requisites: Restricted to AMEN, ASTR, BCHM, CHEM, EBIO, GEOL, IPHY, MATH, MCDB, PHYS, GEEN, NRSC, Arts and Sciences Open Option majors, College of Engineering majors, or Education minors only.
Students design and implement instructional activities informed by what it means to know and learn mathematics and science, and then evaluate the outcomes of those activities on the basis of classroom artifacts. Students examine how content and pedagogy combine to make effective teaching. Students are required to work in a classroom 4 hours per week. Same as EDUC 5060. Requisites: Restricted to School of Education (EDUC), Mathematics-Secondary Education (EDMA) or Science-Secondary Education (EDSC) majors only.
Analyzes fundamental psychological concepts important to understanding adolescent growth and development in and out of school. Includes service learning requirement. Same as PSYC 4114. Requisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) only.
Presents and discusses issues in secondary school curriculum, instruction, and classroom management as they play out in world language classroom. Examines, analyzes, and evaluates a variety of teaching strategies, their effectiveness for students, and teacher dispositions to facilitate learning. Includes in-school experiences. Requisites: Restricted to EDEN, EDFR, EDGR, EDIT, EDJP, EDLT, EDMA, EDMU, EDSC, EDRU, EDSP, EDSS or MMED majors only.
Examines the questions of "who I am", "where I come from", "what I might become" and "what I am called to do" in order to remember as well as make sense of our lives. Introduces and discusses narrative theory and selected memoirs. Students engage in reflection on their own narrative, and evaluate their practical and analytic understanding of narrative practice. EDUC 4135 and 5135 are the same course.
Addresses reading and evaluation of books, children's, interests, authors and illustrators, folk literature, multicultural literature, modern fanciful tales, and trends.
Focuses on the nature of linguistic development and performance. Examines works that reflect a range of scholarly approaches to language study, explores language use both in and out of school, takes up the relationships between language practices and power, and considers implications for classroom teaching. Same as EDUC 5222.
Explores the relationship between language and learning with the goal of developing teaching practices that engage students in using language as a tool for understanding and constructing meaning across the curriculum. Explores how language/literacy take on different forms and functions in different social contexts and academic disciplines. Same as EDUC 5235. Requisites: Restricted to undergraduate Science-Secondary Education (EDSC) or Mathematics-Secondary Education (EDMA) majors only.
Examines ways in which adolescents develop literacy through reading, writing, speaking, viewing, and listening. Students learn to plan and organize literacy instruction based on ongoing assessment, to draw on and develop learner's linguistic skills related to reading, to support learner's reading comprehension skills, and to support their learning through oral language development. Department enforced coreq., EDUC 5325. Requisites: Restricted to undergraduate English - Secondary Education (EDEN) or English - Secondary Education (EDSS) majors only.
Exposes students to current issues in the political economy of development. Subjects range from globalization, democratization, and economic development. Specifically, the course explores the international and domestic determinants of economic development with special reference to currency markets, foreign direct investment, trade, and democratization. Recommended prereq., one upper-division PSCI course. Same as PSCI 4732. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: contemporary societies. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of PSCI 2012 or IAFS 1000 and ECON 2010 and 2020 (all minimum grade D-).
Focuses on teaching children's literature in elementary schools & youth organizations. Participants will understand theoretical and developmental processes associated with literary learning, methods for teaching literature in a diverse society, and the integration of classroom instruction with the Colorado Academic Content Standards that foster such processes.
Explores contemporary ideas and issues in the history, philosophy, and sociology of science education and science, science as a social and cultural activity,and how contemporary issues in science relate to and impact educational practice. Same as EDUC 5315.
Considers historical and ongoing controversies concerning the nature of "English" as an academic field of study and of "English Language arts" as a school subject. Integrates understandings of subject-matter specialization, of approaches to teaching this contested subject, and of the diverse learners that teachers seek to prepare for 21st century literacies. EDUC 4318 and 5318 are the same course.
Participants will engage theories and processes of literacy learning, reading development, and equity-oriented teaching. Students will learn, develop, and enact instructional strategies and lessons to support all students' successful participation in a range of print and multimodal literacy practices embedded in reading instruction in elementary classrooms. Requisites: Requires corequisite course of EDUC 4321. Restricted to Elementary Education (EDEL) majors only.
Participants will engage theories and processes of literacy learning, writing development, and equity-oriented teaching. Students will learn, develop, and enact instructional strategies and lessons to support all students' successful participation in a range of multimodal literacy practices embedded in writing instruction in elementary classrooms. Requisites: Requires corequisite course of EDUC 4320. Restricted to Elementary Education (EDEL) majors only.
Prepares teacher education candidates for teaching social studies in a social justice and equity context. Participants will understand theoretical and developmental processes associated with social studies learning, culturally responsive teaching pedagogy in social studies, methods for teaching social studies in a diverse society, and the integration of classroom instruction with the Colorado Academic Content Standards. Requisites: Requires corequisite courses of EDUC 5215 and EDUC 4341. Restricted to Elementary Education (EDEL) majors only.
Builds on knowledge and teaching practices introduced in EDUC 4320. Addresses five critical components of reading. Refines understanding of research-based practices for diagnostic assessments and intervention, and teaching strategies for elementary age learners. Prepares candidates to deliver a comprehensive reading curriculum in the elementary grades. Department enforced prereq., EDUC 4320. Requisites: Requires corequisite courses of EDUC 5215 and EDUC 4331. Restricted to Elementary Education (EDEL) majors only.
Fosters understandings of diverse students' writing processes and the development of a repertoire of research-based teaching practices. Emphasizes writing as a tool for both developing and communicating understandings across a range of settings. Same as EDUC 5345. Requisites: Restricted to undergraduate English - Secondary Education (EDEN) or English - Secondary Education (EDSS) majors only.
Focuses on differentiating instruction for elementary school students including culturally and linguistically diverse students and children requiring special education services. Includes hands-on experiences in elementary school settings. Credit not granted for this course and EDUC 4023. Requisites: Requires corequisite course of EDUC 5205. Restricted to Music (EDMU) Education majors or Elementary (EDEL) majors only.