Work with an approved faculty sponsor to explore a topic in greater depth. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours for different topics. Recommended prerq., ETHN 2001. Instructor consent required.
Time and credit to be arranged. Numbered GEOL 4840 through GEOL 4849. For advanced undergraduates who have high scholastic standing. Open only upon consultation with department advisor. May be repeated for a total of 7 credit hours.
May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Pass/Fail only. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Neuroscience (NRSC) majors only.
Subjects are chosen and arrangements are made to suit the needs of each student. Independent study is for upper-division students who have completed 9 credit hours of political science and who have an overall GPA of at least 3.00. Not more than 6 credit hours of independent study may be credited toward the minimum requirements in the political science major. A special independent study approval agreement form must be obtained from the department. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., PSCI 1101.
Pass/fail only. May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Psychology (PSYC) majors only.
Examines Russian plays of the 20th and 21st centuries (from Chekhov to contemporary authors) in the context of the Western theatre theory. Through the analysis of plays and their theatrical/filmic productions, students will familiarize themselves with main genres of modern drama and most influential directorial styesl from Stanislavsky's "method" to contemporary verbatim theatre. All readings are in English. Recommended prereq., RUSS 2221. Same as GSLL 5841.
Upper-division variable credit. May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Instructor consent required. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of SOCY 3001 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Sociology (SOCY) majors only.
Time and credit to be arranged. Numbered GEOL 4840 through GEOL 4849. For advanced undergraduates who have high scholastic standing. Open only upon consultation with department advisor. May be repeated for a total of 7 credit hours.
Subjects chosen and arrangements made to suit needs of each student. Independent study is for upper-division students who have completed 9 credit hours of political science and who have an overall GPA of at least 3.00. Not more than 6 credit hours of independent study may be credited toward the minimum requirements in the political science major. Special independent study approval agreement form must be obtained from the department. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., PSCI 2012 or IAFS 1000.
Time and credit to be arranged. Numbered GEOL 4840 through GEOL 4849. For advanced undergraduates who have high scholastic standing. Open only upon consultation with department advisor. May be repeated for a total of 7 credit hours.
Subjects chosen and arrangements made to suit needs of each student. Independent study is for upper-division students who have completed 9 credit hours of political science and who have an overall average of at least 3.00. Not more than 6 credit hours of independent study may be credited toward the minimum requirements in the political science major. Special independent study approval agreement form must be obtained from the department. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., PSCI 2223.
Time and credit to be arranged. Numbered GEOL 4840 through GEOL 4849. For advanced undergraduates who have high scholastic standing. Open only upon consultation with department advisor. May be repeated for a total of 7 credit hours.
Subjects and arrangements suit individual student needs. Independent study is for upper-division students who have completed 9 credit hours of political science and who have an overall GPA of at least 3.00. Not more than 6 credit hours of independent study may be credited toward the minimum requirements in the political science major. Special independent study approval agreement form must be obtained from the department. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours. Recommended prereq., PSCI 2004.
Time and credit to be arranged. Numbered GEOL 4840 through GEOL 4849. For advanced undergraduates who have high scholastic standing. Open only upon consultation with department advisor. May be repeated for a total of 7 credit hours.
Time and credit to be arranged. Numbered GEOL 4840 through GEOL 4849. For advanced undergraduates who have high scholastic standing. Open only upon consultation with department advisor. May be repeated for a total of 7 credit hours.
Subjects chosen and arrangements made to suit needs of each student. Independent study is for upper-division students who have completed 9 credit hours of political science and who have an overall average GPA of at least 3.00. Not more than 6 credit hours of independent study may be credited toward the minimum requirements in the political science major. Special independent study approval agreement form must be obtained from the department. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
Time and credit to be arranged. Numbered GEOL 4840 through GEOL 4849. For advanced undergraduates who have high scholastic standing. Open only upon consultation with department advisor. May be repeated for a total of 7 credit hours.
Introduces students to the practice of applied regression analysis. Summarizes and reviews the regression technique, explores U.S. census data sources, introduces an advanced statistical software package and provides structured exercises in regression analysis of census data. Concludes with independent research projects analyzing social and economic issues using regression analysis and census data. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of ECON 3070 and ECON 3818 (all minimum grade C-).
Subjects chosen and arrangements made to suit needs of each student. Independent study is for upper-division students who have completed 9 credit hours of political science and who have an overall average of at least 3.00. Not more than 6 credit hours of independent study may be credited toward the minimum requirements in the political science major. Special independent study approval agreement form must be obtained from the department. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours.