Explores the role of dreams in pre-modern Chinese literature from the beginnings in the 2nd millennium B.C.E. to the 19th century. The source texts will range from religious, philosophical, medical and historical writings to poetry to various genres of fictional prose and drama. Taught in English. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Explores the relationship between the worlds of women and the supernatural in Chinese literature, from ancient to modern times. Focuses on selected significant works of classical and vernacular fiction, religious texts, and poetry. Taught in English. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Offers in-depth, critical analysis of key issues in Chinese culture as represented in Chinese film. Focuses on various topics, such as specific directors, regions, representation of gender in Chinese film,historical periods, etc. Varies from year to year. Requires no knowledge of Chinese. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours on different topics. Recommended prereq., CHIN 1051, 2441. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Examines the issues of gender and sexuality in the modern Middle East and North Africa from the colonial period to the present, focusing on how feminist movements, Arab women's writing, and constructions of gender and sexuality have been shaped by local, national and international factors. Same as WMST 3410.
Provides a critical overview of one of the world's largest and most beloved film industries, the popular Hindi cinema produced in Bombay (Mumbai) and consumed around the world under the label "Bollywood". Focus on the post-Independence era to the present, with introduction to key films, directors, stars, genres, formal techniques, and themes, as well as critical analyses of these and other topics. Formerly HIND 2441.
Explores post-1945 Japanese literature through close reading of prose fiction (including SF, mystery, horror, e-novel and cell-phone novel genres), poetry, visual narratives (manga) and critical essays. Texts will be considered in historical and cultural contexts, with attention to their relationship to traditional arts and global trends. Taught in English.
Explores the Ramayana and Mahabharata, two fundamental mythological pillars of Indian society, through literature, comic books, film, television, and political rhetoric as a means of examining major issues of religion, gender, popular culture, and social politics in contemporary India.
Examines fundamental questions of home, nation, identity, ethnicity, and foreignness in the context of the enormous South Asian diaspora. By means of literature, ethnography, and film, the various connotations of diaspora will be explored along with the cultural productions of members of the South Asian diaspora (both Indian and Pakistani).
Provides an overview of a selection of writings by important 20th century Indo-Pakistani authors, which will permit students to get acquainted with Indian literature. Provides insight into the experience of social and political events in the 20th century and the reaction of the government to the critical analysis and portrayal of these events. Taught in English. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.
Surveys the major works and authors of classical Japanese literature, both poetry and prose, from the earliest historical records and literary anthologies through the Heian period (784--1185). Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051. Same as HUMN 3811.
Surveys the major works and authors of medieval Japanese (poetry, prose, and drama) from the Kamakura and Muromachi periods (1185--1600). Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051.
Using both textual and visual sources, the multiple facets of Krishna in Indian religious experience will be explored through poetry and prose, painting and sculpture, music, dance, and drama. Formerly HNDI 3831.
Surveys the major works, authors, and genres of literature from the Tokugawa through Meiji periods in their historical and cultural contexts. Attention is given to various approaches of literary analysis and interpretation. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051.
Surveys the major works, authors, and genres of literature from the late Meiji period and 20th century in their historical and cultural contexts. Attention is given to various approaches of literary analysis and interpretation. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051. Same as HUMN 3841.
Surveys masterpieces of modern Korean literature written by significant Korean/Korean American authors in English. Provides various literary and theoretical frameworks to understand Korean literature within the context of Asian global culture. Covers from colonial period to the present. Taught in English. No prior knowledge of Korea or Korean literature is required.
Focuses on the medieval and modern periods (1200-present), and the languages of North India and Pakistan (Hindi, Urdu, Panjabi). Students engage with English translations of works by Tulsidas, Surdas, Kabir, Mirabai, Nanak, Khusrau, Ghalib, Anis and Iqbal. Recurring themes include issues of authorship and interpretation; religious and aesthetic encounter; and the legacy of these traditions in modern South Asian society and literature. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
Introduces aspects of Japanese popular culture from the early 1990s economic collapse until the present through a variety of artisitic mediums including manga, anime, literature, live-action cinema, video gaming, music, and the visual arts. Taught in English. Requisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors).
Explores the rich history of the imagination of the samurai in Japan, across multiple genres of fiction, poetry, drama, visual art, and cinema, from earliest times to the present. Attention is given to the varied meanings the image of the samurai has held at different historical moments, and to contrasts between the representations of the realities of samurai life. Taught in English.
Explores Japanese horror texts from both the pre-modern and modern eras in a variety of genres, including the monogatari, kaidan, kabuki, contemporary horror fiction, film and anime. Texts will be considered in historical and cultural context with attention being given to interactions with and within popular culture. Taught in English.
Explores the significance of the environment, nature and disaster in Japanese literature and culture through readings in a variety of genres, including fiction, essay, poetry, sci-fi, film and anime. Attention will also be given to environmental/ecological issues, such as conservation, pollution, biodiversity and industrial development. Taught in English.
Explores selected Japanese literary and cultural texts that treat travel and travel writing, including short and long fiction, poetry, memoir, nonfiction, biography and travel commentary. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051.
Deals with syntactic phenomena from five areas of Japanese grammar that cause the most difficulty for learners. Their characteristics are explored in forms and discoursal functions that go beyond the explanations in basic, prescriptive grammars of Japanese. Department enforced prereq., JPNS 3120 or 4120 (min. grade C) or instructor consent.
Issues of Japanese sociolinguistics in areas such as speech varieties, language behaviors and attitudes, linguistic contact and change and language policy. Incorporating critical perspectives of sociolinguistics into analyses of Japanese literature and Japanese language education. Same as JPNS 5050. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of JPNS 3110 (minimum grade C).
Studies language acquisition theories and research on Japanese as a second language (JSL). Covers the issues in JSL from linguistic, cognitive, and sociolinguistic perspectives: orthography, grammar, phonology, and vocabulary in the contexts of teaching and learning JSL. Department enforced prereq., instructor consent. Same as JPNS 5070.