Students take part in curatorial procedures of the botany section of the museum: specimen preparation, labeling, identification, cataloguing, conservation, and collection management. Recommended prereq., MUSM 5011. Enrollment is limited; students should make arrangements during previous semester. Same as MUSM 5913.
Students take part in curatorial procedures of the geology section of the museum: field collection, specimen preparation, cataloguing, collection management, and a survey of current laws as they apply to specimens. Recommended prereq., MUSM 5011. Enrollment is limited; students should make arrangements during previous semester. Same as MUSM 5914.
Students take part in basic curatorial procedures of the zoology section of the museum: relaxing, fixing, positioning, preserving, cataloguing, storing, and shipping. Also introduces students to the animal kingdom. Same as MUSM 5915.
Students take part in curatorial procedures of the entomology section of the museum: field collection, specimen preparation, labeling, identification, rearing techniques, and exhibit preparation. Department enforced prereq., MUSM 5011. Enrollment is limited; students should make arrangements during previous semester. Same as MUSM 5916.
Students participate in museum public education functions that may include researching, planning, developing, and producing exhibits, traveling trunks, booklets, and other materials. May involve writing labels, molding and casting, conservation, and restoration. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as MUSM 5917.
Introduces students to the clinical processes and key components of assessment and interventions. Explores the applications of the theoretical and scientific information to clinical settings. Students complete supervised observation of individuals with communication challenges. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of SLHS 2000 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) majors only.
Seminar course dealing with selected areas or problems within the history of art. Consult current online Schedule Planner for seminar topic. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Requisites: Restricted to Art History (AAAH) majors only.
This course number is assigned to upper-level Economics electives that become available on an incidental basis. Refer to the Economics Department for a detailed description of current content. Formerly ECON 4999. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of ECON 3070 and ECON 3080 (all minimum grade C-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Provides academically supervised opportunities for junior and senior anthropology majors and graduate students to work in public and private sectors on projects related to students' career goals. Relates classroom theory to practice. Requires at least 48 hours on the job per credit hour and evidence (paper, employer evaluation, work journal) of significant learning. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Recommended prereqs., ANTH 2010, 2100, and 2200. Recommended restrictions: students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Anthropology majors, with a minimum 3.25 GPA. Same as ANTH 5930.
Matches students with supervised internships in which they share academic learning of topics in Asian culture, history, or language with, for example, teachers and students in the Boulder Valley School District. Students work with Center for Asian Studies research and teaching faculty to, for example, research and prepare lessons they will present in BVSD K-12 classes on world cultures, world geography, world history, and Asian languages. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., Asian language and culture courses. Requisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) only.
Selected students are matched with supervised internships in business, public and private service organizations, and educational institutions. Internships focus on opportunities to apply language and cultural skills. Students meet regularly with instructor and supervisor, keep a journal, and submit a final paper. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., JPNS 3120 or CHIN 3120. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of JPNS 2120 or CHIN 2120 (minimum grade C).
Matches selected students with supervised internships in professional archives research libraries, historical associations, and special projects. Interns apply their academic area specialty to their work in the field. Internships have a work and academic (reading and writing) component. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., completion of lower-level history coursework (e.g., HIST 1015 or HIST 1025). Pass/Fail only. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) History (HIST) majors and minors only.
Working individually under the guidance of a public or private organization, students are assigned to projects selected for their academic suitability. Written assignments occur throughout the semester. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) International Affairs (IAFS) majors only.
Provides an opportunity for field/laboratory work in a variety of different settings. Consult with faculty for approval. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Department enforced requisite: completion of at least two of the major core classes. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Offers opportunities to use Italian skills in service to various sectors of the community, including private industry, government, and education. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 2120 (minimum grade C-).
Participants interested in public service or management-oriented careers in government or business are able to work as interns in public sector agencies or in private industry, on campus, or abroad. Recommended prereq., SPAN 3200 and an additional course above SPAN 3000. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of SPAN 3100 (minimum grade C-).
Offers valuable volunteer experience through a supervised field placement. Provides hands-on insight into the decisions and issues that confront professionals in psychology and related fields. Recommended prereq., completion of 15 or more hours of psychology course work. Requisites: Restricted to Psychology (PSYC) majors only.
Provides an academically supervised opportunity for junior and senior sociology majors to work in public or private organizations to gain practical knowledge and experience, and allows students to make a connection between sociological theory and the "real world". May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Instructor consent required. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of SOCY 3001 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Sociology (SOCY) majors only.
With instructor's assistance, students secure an internship with a political or governmental organization. In addition to the internship, the class consists of regular seminars, course readings and assignments, and individual conferences with the instructor. Student pursues an academic research project and writes an original research paper. Instructor approval required in semester preceding internship. Contact instructor prior to early registration. Recommended prereq., PSCI 1101.
Provides a supervised clinical experience with children who have communication challenges enrolled in the Child Learning Center programs; individuals demonstrating communication disorders as a cotherapist in the Speech, Language, and Hearing Center; or off-campus experience in an affiliated hospital or public school program. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Instructor consent required.
Focuses on opportunities at the Denver Art Museum, working with individual curators and master teachers in selected areas, such as audience interpretation, interpretive research files, and public school curriculums. Introduces students to the professional culture and activities of art museums. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as ARTH 5939.