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About the Course Descriptions

The courses listed here are offered on the Boulder campus during the 2014–15 academic year. This listing does not constitute a guarantee that any particular course will be offered during this year. Consult specific programs and major requirements within each school and college for more information. Also see the online Schedule Planner for details about course offerings.

Course Numbering

Always consult specific departments and programs within schools and colleges for restrictions, requirements, and prerequisites.

  • 1000–2000 courses are usually intended for lower-division students (freshmen and sophomores).
  • 3000–4000 courses are intended for upper-division students (juniors and seniors), and may require instructor’s consent. Consult the program or department for other restrictions.
  • 5000-level courses usually require graduate-student status, but may be open to qualified undergraduates with instructor consent. Consult the program or department.
  • Courses at the 6000, 7000, and 8000 level are usually open only to graduate students. Consult the program or department for restrictions.


CE/SL—civic engagement/service learning component