College of Engineering & Applied Science


EE, Universidad de Republica, Uruguay; MSc, PhD, Technion–Israel Institute of Technology; Post Doc, Stanford University


BS, Seoul University; MS, Dongguk University; PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology

Lucy Y.

BS, MS, PhD, Stanford University

William G.

BS, MS, PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


BSc, MSc, University College Cork, Ireland; PhD, University of California, Berkeley


BS, Stanford University; MS, PhD, Harvard University

Richard T.

BS, Case Western Reserve University; MS, PhD, University of Colorado

Alan R.

BS, University of Texas at El Paso; MS, PhD, California Institute of Technology

Francois G.

MS, ENSIMAG, Grenoble; PhD, INRIA, Rennes

David G.

BS, University of Wyoming; MS, PhD, Stanford University


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