
ESBM-4830 (3) Entrepreneurship Business Planning and Preparation

Work as part of a small team, with the focus on the process of creating a plan from the business concept and model through all of the elements of a professionally written business plan document. Prereqs., ESBM 3700 and 4570. Same as EMEN 4825. Prerequisites: Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.

FNCE-4830 (3) Seminar in Investment Banking

Introduces the student to a career in investment banking and provides specific modeling skills necessary and important during the first phase of such a career. Prereq., BCOR 2200. Recommended prereq., FNCE 3010. Restricted to students with 52 hours completed. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of BCOR 2200. Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.

FNCE-4831 (3) Seminar in Investment Management

The purpose of this course is for students to understand the investment management profession. The course is designed to be a blend of theory and practice. Extends the basic principles of security analysis, asset pricing theory, portfolio construction, and portfolio performance evaluation. Students will apply these principles in determining, over the semester, how to manage the CU investment fund. Prereqs., BCOR 2000, 2300, and FNCE 3010. Prerequisites: Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.

FNCE-4832 (3) Microfinance

In the last two decades, microfinance initiatives have provided the primary worldwide impetus to promote economic independence for the poor (1.4 billion). Microfinance seminar links the financial markets with entrepreneurship to create a platform for building a microfinance institution that facilitates financial inclusion to the poor. The students in a semester long project build a hypothetical financial institution that provides access to credit, saving, insurance and more to a segmented poor population, somewhere in the world including the U.S. Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed. CESR 4010 and FNCE 4832 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.

ACCT-4850 (3) Senior Seminar in Accounting

This seminar examines the nature of accounting theory and practice from perspectives of economics, law, globalization, accounting, ethics, and moral reasoning. This course also explores issues including implications of institutional factors, such as Sarbanes-Oxley, SEC, FASB, IFRS, and capital markets. Prereqs., ACCT 3230, one 4000-level ACCT course. Restricted to 102 hours completed and to graduating senior ACCT majors. Formerly BCOR 4001. Prerequisites: Restricted to Accounting majors with 102-180 units completed.

FNCE-4850 (3) Business Senior Seminar in Finance

Develops analytical and decision making skills necessary to address real-world business finance situations. Topics include financial analysis and forecasting, capital budgeting, valuation, capital structure policy, international finance, and financial ethics. Uses a combination of lecture and cases; team and individual work. Prereqs., ACCT 3220, FNCE 3010, 4030, and 102 hours completed. Restricted to graduating senior FNCE majors. Formerly BCOR 4002. Prerequisites: Restricted to Finance majors with 102 to 180 units completed.

MGMT-4850 (3) Senior Seminar in Management

Covers the issues and challenges of running a firm in a competitive environment. It integrates and builds upon coursework in other functional areas. Discusses principles, frameworks, and techniques that helps understand how to analyze the competitive environment; firm sources of competitive advantage; competitive dynamics; and, specific types of strategies to promote firm performance. Focuses on specific company examples. Prereqs., BCOR 2300, 2500, MGMT 3030. Restricted to students with 102-180 units completed. Formerly MGMT 4000. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 102-180 units completed.

MKTG-4850 (3) Senior Seminar in Marketing

Capstone marketing course that integrates and further develops what students have learned in other courses. Provides students with the insight and skills necessary to formulate and implement sound socially responsible marketing strategies, product line management strategies, promotional and product/service communication strategies, pricing, and distribution strategies. Prereqs., MKTG 3250, 3350, two additional 4000-level MKTG courses from either MKTG 4250, 4300 or 4550 with the third serving as a co-requisite, and 102 hours completed. Restricted to graduating MKTG majors. Formerly BCOR 4004. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of MKTG 3250 and 3350. Restricted to MKTG Majors with 102 to 180 units completed.

ACCT-4900 (1-3) Independent Study

Requires prior consent of dean and instructor under whose direction study is taken. Intended only for exceptionally well-qualified business seniors. Departmental form required.

ESBM-4900 (1-3) Projects in Entrepreneurial Companies

Complete projects in preselected entrepreneurial companies. Prereq., instructor consent.

FNCE-4900 (1-6) Independent Study

Intended only for exceptionally well qualified business seniors. Prereq., prior consent of dean andinstructor under whose direction study is taken, and departmental form.

