Introduces fundamental principles of efficient and reliable transmission of information used in wired and wireless digital communication systems including cable modems, smart phones/tablets, cellular networks, local area (wi-fi) networks, and deep-space communications. Topics include bandwidth and power constraints, digital modulation methods, optimum transmitter and receiver design principles, error rate analysis, channel coding potential in wired/wireless media, trellis coded modulation, and equalization. Requisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.
Introduces a system level approach to the analysis and design of optical systems. Topics include holography, Fourier transform properties of lenses, two-dimensional convolution and correlation functions, spatial filtering, and optical computing techniques. Also covers coherent and incoherent imaging techniques, tomography, and synthetic aperture imaging. Recommended prereq., ECEN 3300 and ECEN 3410. Requisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.
Introduces fundamental concepts of sustainability and sustainable development. Special emphasis on understanding the interaction of the built environment with natural systems and the role of technical and non-technical issues in engineering decisions. Open to engineering and non-engineering students. Same as CVEN 4700.
Develop basic concepts and methods for pursuing quantitative and qualitative research. Students will develop a research proposal that will be completed in TLEN 5710 or as a Master's Thesis. Writing skills test required. Requisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior) or graduate students in the College of Engineering or Leeds School of Business only.
Offers an advanced course in principles of soil mechanics. Coverage includes topics in continuum mechanics; elasticity, viscoelasticity, and plasticity theories applied to soils; the effective stress principle; consolidation; shear strength; critical state concepts; and constitutive, numerical, and centrifuge modeling. Department enforced prereq., CVEN 3718. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Student teams launch a high-tech company over eight quarters in a simulated business environment. Decisions are made in all major business areas-e.g. product development, marketing, operations, finance- in competition with other teams. Given the results of the previous quarter, teams make decisions for the next quarter. After the first year (four quarters), students prepare an elevator pitch, executive summary, and PowerPoint pitch to justify additional venture capital or a bank loan. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of EMEN 5010 and 5020 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.
Complete Capstone research project initiated in TLEN 5700, Research Methods. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of TLEN 5700 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to graduate students only.
Explores context-free languages: pumping lemma and variants, closure properties, and decision properties. Involves parsing algorithms, including general and special languages, e.g., LR. Additional topics chosen by instructor. Recommended prereq., CSCI 5444 or instructor consent required. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree (CSEN) majors only.
Expands on techniques and opportunities presented in User-Centered Design 1 with a deeper dive into research and prototyping practices as means to insight into user desires and preference, adoption, and execution of product and branded experiences in a variety of contexts and locations within the global experience economy.
Explores algorithms that can extract information about the world from images or sequences of images. Topics covered include: imaging models and camera calibration, early vision (filters, edges, texture, stereo, optical flow), mid-level vision (segmentation, tracking), vision-based control, and object recognition. Recommended prereq., probability, multivariate calculus, and linear algebra. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree (CSEN) majors only.
Requires that students are proficient in front-end environment and ready for advanced front-end development using these tools - HTML 5, CSS3, JS - on weekly projects, a mid-term project, and a final project. This course develops more robust and elegant uses of the semantic use of elements as well as the benefits of using standards-based, valid code, CSS efficiencies, and JS and its libraries.
Presents unified treatment of complete electrical drive systems: mechanical load, electrical machine, power converter, and control equipment. Emphasizes induction, synchronous, and permanent-magnet drives. Uses simulation programs (e.g., SPICE, Finite Element/Difference Program) to simulate drive system components (e.g., gating, inverter, electric machine). Recommended prereq., ECEN 3170. Requisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.
Studies applications of limiting equilibrium and limit plasticity analysis methods to stability problems ingeotechnical engineering, such as slopes, lateral earth pressures on retaining structures, and bearing capacities of foundations. Also includes elastic and consolidation analysis of deformations in soil structures. Department enforced prereq., CVEN 5708 or instructor consent required.
Presents visual thinking as a complex process that can be supported in every stage using specific design techniques. Provides practical, task-oriented information for designers and software developers charged with design responsibilities, including examples of integrated text and full-color data stories, all of which are robust in principles of "active vision," viewing graphic designs as cognitive tools.
Presents applied analytical and numerical mathematical methods in the context of chemical engineering problems. Topics include modeling techniques, algebraic equations, and ordinary and partial differential equations. Department enforced prereqs., working knowledge of computing, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and vector operations; and undergraduate courses in physics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and reaction engineering. Requisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Seniors) or graduate students only.
Addresses engineering of networked applications and self-contained embedded system products involving multiple processors. The fundamental concepts of software engineering are complicated by an application running simultaneously and asynchronously on multiple processors over a network. Topics: specification, analysis, design, and testing of distributed components including concerns of security, synchronization, transaction coordination, data replication, web services, and service oriented architectures. For ECEN 5743, recommended prereq., ECEN 4583 or ECEN 5543 or CSCI 5548. ECEN 4743 and 5743 are the same course. Requisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.
Covers theory, design, and construction of earth embankments and waste facilities, including isolation systems. Uses published data, field exploration, and laboratory tests on soils and rock in investigating foundations and construction materials. Involves principles of compaction and settlement, permeability analysis, landslide recognition and control, use of composite clay, and liner systems. Department enforced prereq., CVEN 5708 or instructor consent required.
Covers numerical methods for solving ordinary differential, partial differential, and integral equations. These principles are employed to develop, test, and assess computer programs for solving problems of interest to chemical engineers. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Examines fundamental principles of flow through porous media and related engineering problems. Topics include the saturated seepage theory and flow nets; the unsaturated flow theory; suction-saturation and saturation-hydraulic conductivity relationships; nonlinear finite strain consolidation and desiccation theory; laboratory and field testing methods for determining material characteristics; and numerical models for flow-related engineering problems. Department enforced prereq., CVEN 3718 or instructor consent required.
Nature of rocks and rock masses; engineering properties rock and rock mass; rock mass classifications; planes of weakness; application of rock mechanics to design of rock slopes, underground excavations, and foundations. Department enforced prereqs., CVEN 3708 and 3718, or instructor consent required.