Provides an overview of basic principles and practices of the music education profession. Explores public school music teaching through class discussions, directed observations, and a supervised field experience. Offered fall only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
For music education majors with choral/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on two or more string instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to string instruction. Offered fall only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) majors or graduate students only.
For music education majors with choral or choral/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on two or more woodwind instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate woodwind instruction. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
For music education majors with choral or choral/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on two or more brass instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate brass instruction. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Provides an overview of general music teaching with emphasis on developmentally appropriate strategies and materials. Required for all music education majors as partial fulfillment of course work leading to K-12 music licensure. Offered spring only. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2103 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) undergraduate students only.
For music education majors with instrumental or instrumental/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on three or more woodwind instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate woodwind instruction. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
For music education majors with instrumental or instrumental/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on three or more string instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate string instruction. Offered fall only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) majors or graduate students only.
Provides an overview of vocal anatomy/function, care of the voice, vocal repertoire, teaching strategies,and other specialized topics related to singing instruction in both private studio and public school choral settings. Fall section for instrumentalists; spring section for vocalists. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) majors or graduate students only.
For music education majors with instrumental or instrumental/general emphasis. Develops basic performance skills on three or more brass instruments. Addresses teaching strategies and other specialized topics related to beginning and intermediate brass instruction. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Prepares the music educator for successful experiences teaching jazz at the secondary level. Students gain insights into performance and rehearsal techniques for the instrumental jazz ensemble. Explores approaches for teaching jazz theory, improvisation, and selecting literature for young students. Own instrument required for certain classes. Recommended prereqs., MUSC 1111 and 2103. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Examines instructional methods/materials and pedagogical approaches appropriate for beginning to advanced string students in private studio, small ensemble, or large ensemble contexts. Topics may include group teaching strategies, as well as contemporary approaches including Rolland and Suzuki. Recommended prereqs., MUSC 2103 and 3163. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Helps develop the skills needed to administer and teach all aspects of a contemporary high school marching band. Includes drill conception and design, instruction, organization, and administration. Offered fall only. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2103 and EMUS 1287 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) majors or graduate students only.
Represents the first half of the professional internship year. Familiarizes students with the schools and music programs in which they plan to student teach. Music placements may consist of elementary and high school, elementary and middle school, or middle school and high school. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of MUSC 4113, 4313, or 4443 and EDUC 3023 or 4023 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music undergraduate students only.
Provides an in-depth examination of teaching and learning processes in the elementary general music classroom, based on the integration of child development and musical development theories with content and delivery skills appropriate for K-5 general music classrooms. Students implement and evaluate music instruction, design curricular projects, and build a repertoire of vocal, instrumental, and speech-based arrangements. Offered fall only. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2103 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Offers practice teaching under the guidance of a master music teacher. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 4103 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) undergraduate students only.
Examines the musical skills, teaching techniques, and administrative procedures necessary for developing a children's choir. Same as MUSC 5143. Offered fall of even-numbered years. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2103 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) undergraduate students only.
Required of all music education majors. Presents knowledge and skills necessary for music educators to teach young students, including a general understanding of the techniques used in playing and teaching percussion instruments in the school music program. Offered fall only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Examination of literature, materials, and methods appropriate for teaching choral music in secondary schools. Offered fall of odd-numbered years. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2103 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) undergraduate students only.
Required for all music student teachers. Addresses topics of concern to beginning teachers including classroom management, interpersonal skills, legal issues, job search strategies and capstone project development. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 4103 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) undergraduate students only.
Taken concurrently with either MUSC 4313 or 4443. Provides students with opportunities to observe and practice the use of various teaching techniques and relate them to concepts presented in the methods course. Students consult with the instructor to determine appropriate placements in schools. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2103 (minimum grade D-). Requires corequisite course of MUSC 4313 or 4443. Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Examines choral music curricula, instructional materials and teaching techniques appropriate for secondary choral settings. Also addresses administrative strategies for choral music programs. Recommended prereq., MUSC 2103. Same as MUSC 5313. Offered spring only. Requisites: Restricted to College of Music (MUSC) undergraduate students only.
Examines instrumental music curricula, instructional materials, and teaching techniques appropriate for rehearsal, class, and lesson settings. Also addresses administration strategies for instrumental music programs. Same as MUSC 5443. Offered spring only. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSC 2103 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) undergraduate students only.
Surveys strategies necessary for teaching music to all students, including those with special needs. Offered fall of even-numbered years. Recommended prereq., MUSC 4113. Same as MUSC 5583. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of MUSC 2103 and 3133 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to College of Music (MUSCU) undergraduate students only.
Provides an in-depth examination of teaching and learning processes in the elementary general music classroom, based on the integration of child development and musical development theories with content and delivery skills appropriate for K-5 general music classrooms. Students implement and evaluate music instruction, design curricular projects, and build a repertoire of vocal, instrumental, and speech-based arrangements. Offered fall only. Requisites: Restricted to Music (MUSD) or Music Education (MMED or MUED) graduate students only.