Department enforced prerequisite courses of APPM 2360 and APPM 3310 or MATH 3130 or MATH 3135 or instructor consent required. Same as APPM 4390. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Considers in detail current research themes in biogeography. Includes intensive reading of current research literature and preparation of research papers. Topics vary. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Focuses on the design of research including constructing empirical arguments and testing them, data gathering, site formation processes, field strategies (archival resources, mapping, field survey, surface collecting/recording, excavation and preliminary analysis) and artifact analysis as it relates to research design.
Covers equations of fluid motion relevant to planetary atmospheres and oceans, as well as stellar atmospheres; effects of rotation and viscosity; and vorticity dynamics, boundary layers, and wave motions. Introduces instability theory, nonlinear equilibration, and computational methods in fluid dynamics. Same as ATOC 5400. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Covers equations of fluid motion relevant to planetary atmospheres and oceans, and stellar atmospheres; effects of rotation and viscosity; and vorticity dynamics, boundary layers, and wave motions. Introduces instability theory, nonlinear equilibration, and computational methods in fluid dynamics. Department enforeced rereq., partial differential equations or equivalent. Same as ASTR 5400. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Introduces thermodynamics, kinetics and spectroscopy, emphasizing macromolecule and biochemical applications. Includes thermodynamics, chemical and physical equilibriums, solution chemistry, rates of chemical and biochemical reactions, chemical bonds and principles and selected examples of spectroscopies applied to biological systems. Formerly CHEM 5411. Same as CHEM 4400. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Examines theories, methods and debates in the emerging field of transgender studies. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives, this course examines transgender identities, communities and political movements in different historical and cultural contexts. Focuses on crosscutting issues that shape transgender subjectivities, with special attention given to how transgender movements negotiate race, class, sexuality, labor, culture and nation. Same as LGBT 4400 and WMST 4400/5400.
Topics within Spanish phonology are treated, as needs and resources dictate. Gives special attention to different schools and contemporary theoretical developments. Representative topics might include generative phonology applied to Spanish, Spanish phonology for college teaching, and different schools of Spanish phonology. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Same as SPAN 7400. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Examines theories, methods and debates in the emerging field of transgender studies. Drawing on interdisciplinary perspectives, this course examines transgender identities, communities and political movements in different historical and cultural contexts. Focuses on crosscutting issues that shape transgender subjectivities, with special attention given to how transgender movements negotiate race, class, sexuality, labor, culture and nation. Same as WMST 4400 and LGBT 4400/5400.
Continuation of the study of expressive and formal aesthetics of Intaglio processes. Studio practice and investigation of artistic attitudes as exemplified through historical perspectives, traditional, and contemporary usages. Building a body of work in this course is the goal. May be repeated up to 18 total credit hours. Taught with ARTS 3403/4403. Requisites: Restricted to Studio Arts or Art History (AASA or AAAH) graduate students only.
Trains students to prepare classroom-ready materials, which are then tested in the students' own classroom. Required of master's candidates (teaching of Latin option). Prereq., fulfillment of the remaining requirements for MA (teaching of Latin) or 27 hours of graduate work in classics. Formerly CLAS 5404. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Involves linear and nonlinear analyses of small-scale waves and instabilities in stratified fluids, with effects of rotation. Studies internal gravity and acoustic waves with terrestrial, planetary, and astrophysical applications. Also studies thermal and double-diffusive convection, homogeneous and stratified shear flow instabilities. Examines these topics from the onset of small amplitude disturbances to their nonlinear development and equilibration. Department enforced prereq., ASTR 5400 or ATOC 5060. Same as ATOC 5410. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Nonlinear waves and instabilities; wave-mean and wave-wave interactions, resonant triads; secondary instability and transition to turbulence; diagnosis, modeling, and parameterization of turbulent flows in geophysics and astrophysics. Department enforced prereq., ASTR 5120 or ATOC 5060 or ATOC 5400. Same as ASTR 5410. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Studies works of early medieval (ca. 200-600 AD) and/or late medieval (600-900) prose that played important role in development of Chinese literature. Writers and topics vary, ranging from surveys of specific genre, literary essays, proto-fiction, or historical writings, to focused studies of major figures Liu Zhiji, Han Yu, or Liu Zongyuan. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Department enforced: knowledge of Classical Chinese at the level of CHIN 4220 is required.
Review of theories and practices of literary translation in their linguistic, historical, cultural, and other contexts. Translation of literary and other works from chosen foreign languages, commentaries, and analyses. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Lect. and lab. Offers a demanding, problems-oriented methods course in statistical inference procedures, assumptions, limitations, and applications emphasizing techniques appropriate to realistic biological problems. Includes data file management using interactive computing techniques. Same as EBIO 4410. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Focuses on major issues, events, movements, and figures prior to World War II. Topics may include the ontology of lyric poetry; Berlin in the 1920s; exiles, their communities, and their writings; women writers from Andreas-Salome to Anna Seghers; topics in German film; and others. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours when topic varies. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Focuses on selected prose works and authors from the medieval, or Kamakura and Muromachi periods (1185-1600). Texts may include selections from a variety of war tales, histories, courtly fiction, diaries, memoirs, short prose narratives (otogi-zoshi), Noh plays, and Buddhist literature such as Heike Monogatari, Towazugatari, Izayoi Nikki, Tsurezuregusa, and Shasekishu. Texts and selections vary from year to year. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Department enforced: knowledge of Classical Japanese at the level of JPNS 4320 is required. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Studies sound systems of language. Introduces both principles of organization of sound systems and major kinds of phonological structures found worldwide. Provides extensive practice in applying phonological principles to data analysis. Department enforced prereq., LING 5030.
Treats topics within Spanish syntax, each requiring a semester's study, as needs and resources dictate. Gives special attention to different schools and contemporary theoretical developments. Representative topics may include generative/transformational grammar applied to Spanish, fundamental problems in Spanish syntax, and different schools of Spanish syntax. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Same as SPAN 7410. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Studies works of early medieval (ca. 200-600 AD) poetry . Writers and topics vary ranging from surveys of specific genre, shi or fu, or shared subject such as religious or commenmorative verse, or specific periods, to focused studies of particular major figures Cao Zhi, Tao Qian, Li Bo, or Du Fu. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Department enforced: knowledge of Classical Chinese at the level of CHIN 4220 is required. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.