Introduces non-business students to the multiple facets of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial process. Entrepreneurship is a process of fundamental transformation: from innovative idea to enterprise and from enterprise to valuethus, entrepreneurship is more than a business practice. Innovation is central to this process and students will be challenged to develop creative solutions to a problem or need. Requisites: Restricted to non-Business majors with 60-180 units completed.
Provides non-business students with a basic understanding of the business principles required to start and grow an entrepreneurial venture. It is intended for individuals who have not taken a marketing, accounting or finance course. This course will focus on two aspects of business that are critical to the success of any new venture: marketing and financial management. Requisites: Restricted to non-Business majors with 60-180 units completed.
Introduces entrepreneurship. Addresses opportunity recognition, target markets, industry analysis, business model identification, sources of funding, managing rapid growth, and writing feasibility studies. Examines alternative forms of entrepreneurship such as franchising, corporate entrepreneurship, family business, and social entrepreneurship. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of BCOR 2000, 2200, 2300, and 2400 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.
Requires non-business students to engage in a rigorous, thoughtful and challenging process essential to planning a new venture. Using their own concept, students will develop a strategy to start and grow a venture. Communicating the plan is an essential element of this course and students will learn when and how to write a plan and make effective presentations. Requisites: Restricted to non-Business majors with 60-180 units completed.
Focuses on the financial concepts, issues, methods, and industry practices relevant to entrepreneurial decision makers. Addresses a variety of topics including financial valuation, various sources of funds, structures and legal issues in arranging financing, the private and public venture capital markets, and preparation for, and execution of, an initial public securities offering. Provides an understanding of the segments of the capital markets specializing in start-ups and growth financing. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of BCOR 2200 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.
Offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
See the future through the eyes of entrepreneurs who are addressing global and social environmental problems such as poverty and deforestation. Can the social ventures they create to solve these problems survive over time and will they achieve the impact they seek? We will meet some of these social entrepreneurs and, in teams, write case studies to tell their stories. CESR 4826 and ESBM 4826 are the same course. Requisites: Restricted to non-Business majors with 60-180 units completed.
Work as part of a small team, with the focus on the process of creating a plan from the business concept and model through all of the elements of a professionally written business plan document. Same as EMEN 4825. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ESBM 3700 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to Business (BUSN) majors with 52-180 units completed.