
BArch, Rice University; MEd, University of Texas

Judith M.

BA, Pacific University; MS, Idaho State University

Certificate Programs

Engineering Leadership Certificate

The College of Engineering and Applied Science offers students an opportunity to pursue leadership course work and experiences that will prepare them to be future leaders. Through the Engineering Leadership Program, engineering undergraduates with strong leadership skills and experience can distinguish themselves by obtaining an Engineering Leadership Certificate upon graduation.

Graduate Degree Programs Overview


The Graduate School of the University of Colorado Boulder offers instruction leading to the following advanced degrees:

Graduate Degrees in Education

Graduate Study

Graduate study in education at the University of Colorado is administered through the Office of Student Services, School of Education, and all inquiries regarding programs should be directed to the following address: Office of Student Services, School of Education, University of Colorado Boulder, 249 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309-0249

Teacher Licensure Program

The School of Education offers course work leading to initial Colorado licensure to undergraduate, postbaccalaureate, and master’s degree students. Colorado requires public school teachers to be licensed by its state department of education. Students who successfully complete all School of Education requirements will be recommended for a Colorado provisional (initial) teaching license, the license issued to all new teachers in Colorado. Licensure requirements vary from state to state and from teaching area to area.


BE, Chongqing University; PhD, University of Minnesota


BA, MA, Catholic University Leuven, Belgium; PhD, Erasmus University, the Netherlands


BS, Monterrey Technologie at Queretaro, Mexico; MS, PhD, University of Texas at Austin

David L.

BS, Penn State University; MM, Northwestern University; PhD, University of Illinois


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