Provides an overview of the role of musical theatre in U.S. culture, emphasizing the 20th century Broadway musical. Formerly EMUS 2842. Requisites: College of Music (MUSC) majors are excluded from this course.
Examines popular music, concentrating on the U.S. after 1950. Considers precursor styles (e.g., blues folk) and contributions to the new rock style; discusses the evolution of rock style from 1960 through the 1990s. Formerly EMUS 2852. Approved for the arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts. Offered spring only. Requisites: College of Music (MUSC) majors are excluded from this course.
Examines the development of filmed musicals from the beginning of sound movies through the Golden Age of Musicals. Emphasizes analysis and relationships of characters, songs, and incidental music. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts. Requisites: College of Music (MUSC) majors are excluded from this course.
Explores, discuss, debate and develop deeper understanding of Heavy Metal. Included are study of musical style characteristics and lyrical content, innovative performers, unifying elements of Heavy Metal culture and the diversity within it, and its role in the larger Rock and societal contexts. Issues of gender, religion, and sexuality in the Heavy Metal construct are also discussed. Requisites: College of Music (MUSC) majors are excluded from this course.
Develop a broad range of tools needed for a professional career in music. Topics include networking, development and use of promotional materials, funding, social media and the internet, and financial management, among others - all taught through an entrepreneurial lens. A range of career opportunities is explored, using the entrepreneurial process to assess and explore a variety of paths and opportunities. Formerly MUSC 4918. Same as MUSC 5918. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Introduces music research tools and basic writing skills to provide information fluency and skills necessary for successful composition of formal music research papers. Applies curricular goals to specific topics of students' choice. May be repeated up to 12 total credit hours. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
For music education majors with choral/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on two or more string instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to string instruction. Offered fall only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) majors or graduate students only.
For music education majors with choral or choral/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on two or more woodwind instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate woodwind instruction. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
For music education majors with choral or choral/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on two or more brass instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate brass instruction. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Introduces the processes, materials, and forms of composition through the writing and performance of short musical works. Open to any student who already has rudimentary musical knowledge. Formerly EMUS 3051. Requisites: College of Music (MUSC) majors are excluded from this course.
Covers issues relating to the craft of musical composition with analysis and writing in various styles. This introductory course is designed for music majors who are not composition majors. Some of the assignments will be read in class. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Develops skills in jazz improvisation through practical application of chord/scale relationship, transcription, repertoire and analysis. Open to all instruments. Recommended prerequisite for non-jazz majors: MUSC 2111. Offered fall only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Continues and expands upon the material presented in MUSC 3061. Reinforcement of ability to create an improvised melody in a range of harmonic contexts including blues, bebop, modal jazz, free jazz, and other styles. Offered spring only. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 3061 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.
Presents the grammar and syntax of jazz. Acquaints the student with the language of jazz improvisation and various jazz styles. The musician's most valuable tool---the ear---is developed through an in-depth analytical study of jazz masters through harmonic dictation/identification. Introduces chord voicing and arranging techniques. Recommended prereq., two years of theory for non-jazz students or MUSC 3071 for jazz majors. Offered spring only. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2102 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) undergraduate students only.
Provides an overview of general music teaching with emphasis on developmentally appropriate strategies and materials. Required for all music education majors as partial fulfillment of course work leading to K-12 music licensure. Offered spring only. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2103 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) undergraduate students only.
For music education majors with instrumental or instrumental/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on three or more woodwind instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate woodwind instruction. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
For music education majors with instrumental or instrumental/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on three or more string instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate string instruction. Offered fall only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) majors or graduate students only.
Introduction to the processes, materials, and equipment used in theatrical production. Lecture and lab requirements. Lab experiences include introductory work in the opera scenery, property, costume, and electrical shops. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) majors or graduate students only.
Introduces conducting and rehearsal techniques. Department enforced coreq., performance participation in the appropriate ensemble (band, choir, or orchestra). Offered fall only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Introduces conducting and rehearsal techniques. Coreq., performance participation in the appropriate ensemble (band, choir, or orchestra). Offered spring only. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 3176 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Provides an overview of vocal anatomy/function, care of the voice, vocal repertoire, teaching strategies,and other specialized topics related to singing instruction in both private studio and public school choral settings. Fall section for instrumentalists; spring section for vocalists. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) majors or graduate students only.
For music education majors with instrumental or instrumental/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on three or more brass instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate brass instruction. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.