
NRLN-2000 (3) Ways of Knowing: Constructions of Knowledge in the Academy and Beyond

Explores different ways of knowing from interdisciplinary, cross-cultural perspectives. Course begins with personal interrogations of students' primary learning modes. It goes on to examine cultural assumptions about schooling, learning and knowledge, juxtaposing western and eastern philosophies of knowing and looking at how gender, race, class, and other categories of identity shape and interpret concepts of knowledge. Restricted to Norlin Scholars only; department consent required. Same as ARSC 2000. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: ideals and values.

NRLN-3000 (1-3) Norlin Scholars Special Topics

Provides students a small, interdisciplinary seminar experience focusing on critical reading and writing,discussion, and experiential and practical learning. Students will apply their disciplinary knowledge and personal experiences to course content. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours provided the topics are different. Restricted to Norlin Scholars only; department consent required.

NRLN-3020 (3) Topics in Writing: Norlin Scholars

Focuses on reading, analysis, and writing about major ideas and events. Emphasizes close, careful reading, thoughtful analysis, and student writing. Provides a high-level academic course that enhances reading, writing, and thinking skills. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as WRTG 3020. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: written communication.

NRLN-3500 (3) Constructions of Knowledge in the Fields

Required for Norlin Scholars, this is an upper division course exploring the relationship between the scholar citizen and the chosen field. Investigates the concept of vocation and the epistemologies, pedagogies, rhetorics, technologies, ethics, cultures and prevailing narratives of students' major fields and career paths. A range of co-curricular activities augment the classroom learning. Restricted to Norlin Scholars only; department consent required. Prereq., NRLN 2000.