Broadly looks at real estate development including: 1) what is real estate development, its nature and process; 2) the nature and role of the real estate developer; 3) the many aspects and components of real estate development; 4) the basic feasibility and analysis of a real estate development project. The course delivery utilizes a combination of lecture and discussion, guest speakers, project site tours and real estate case analysis and small group presentations. Requisites: Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.
As a critical stakeholder group, consumers have substantial power to shape business behavior. Students will develop an understanding of the roles business can play in society, and the options and limitations that consumers have to influence business by exerting their purchasing power. This class is exclusively for non-business majors and will not count toward the business major or business minor. Requisites: Open to Non Business and Non Sponsored Students.
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Business Administration. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Business Law. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Social Responsibility. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of BASE 2101 and 2102 and 2103 and 2104 and BCOR 3010 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to BUSN majors with 52 or more hours.
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Finance. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of FNCE 3010 and 3030 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in International Business Entrepreneurship. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-86 credits (Junior).
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Management. Requisites: Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Marketing. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of MKTG 3250 and 3350 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior).
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Real Estate. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
See the future through the eyes of entrepreneurs who are addressing global and social environmental problems such as poverty and deforestation. Can the social ventures they create to solve these problems survive over time and will they achieve the impact they seek? We will meet some of these social entrepreneurs and, in teams, write case studies to tell their stories. CESR 4826 and ESBM 4826 are the same course. Requisites: Restricted to non-Business majors with 60-180 units completed.
See the future through the eyes of entrepreneurs who are addressing global and social environmental problems such as poverty and deforestation. Can the social ventures they create to solve these problems survive over time and will they achieve the impact they seek? We will meet some of these social entrepreneurs and, in teams, write case studies to tell their stories. CESR 4826 and ESBM 4826 are the same course. Requisites: Restricted to non-Business majors with 60-180 units completed.
What is the objective of corporate managers? Do they only think about their own benefit? Are they concerned about their shareholders? Are corporate managers concerned about their other stakeholders like employees, customers, and people that live in towns and cities they operate in? Corporate governance addresses the above questions. The objective of the course is to provide the student with a state-of-the-art understanding of corporate governance as it relates to: Corporate board structure, Executive and board compensation, Entrepreneurship and private equity, Corporate social responsibility. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of FNCE 3010 and 3030 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to Business majors with 52-180 units completed.
Explores the growing global trend of companies to measure, disclose and report for socially responsible initiatives. Integrated reporting combines financial, environmental, social and governance information into a single report. Current practices in sustainability and integrated reporting in the US and across the world will be examined/learned through case studies, guest speakers, current literature and projects. Can be taken concurrenlty with BCOR 3010 and ACCT 3220. Same as CESR 4827. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of BCOR 2000 and 2200 or BCOR 2002 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Explores the growing global trend of companies to measure, disclose and report for socially responsible initiatives. Integrated reporting combines financial, environmental, social and governance information into a single report. Current practices in sustainability and integrated reporting in the US and across the world will be examined/learned through case studies, guest speakers, current literature and projects. Can be taken concurrently with BCOR 3010 and ACCT 3220. Same as ACCT 4827. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of BASE 2101 and 2102 and 2103 and 2104 and BCOR 3010 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to BUSN majors with 52 or more hours.
Explores the complexity of corporate boards and the need for values-driven leadership. Students will consider several corporate governance topics including: financial strategy, international challenges, ethics, corporate social responsibility, board composition, compensation, and crisis management. Throughout the course, students will evaluate their own leadership and decision making abilities as they work together in student-run boards to address issues presented in a variety of case studies. Same as MGMT 4828. Requisites: Requires prerequsite courses of BCOR 2300 and 3010 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.
Explores the complexity of corporate boards and the need for values-driven leadership. Students will consider several corporate governance topics including: financial strategy, international challenges, ethics, corporate social responsibility, board composition, compensation, and crisis management. Throughout the course, students will evaluate their own leadership and decision making abilities as they work together in student-run boards to address issues presented in a variety of case studies. Same as CESR 4828. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of BCOR 2300 and 3010 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.
Work as part of a small team, with the focus on the process of creating a plan from the business concept and model through all of the elements of a professionally written business plan document. Same as EMEN 4825. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ESBM 3700 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.
Introduces the student to a career in investment banking and provides specific modeling skills necessary and important during the first phase of such a career. Recommended prereq., FNCE 3010. Requisites: Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.
The purpose of this course is for students to understand the investment management profession. The course is designed to be a blend of theory and practice. Extends the basic principles of security analysis, asset pricing theory, portfolio construction, and portfolio performance evaluation. Students will apply these principles in determining, over the semester, how to manage the CU investment fund. Requisites: Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.
In the last two decades, microfinance initiatives have provided the primary worldwide impetus to promote economic independence for the poor (1.4 billion). Microfinance links the financial markets with entrepreneurship to create a platform that facilitates financial inclusion to the poor. In a semester long project, students build a hypothetical financial institution that provides access to credit, saving, insurance and other services to a segmented poor population. CESR 4010 and FNCE 4832 are the same course. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of BCOR 1010, 1020, 2000, 2200, 2300, 2400, 2500, 3000 and 3010 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 90-180 units completed.