Detailed examination of scriptures, liturgies, precept codes, and hagiographies of Daoism, China's indigenous organized religion. Focusing on origins and development, ethical teachings, ritual activities and world view. Topics include the relationship of Daoism to popular religion, practice of alchemy and self-cultivation, beliefs concerning death and afterlife, and structure of the Daoist pantheon. Same as CHIN 4750 and RLST 5750. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Covers the fundamentals underlying the design, construction, and use of instrumentation used for astrophysical research ranging from radio-wavelengths to gamma rays. Topics include Fourier transforms and their applications, optical design concepts, incoherent and coherent signal detection, electronics and applications, and signal acquisition and processing. Department enforced requisite, senior level undergraduate physics. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Covers the fundamentals underlying the design, construction, and use of instrumentation used for astrophysical research ranging from radio-wavelengths to gamma rays. Topics include: Fourier transforms and their applications; optical design concepts; incoherent and coherent signal detection; electronics and applications; signal acquisition and processing. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Provides training in the use of structural equation modeling, a class of analytic techniques that include the estimation of unobserved, or latent, constructs and an estimation of relationships among latent constructs. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of PSYC 5741 and PSYC 5751 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to graduate students only.
Provides a graduate-level overview of analytic issues relevant to all phases of archaeological research and of the diversity of theoretical perspectives within the field as a whole. Course is required for all first-year graduate students in anthropology. Requisites: Restricted to Anthropology (ANTH) graduate students only.
Studies the smooth universe, including Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric, Friedmann equations, cosmological parameters, inflation, primordial nucleosynthesis, recombination, and cosmic microwave background. Also studies the lumpy universe, including linear growth of fluctuations, power spectra of CMB and galaxies, dark matter, and large scale flows. Covers galaxy formation and intergalactic medium. Department enforced requisite, senior level undergraduate physics or instructor consent will be required. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Explores the complex interactions of the atmosphere and wind energy generation. Surveys wind turbine designs. Explores planetary boundary layer dynamics, traditional and novel wind measurement methods, forecasting methods, wind turbine and wind far wakes, wind far optimization, sound propagation from wind plants, climate change impacts on wind resources, and the impacts of wind plants on local environments. Same as ATOC 4770.
Analysis of topics in biochemistry including DNA structure and replication, RNA synthesis and processing, protein synthesis, enzyme function and mechanism, and protein structure and dynamics. Intended as a comprehensive treatment of areas central to modern biochemistry for entering graduate students. Lectures concurrent with CHEM 5771 covering the same topics except for the requirement of a written research proposal. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of CHEM 4731 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to graduate students only.
Lect. In-depth analysis of DNA structure and replication, RNA synthesis and processing, protein synthesis, enzyme function and mechanism, protein structure, protein dynamics, and physical chemistry of macromolecules. Intended as a comprehensive treatment of areas central to modern biochemistry for entering graduate students. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of CHEM 4731 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to graduate students only.
Lect. Advanced discussion of topics in scientific ethics, including requirements for responsible conduct of research, case histories of fraud, research misconduct, ethical misconduct, and development of professional values and ethical standards. Same as MCDB 5776. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of CHEM 5771 or 5271 (minimum grade B-). Restricted to graduate students only.
Provides an intense, graduate-level introduction to the discipline of cultural anthropology, with an emphasis upon critically assessing those methods, theories, and works that have shaped the field from the 19th century to the present time. Required of all first-year graduate students in anthropology. Requisites: Restricted to Anthropology (ANTH) graduate students only.
Analysis of topics in biochemistry including protein structure, methods of structure determination and prediction, protein folding, and protein dynamics. Intended as a comprehensive treatment of areas central to modern biochemistry for entering graduate students. Lectures concurrent with CHEM 5781, covering the same topics except for the requirement of a written research proposal. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of CHEM 5770 (minimum grade B-). Restricted to graduate students only.