
CVEN-5161 (3) Advanced Mechanics of Materials I

Covers 3-D stress and strain, failure theories, torsion of open and noncircular sections, thick-wall pressure vessels, non-symmetric bending, shell in thin-walled sections, stability of frames and beam-column behavior. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCEN-5161 (3) Aerosols

Introduces atmospheric aerosols and properties of their distributions, followed by fundamental descriptions of single particle dynamics, thermodynamics, nucleation, coagulation, mass transfer and populations dynamics. During the second half of the course, the focus will shift to sources and sinks of atmospheric aerosols, their impacts on atmospheric chemistry and radiation, and the impacts of these processes on air quality and climate. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCEN-5164 (3) Fracture

Focuses on basic mechanisms controlling fracture in brittle materials, reduction of capacity for plastic deformation in engineering materials used at high-strength levels, and selection of materials in terms of toughness as well as strength. Prereq., MCEN 4124 and 5044, or equivalent.

ECEN-5166 (3) Guided Wave Optics

Builds up the concepts necessary to understand guided wave optical systems. Topics include slab wave-guides, semiconductor lasers, fiber optics, and integrated optics. Prereqs., ECEN 4645 or 5645, and ECEN 5156.

MCEN-5166 (3) Electronics Packaging and Manufacturing

To provide basic knowledge of the technologies and processes required for the packaging and manufacturing of electronic products. Topics covered include wafer fabrication, different levels of packaging, thermal management, life cycle engineering, printed wiring board assembly processes, and process control. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

ASEN-5168 (3) Remote Sensing Instrumentation Design

Reviews and makes a detailed analysis of satellite instrumentation techniques and systems to understand the components, limitations, and overall capabilities. Emphasis on optical systems with in-depth treatment of conventional radiometry. Introduces both passive and microwave methods. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

MCEN-5173 (3) Finite Element Analysis

Same as MCEN 4173. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5174 (3) Failure of Engineering Materials

Same as MCEN 4174. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

MCEN-5183 (3) Mechanics of Composite Materials

Same as MCEN 4183. Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering Concurrent Degree students. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

ASEN-5188 (3) Space Systems Engineering

Develop an understanding and appreciation for the fundamentals and pragmatic principles of systems engineering and their application to space missions. This course establishes a working knowledge of the primary techniques systems engineers use to guide the development of complex systems, including: requirements development, system synthesis, good design practices, system optimization, exception handling, interface management and trade studies. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

TLEN-5190 (3) Standardization and Standards Wars

Examines current issues and strategy in the standardization of telecommunications and information technologies. Covers topics on the importance of standards, government and private sector perspectives, and impact of information age technologies on standards development. Introduces students to relevance of antitrust and intellectual property law to the topic.

CVEN-5206 (3) Design Development

Investigates the interrelationship between design decisions and building costs, and the impact of each major building system and building trade on project budgets and schedules. Gives students the opportunity to prepare technical, marketing, and financial packages for investors as well as regulatory and financial institutions. Culminates with detailed presentations of student-developed project prospectuses. Instructor consent required. Restricted to graduate student Civil Engineering (CVEN) or Civil Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only. Taught intermittently. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate student Civil Engineering (CVEN) or Civil Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

TLEN-5206 (3) International Telecommunication Policy and Best Practices

Addresses networking and telecommunication policy issues faced by countries around the world. Subjects include financing projects, service for underdeveloped/under served areas, managing spectrum effectively, licensing new service providers, and complying with international treaty obligations. Recommended prereqs., TLEN 5010 and 5210. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

MCEN-5208 (1-4) Special Topics

Credit hours and subject matter to be arranged. Numbered MCEN 5208-5298. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering and Applied Science Graduate Students or BS/MS Mechanical Engineering or Concurrent Degree students.

CHEN-5210 (4) Transport Phenomena

Considers continuum mechanics, emphasizing fundamental relationships for fluid mechanics and heat transfer and their applications to engineering problems. Prereq., senior or graduate standing and undergraduate courses in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and differential equations.

TLEN-5210 (2) Principles of Telecommunications Policy

Learn the key issues and principles that guide the decisions of policy makers with respect to the regulatory treatment of voice, video, and data communications. Engage in critical debate, and develop instincts for anticipating the likely regulatory models that may be applied to new technologies. This introductory course covers technical, economic, legal, political, and institutional considerations. Prereq., TLEN 5010. Same as CSCI 4143.

ASEN-5212 (3) Composite Structures and Materials

Develops the macromechanical and micromechanical theory of the elastic behavior and failure of composite laminates. Applies basic theory to a broad range of practical problems including the buckling and vibration of composite plates, columns, and shells. Prereq., senior standing in aerospace or mechanical engineering, or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5215 (3) Descriptive Physical Oceanography

Same as ASEN 4215 and ATOC 5215. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5216 (3) Neural Signals and Functional Brain Imaging

Same as ASEN 4216 and ECEN 5811. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-5216 (3) Applied Construction Financial Management

Interpreting commonly used financial reports in the construction engineering industry sector will be taught. Skills developed in this course will better prepare students to become competent consumers of financial information utilizing the same to influence future results the construction business. Models for financing public and private sector projects will also be explored. Taught intermittently. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ASEN-5218 (3) Large Space Structures Design

Same as ASEN 4218. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CHEN-5220 (3) Mass Transport

Examines fundamentals of mass transport with particular attention to microscopic balances in complex systems, such as those involving multiple components, chemical reaction, simultaneous heat and mass transport, and/or high mass flux. Prereq., CHEN 5210, undergraduate mass transfer, and familiarity with vector and tensor calculus.

ASEN-5222 (3) Materials Science for Composite Manufacturing

Prereqs., ASEN 3112 and 4012 or equivalent, or instructor consent. Same as ASEN 4222. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-5226 (3) Safety and Quality

Comprehensively studies quality and safety in the construction industry. Statistical techniques for quality assurance and control will be reviewed and applied. The course also extensively focuses on advanced safety management issues such as accident causation theory, economic modeling, safety risk quantification and analysis, design for safety, and emerging technologies. Skills developed in this course will prepare graduate students to be effective quality and safety managers or researchers.