INBU-4900 (1-12) Independent Study

Prereq., instructor consent. Departmental form required.

MGMT-4900 (1-3) Independent Study

Intended only for exceptionally well qualified business seniors. Departmental form required. Prereq., dean and instructor consent.

MKTG-4900 (1-6) Independent Study

Intended only for exceptionally well qualified business seniors. Instructor and division chair consent required.

REAL-4900 (1-3) Independent Study

Intended for exceptionally well-qualified business seniors who desire to study an advanced topic. Must be in Real Estate Certificate Program. Prereq., dean and instructor consent.

BADM-4910 (2) VITA-Volunteer Tax Assistance

Offers students the opportunity to gain professional work experience in an accounting position while still in school. Provides academically relevant work experience that complements students' studies and enhances their career potential. Prereqs., BCOR 2000 and department consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.

MGMT-4910 (1-3) Academic Internship in Management

Offers students the opportunity to gain professional work experience in a management position while still in school. Provides academically relevant work experience that complements students' studies and enhances their career potential. Includes 100 hours per credit and a course paper. Instructor consent is required. Pass/Fail grading only. Restricted to students with 52-180 units completed. Prereq., BCOR 2500. Formerly SYST 4910, OPIM 4910. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 52-180 units completed.

BSLW-5120 (3) Advanced Business Law

Restricted to Accounting, Finance/Accounting, Information Systems/Accounting, Systems/Accounting Concurrent Degree students or Accounting, Accounting-Taxation or Business Administration graduate students only. Same as BSLW 4120. Prerequisites: Restricted to Accounting, Finance/Accounting, Information Systems/Accounting, Systems/Accounting Concurrent Degree students or Accounting, Accounting/Taxation or Business Administration graduate students only.

MGMT-5120 (3) Managing Business Processes

Covers the concepts and tools to design and manage business processes. Emphasizes modeling an analysis, information technology support for process activities, and management of process flows. Graphical simulation software is used to create dynamic models of business processes and predict the effect of changes. Prepares students for a strong management or consulting career path in business processes. MGMT 4120 is restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed. Prereq., BCOR 2500. MGMT 4120 and 5120 are the same course. Formerly SYST 4060, OPIM 4060. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MGMT-5230 (3) Design of Usable Business Systems

Focuses on the usefulness and usability of systems in organizations. Examines the bottom line implications of information systems and how to create systems that are easy to use for all potential users. Creative and critical thinking to design and build systems are stressed through individual and team exercises. MGMT 4230 is restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed. Prereq., BCOR 2500. MGMT 4230 and 5230 are the same course. Formerly SYST 4510, OPIM 4510. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ACCT-5240 (3) Advanced Financial Accounting

Examines advanced financial accounting theory and practice, emphasizing U.S. and international accounting for business combinations, consolidated financial statements, and accounting for partnerships. Prereq., ACCT 3230. Restricted to Accounting, Finance/Accounting, Information Systems/Accounting, Systems/Accounting Concurrent Degree students or Accounting, Accounting/Taxation or Business Administration graduate students only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Accounting, Finance/Accounting, Information Systems/Accounting, Systems/Accounting Concurrent Degree students or Accounting, Accounting/Taxation or Business Administration graduate students only.

ACCT-5250 (3) Financial Statement Analysis

Restricted to Accounting, Finance/Accounting, Information Systems/Accounting, Systems/Accounting Concurrent Degree students or Accounting, Accounting/Taxation or Business Administration graduate students only. Prereq., ACCT 3220. Same as ACCT 4250. Prerequisites: Restricted to Accounting, Finance/Accounting, Information Systems/Accounting, Systems/Accounting Concurrent Degree students or Accounting, Accounting/Taxation or Business Administration graduate students only.

ACCT-5330 (3) Advanced Cost Management

Critically analyzes advanced topics in cost management. Uses cases and current readings. Prereq., ACCT 3320. Restricted to Accounting, Finance/Accounting, Information Systems/Accounting, Systems/Accounting Concurrent Degree students or Accounting, Accounting/Taxation or Business Administration graduate students only. Prerequisites: Restricted to Accounting, Finance/Accounting, Information Systems/Accounting, Systems/Accounting Concurrent Degree students or Accounting, Accounting/Taxation or Business Administration graduate students only.
