Faculty: Computer Science
On This Page:
Name | Title | Education |
ANDERSON, Kenneth M. | associate professor |
BS, MS, PhD, University of California, Irvine |
BENNETT, John K. | professor |
BSEE, MEE, Rice University; MS, PhD, University of Washington |
BLACK, John R. | associate professor |
BS, California State University, Hayward; PhD, University of California, Davis |
BRADLEY, Elizabeth | professor |
BS, MS, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
BROWN, Timothy X. | associate professor |
BS, Pennsylvania State University; PhD, California Institute of Technology |
BYRD, Richard H. | professor emeritus |
BA, MA, PhD, Rice University |
CAI , Xiao-Chuan | professor |
BS, Peking University; MS, PhD, New York University |
CERNY, Pavol | assistant professor |
PhD, University of Pennsylvania |
CHANG, Bor-Yuh Evan | assistant professor |
BS, Carnegie Mellon University; MS, PhD, University of California, Berkeley |
CLAUSET, Aaron | assistant professor |
BS, Haverford College; PhD, University of New Mexico |
COLUNGA, Eliana | assistant professor |
BS, MSc, El Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey; PhD, Indiana University |
CORRELL, Nikolaus J. | assistant professor |
MS, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich; PhD, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne |
DOWELL, Robin D. | assistant professor |
BS, Texas A&M University; DSc, Washington University in St. Louis |
EHRENFEUCHT, Andrzej | distinguished professor |
MA, University of Warsaw, Poland; PhD, Mathematical Institute of P.A.N., Warsaw |
EISENBERG , Michael A. | professor |
BA, Columbia University; MS, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
ELLIS, Clarence A. | professor emeritus | |
FISCHER, Gerhard | professor emeritus |
MS, University of Heidelberg; PhD, University of Hamburg |
FOSDICK, Lloyd D. | professor emeritus | |
FREW, Eric | associate professor |
BS, Cornell University; MS, PhD, Stanford University |
GOLDBERG, Debra S. | assistant professor |
BS, Yale University; MS, University of Denver; MS, PhD, Cornell University |
GRUNWALD, Dirk C. | associate chair; professor |
BS, MS, PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
HAN, Richard Y. | associate professor |
BS, Stanford University; MS, PhD, University of California, Berkeley |
HOENIGMAN, Rhonda | instructor |
BS, Ohio University; MS, San Diego University; PhD, University of Colorado Boulder |
HUNTER, Lawrence | professor |
BS, MS, PhD, Yale University |
JESSUP, Elizabeth R. | professor |
BA, Williams College; MS, MPhil, PhD, Yale University |
KELLER, Eric | assistant professor |
PhD, Princeton University |
KING, Roger A. | professor |
AB, Occidental College; MS, PhD, University of Southern California |
KNIGHT, Robin D. | associate professor |
BS, University of Otago, New Zealand; PhD, Princeton University |
LEWIS, Clayton H. | professor |
AB, Princeton University; MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; PhD, University of Michigan |
LV, Qin | assistant professor |
BE, Tsinghua University; MA, PhD, Princeton University |
MAIN, Michael G. | professor emeritus |
BS, MS, PhD, Washington State University |
MARTIN, James H. | department chair; professor |
BS, Columbia University; PhD, University of California, Berkeley |
McBRYAN, Oliver | professor emeritus | |
MISHRA, Shivakant | associate professor |
BTech, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay; MS, Southern Illinois University; PhD, University of Arizona |
MOZER, Michael C. | professor |
BS, Brown University; MA, PhD, University of California, San Diego |
NUTT, Gary J. | professor emeritus | |
PALEN, Leysia A. | associate professor |
BS, University of California, San Diego; MS, PhD, University of California, Irvine |
PALMER, Martha S. | professor |
BA, MA, University of Texas; PhD, University of Edinburgh |
REPENNING, Alexander | research professor |
BS, Engineering College, Brugg-Windish, Switzerland; MS, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder |
SANDERS, Bruce W. | senior instructor emeritus | |
SANKARANARAYANAN, Sriram | assistant professor |
BTech, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur; MS, PhD, Stanford University |
SCHNABEL, Robert B. | professor emeritus | |
SICKER, Douglas C. | professor |
BS, MS, PhD, University of Pittsburgh |
STAFFORD, Judith | associate chair; senior instructor |
BA, MS, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder |
SUMNER, Tamara R. | associate professor |
BA, BS, University of California, Santa Cruz; MS, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder |
TUFO, Henry M. | professor |
BS, Duke University; MS, University of Vermont; MS, PhD, Brown University |
WAITE, William M. | professor emeritus | |
WARD, Wayne H. | research professor |
BA, Rice University; MS, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder |
WHITE, Elizabeth | instructor |
BA, MS, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder |
WINKLMANN, Karl A. | senior instructor emeritus |