Special Certificates

Certificate Program


Engineering Entrepreneurship Certificate 

This certificate is offered in partnership with the nationally renowned Deming Center for Entrepreneurship in Colorado. It provides the student with the essential knowledge, understanding, and skills to successfully practice entrepreneurship in a start-up venture or within a larger corporation (intrepreneurship). The focus is on how to launch, lead, and manage a viable business starting with concept validation to commercialization and business formation. The program culminates with the development of a business plan for a project that the student chooses and then pitches to business community leaders and venture capitalists.

  • EMEN 5050 Leadership or EMEN 5020 Finance and Accounting for Engineering Managers
  • EMEN 5710 Business Simulation
  • EMEN 5090 High-Technology Marketing
  • EMEN 5825 Business Plan Development

More information is available at emp.colorado.edu/certificates.

Graduate Certificate in Engineering for Developing Communities


This graduate-level certificate is designed for students who plan to work in the field of international development or humanitarian assistance/disaster relief. Students learn an integrated and participatory approach to working in developing communities that includes topics such as appropriate technology, public health, social entrepreneurship, policy and governance, gender, and household security. Upon completion of the certificate students will understand human development indicators and sustainable development issues, will be experienced in the application of various analytical frameworks and tools for community development work, and will have complemented their classroom education with practical experience through a professional consulting assignment for an organization working in a developing community.  

For more information, see engineering.colorado.edu/academics.

Engineering Leadership Certificate

The College of Engineering and Applied Science offers students an opportunity to pursue leadership course work and experiences that will prepare them to be future leaders. Through the Engineering Leadership Program, engineering undergraduates with strong leadership skills and experience can distinguish themselves by obtaining an Engineering Leadership Certificate upon graduation.

To obtain the Engineering Leadership Certificate at graduation, a student must demonstrate leadership through academics as well as practical experience as a leader in team-based projects. Students also must demonstrate strong written and verbal communication skills through interaction with a mentor and production of a portfolio of leadership experiences. See engineering.colorado.edu/Leadership and engineering.colorado.edu/Leadership/requirements.htm for more information about the Engineering Leadership Program and Certificate.

Engineering, Science, and Society Certificate

The certificate in engineering, science, and society leads students into courses that will help them to become engaged with contemporary issues regarding the promotion, use, and possible risks of engineering and applied science. For more information, see engineering.colorado.edu/academics/ess.htm.

International Engineering Certificate

The purpose of the certificate is to provide engineering students training in language and culture to help them succeed in today’s global marketplace. The college offers certificates in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, and Spanish. After successful completion of courses, students may complete an internship at a European company or university lab. For more information, see