Introduces students to major theoretical approaches to Second Language Acquisition and explores their educational potential through scholarly readings and practical implementation and assessment of their usefulness in the foreign language classroom. This course is offered online summer semesters (D Term) through the School of Continuing Education.
Introduces the field of language technology from its origin to today; the latest theories and practices in technology integration; key journals, trends, issues and researchers in the field. This course is offered online summer semesters (D Term) through the School of Continuing Education.
Introduces students to major technical tools, explores their educational potential through scholarly readings and practical implementation and assessment of their usefulness in the classroom. This course is offered online fall semesters through the School of Continuing Education.
Trains foreign language faculty and instructors in dual immersion language learning via telecollaboration. This course is offered online summer semesters (B Term) through the School of Continuing Education.
Requires that students conduct a total of 10, 50-minute long virtual immersions (through a video conferencing tool) with a language partner. Students will receive assistance to find a partner. This course must be repeated twice for a total of 2 credit hours for certificate students. This course is offered online fall and spring semesters through the School of Continuing Education.
Select, design, implement and assess a capstone instructional technology project of significance. Students will work closely with their advisor at each stage of the project and develop an online multimedia portfolio. This course is offered online spring semesters through the School of Continuing Education.