
CESR-4000 (1) Leadership Challenges I: Exercises in Moral Courage

Part one of a year-long course that focuses on values and leadership at the top level of organizations. The course is based on an interactive model that brings in six high-level executives to share their experiences and present critical business dilemmas, to which students prepare solutions for the executives to evaluate. Recommended prereq., BCOR 3010. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

CESR-4001 (2) Leadership Challenges II: Exercises in Moral Courage

Continuation of a year-long course that focuses on values and leadership at the top level of organizations. The course is based on an interactive model that brings in six high-level executives to share their experiences and present critical business dilemmas, to which students prepare solutions for the executives to evaluate. Prereq., CESR 4000. Recommended prereq., BCOR 3010. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).

CESR-4005 (3) Business Solutions for the Developing World: Learning through Service

Provides students with practical knowledge and hands-on experience in developing sustainable business strategies to meet the real-world needs of small business entrepreneurs in developing countries. Student teams work with Peace Corps volunteers and other social entrepreneurs who are addressing social and environmental issues. Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.Prereq., BCOR 3010. Prerequisites: Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.

CESR-4010 (3) Microfinance

In the last two decades, microfinance initiatives have provided the primary worldwide impetus to promote economic independence for the poor (1.4 billion). Microfinance seminar links the financial markets with entrepreneurship to create a platform for building a microfinance institution that facilitates financial inclusion to the poor. The students in a semester long project build a hypothetical financial institution that provides access to credit, saving, insurance and more to a segmented poor population, somewhere in the world including the U.S. Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed. CESR 4010 and FNCE 4832 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.

CESR-4130 (3) Sustainable Operations

Operational sustainability is not just an obligation, as set of strategies or a niche market to explore, but a critical shift in mindset of how businesses function. Sustainable operations examines business strategies in response to environmental and social challenges. The course takes a pragmatic business perspective on improving operations across the supply chain. Grounded in resource efficiency, life-cycle thinking and a dose of investigative skepticism, the course assists students to thoroughly understand the scope of costs, benefits and risks associated with driving businesses toward sustainable operations. Prereqs., BCOR 2500, 3010 and 60 hours completed. MGMT 4130 and CESR 4130 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 60-180 units completed.

CESR-4825 (3) Experimental Seminar

Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Social Responsibility. Prereq., BCOR 3010. Restricted to BUSN majors with minimum 52 units completed. Prerequisites: Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.

CESR-4826 (3) Exp. Sem-Social Entrepreneurship: Designing a Better World

See the future through the eyes of entrepreneurs who are addressing global and social environmental problems such as poverty and deforestation. Can the social ventures they create to solve these problems survive over time and will they achieve the impact they seek? We will meet some of these social entrepreneurs and, in teams, write case studies to tell their stories. Restricted to non-Business majors with 60-180 units completed. CESR 4826 and ESBM 4826 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to non-Business majors with 60-180 units completed.