Covers atmospheric motion and its underlying mathematical and physical principles. Explores the dynamics of the atmosphere and the mathematical laws governing atmospheric motion. Topics include atmospheric composition and thermodynamics, conservation laws, geostrophic balance, vorticity dynamics, boundary layers, and baroclinic instability. Department enforced prereq., one year of college chemistry and calculus-based physics and math up through differential equations. ATOC graduate core course. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Examines the public policy process, including the influences and actors that shape policy outcomes. Focuses on the major theories, frameworks, and models of policy change, along with emerging scholarship that challenges, refines, and advances the theory. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Issues of Japanese sociolinguistics in areas such as speech varieties, language behaviors and attitudes, linguistic contact and change and language policy. Incorporating critical perspectives of sociolinguistics into analyses of Japanese literature and Japanese language education. Same as JPNS 4050. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Select, design, implement and assess a capstone instructional technology project of significance. Students will work closely with their advisor at each stage of the project and develop an online multimedia portfolio. This course is offered online spring semesters through the School of Continuing Education.
Special topics and methods course in composition theory, research, and pedagogy. Topics vary by semester. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Provides fundamental knowledge of the basic dynamics and chemical composition of the ocean. Department enforeced prereq., one year of college chemistry and calculus-based physics and math up through differential equations. ATOC graduate core course. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Serves as an introduction to the "Frankfurt School" and Critical Theory with particular emphasis upon rationality, social psychology, cultural criticism, and aesthetics. Through close readings of key texts by members of the school (Horkheimer, Benjamin, Adorno, Habermas) we will work toward a critical understanding of the analytical tools they developed and consider their validity. Taught in English. GRMN 4051, 5051 and COML 5051 are the same course. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Serves as an introduction to the "Frankfurt School" and Critical Theory with particular emphasis upon rationality, social psychology, cultural criticism, and aesthetics. Through close readings of key texts by members of the school (Horkheimer, Benjamin, Adorno, Habermas) we will work toward a critical understanding of the analytical tools they developed and consider their validity. Taught in English. GRMN 4051, 5051 and COML 5051 are the same course. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Deals specifically with curation and data management.Topics include acquisition practices and problems; organization, management, use and preventive conservation of collections; and computer data management of collections.
Detailed study of a particular topic in theatre history (e.g., an era, a style, a country, or an organization). Topic specified in the online Schedule Planner. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours on different topics.
Provides the opportunity for choreographic and performative synthesis and experimentation via the execution of a project related to the student's major area of creative research. Project must be approved by the student's first reader. Requisites: Restricted to Dance (DNCE) graduate students only.
Examines practical, pedagogical, philosophical, and legal issues in current dance education. The goals and content of professional and recreational dance training are considered and strategies for effective teaching practice are discussed. Provides practice in practical application of theoretical material. All genres of dance may be utilized. Requisites: Restricted to Dance (DNCE) graduate students only.
Introduces graduate level study of Romantic, Victorian, Modern, and Postmodern writing. Emphasizes a wide range of genres, forms, historical background, and secondary criticism. Cultivates research skills necessary for advanced graduate study. Topics will vary. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as ENGL 5079. Requisites: Restricted to English (ENGL) and English Lit- Creative Writing (CRWR) graduate students only.
The second part of a two-semester sequence designed to introduce graduate students in the social sciences to interdisciplinary theory, concepts, and methods as applied to important social problems. Prereq., ARSC 5050.
Examines large-scale motions in a stratified rotating atmosphere, and quasi-geostrophic flow, barotropic and baroclinic instabilities, cyclogenesis, global circulations, and boundary layer processes. Ageostrophic motions, including Kelvin waves, internal gravity waves, and the theory of frontogenesis are also considered. Department enforced prereq., ATOC 5050, one year of college chemistry and calculus-based physics and math up through differential equations. ATOC graduate core course. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Explores theories of the large-scale ocean, including quasigeostrophic, planetary geostrophic, and shallow water equations. Topics may vary to focus on ocean climate (e.g. thermocline, westward intensification), ocean waves (e.g. gravity, Rossby, and Kelvin), or ocean models (toy, analytic, and numerical). Maybe repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Department enforced prereqs., ATOC 5400 and ATOC 5051 or ATOC 5060. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Lectures in physical inorganic chemistry with an emphasis on topics for understanding modern solar energy conversion to electricity and fuels. Includes a description of bonding and properties of coordination compounds in terms of the ligand field and molecular orbital theories. The primary research literature will be used to motivate exploration of relevant themes including spectroscopy, electron transfer, energy transfer, bioenergetic conversion, and small-molecule activation. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of CHEM 4011 (minimum grade C-) or graduate standing.