Focuses on taxation and public expenditures. Topics include economic rationale for government action, economic theory of government behavior, and effects of government policies on allocation of resources and distribution of income. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of ECON 3070 and ECON 3818 or APPM 4520 or APPM 4570 or CHEN 3010 or CVEN 3227 or MATH 4520 (all minimum grade C-).
Explores decision-making in non-traditional market settings, specifically political market settings, using economic models. We investigate policy outcomes as the product of interactions among individuals in politial markets, and analyze how governmental decisions are the result of rational optimizing behavior, even if they do not lead to policies that maximize national welfare. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of ECON 3070 and ECON 3818 or APPM 4520 or APPM 4570 or CHEN 3010 or CVEN 3227 or MATH 4520 (all minimum grade C-).
Applies economic analysis to current issues of public policy. Reviews basic public finance and economic justifications for government action. Examines structure and procedures of Colorado State Legislature. Chooses current legislative issues, reviews relevant economic literature and applies implications through briefing papers and testimony at legislative hearings. Explores the challenges of integrating informed economic analysis into legislative process. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of ECON 3070 and ECON 3080, and ECON 3818 or APPM 4520 or APPM 4570 or CHEN 3010 or CVEN 3227 or MATH 4520 (all minimum grade C-).
Presents the fundamental principles of public goods, externalities, public choice, excess burden, optimal taxation, and tax incidence. Department enforced prereq., ECON 7010. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Explores advanced topics in public economics such as decentralization, state and local government, program analysis, taxation, international tax issues, political economy issues, and market failure. Department enforced prereqs., ECON 7010 and ECON 8211.
Examines subnational governments and systems of governments, the effects of inter-governmental competition, appropriate tax and expenditure responsibilities, and variations in governing institutions. Covers congestible public goods, Tieabout mechanisms, and tax capitalization. Department enforced prereq., ECON 7010.