Introduces major topics and themes in imperial history. Reviews central theories of modern colonial empire, ranging from economic and political motivations for expansion, to the cultural and social impact of empire, to post-colonialism. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Examines major themes and topics in the social, political and economic history of Latin America. Possible topics include nationalism and state-building, neocolonialism, revolution and reaction, race, and gender. Recommended prereq., HIST 5128 or HIST 5118. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Introduces classic and recent scholarship on frontiers and borderlands in the Americas. Chronological focus will vary by semester, from contact through twentieth century. A hemispheric approach encourages comparative insights about topics such as colonialism and ecological change, war and violence, indigenous resistance, acculturation, ethnogenesis, and evolving ideas about race, gender, and identity at the margins of empires and nation-states. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Explores a specific theme in Asian History in depth. Topic may vary each semester. Repeatable for credit up to 6 total credit hours proved the topic varies. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Investigates key problems facing museum institutions and studies the staging and representation of historical knowledge, the ethics of collecting and display, the changing nature and uses of historical evidence, and relations between curatorial practice, collecting, and field work. Critically examines different approaches to museums and museology in various disciplines, both past and present. Same as MUSM 6150, ARTH 6150, and ANTH 6150. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of MUSM 5011 (minimum grade D-).
Examines the history of ideas and the social history of intellectuals in American society during the 19th and 20th centuries. Stresses social and political dimensions and the changing cultural and institutional contexts of intellectual discourse. Requisites: Restricted to History (HIST) graduate students only.