Covers the basic physic of lasers. Topics include basics of optical resonators and gaussian beam propagation, stimulated emission, laser threshold conditions, laser linewidth, q-switching and mode locking of lasers, tuning of Cw lasers, and specifics of various common lasers. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Quantum phenomena, Ehrenfest theorem and relation to classical physics, applications to one-dimensional problems, operator techniques, angular momentum and its representations, bound states and hydrogen atom, and Stern-Gerlack experiment and spin and spinor wave function. Department enforced prereq., advanced undergraduate quantum mechanics course. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Experiments introduce students to realities of the experimental physics so they gain a better understanding of theory and an appreciation of the vast amount of experimental work done in the physical sciences today. One lecture, one lab per week. Department enforced prereqs., PHYS 3330 and PHYS 3220 and PHYS 3320. Department enforced coreq., PHYS 4410. Same as PHYS 4430. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Focuses on the biophysics governing the structure/function of enzymes, cells, extra-cellar matrix, and tissue. Synthesizes ideas from molecular biology, physics, and biochemistry, emphasizing how low Reynolds number physics, not Newtonian physics, is relevant to life inside a cell. Fulfills MCDB scientific reasoning requirement. Recommended prereqs., MCDB 3135 and 3145 and PHYS 2010 and 2020 and CHEM 1133 or 1371 and MATH 1300 and/or CHEM 3311 (minimum grade C-) or instructor consent required. Same as PHYS 4550 and MCDB 4550/5550.
Consists of 13 optics experiments that introduce the techniques and devices essential to modern optics, including characterization of sources, photodetectors, modulators, use of interferometers, spectrometers,and holograms, and experimentation of fiber optics and Fourier optics. Recommended prereq., undergraduate optics course such as PHYS 4510. Same as ECEN 5606.
Focuses on differential geometric techniques in quantum field and string theories. Topics include spinors, Dirac operators, index theorem, anomalies, geometry of superspace, supersymmetric quantum mechanics and field theory, and nonperturbative aspects in field and string theories. Recommended prereqs., MATH 6230 and PHYS 5250 and MATH 6240 and PHYS 7280. Same as MATH 6260.
Advanced seminar studies in geophysical subjects for graduate students. Same as ASTR 6650 and GEOL 6650. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Recommended prereqs., a course in calculus and a course in computer programming (any language). Same as GEOL 6670. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Approved problem in theoretical or experimental physics under the direction of staff members. Intended to introduce the student to procedures in research and development work. Work of an original nature expected. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Continuation of PHYS 5150. Topics vary yearly but include nonlinear effects such as wave coupling, quasilinear relaxation, particle trapping, nonlinear Landau damping, collisionless shocks, solutions; nonneutral plasmas; kinetic theory of waves in a magnetized plasma; anisotropy; inhomogeneity; radiation- ponderomotive force, parametric instabilities, stimulated scattering; plasma optics; kinetic theory, and fluctuation phenomena. Recommended prereq., PHYS 5150. Same as ASTR 7160.
Classical and quantum statistical theory, including study of both equilibrium and nonequilibrium systems. Topics covered include kinetic theory, degenerate gases, macrocanonical and grand canonical ensembles, and irreversible processes. Department enforced prereq., advanced undergraduate quantum mechanics course.
Introduces current research topics in statistical mechanics. Topics vary from year to year and may include phase transitions, critical phenomena, nonequilibrium phenomena, dense fluids, dynamical systems, plasma physics, or quantum statistical mechanics. Recommended prereq., PHYS 7230.
Theory of quantum many body systems, including methods based on Green's functions, Feynman diagrams, and coherent state path integral with applications to interacting quantum gases, superconductivity and superfluidity, quantum phase transitions, quantum magnetism, quantum motion in the presence of disorder, and topological states of matter. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Radiation theory; relativistic wave equations with simple applications; introduction to field theory and second quantization. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.