Working with a faculty member in Jewish Studies on an independent study research project provides students with an opportunity to learn outside the formal classroom structure, with individual direction from Jewish Studies faculty on a topic of mutual interest not offered in regularly scheduled classes. (Independent study may not be used to substitute for a regular course not being offered in a given term.)
May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours, but only 3 credit hours count for economics major. Department enforced prereq., completion of at least 12 hours of ECON classes. Department consent required. Department enforced requisite, a minimum GPA of 3.00. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of ECON 3070 and ECON 3080 and ECON 3818 (all minimum grade C-).
Practicum by special arrangement only. Students learn to teach anthropology by serving as recitation leaders or tutors in introductory courses or as small group leaders in advanced courses. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Requisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) only.
Teaches the core principles of pedagogy at the university level and provides students guidance and feedback on constructing a teaching session in collaboration with a faculty mentor. Using the instructional practices of their discipline, students discuss issues university faculty encounter in their quest toward teaching excellence. The expertise of the Graduate Teacher Program, the Preparing Future Faculty Network and the Faculty Teaching Excellence Program will be drawn upon for supplemental resources, seminars and workshops. May be repeated up to 3 total credit hours. Prereq., ARSC 4700. Restricted to McNair Program Students.
This course offers a rich experience for students to develop and organize curriculum to complement the Neuroscience core courses. This course offers a valuable teaching experience utilizing computational modeling to simulate experimental results. Any Neuroscience curriculum course, such as Intro to Neuroscience I or II, Neuropharmacology, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory or Behavioral Neuroscience may be appropriate with instructor consent. NRSC 4911 and 5911 are the same course.
Students receive concrete experience in teaching general psychology under supervision of a psychology faculty member. Alternative pedagogical strategies are discussed. Students must submit an application to the undergraduate advising center.
Students participate in a teaching seminar under the supervision of a faculty member. Includes pedagogical strategies for implementing concrete educational goals and encouraging higher levels of creativity and analysis in a large, lower-division class. Emphasizes mentorship and personal development. Instructor consent required. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of SOCY 1001 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Sociology (SOCY) majors only.
Students take part in curatorial procedures of the anthropology section of the museum: conservation, cataloguing, collection management, and administration. Recommended prereq., MUSM 5011. Enrollment is limited; students should make arrangements during previous semester. Same as MUSM 5912.
Students take part in curatorial procedures of the botany section of the museum: specimen preparation, labeling, identification, cataloguing, conservation, and collection management. Recommended prereq., MUSM 5011. Enrollment is limited; students should make arrangements during previous semester. Same as MUSM 5913.
Students take part in curatorial procedures of the geology section of the museum: field collection, specimen preparation, cataloguing, collection management, and a survey of current laws as they apply to specimens. Recommended prereq., MUSM 5011. Enrollment is limited; students should make arrangements during previous semester. Same as MUSM 5914.
Students take part in basic curatorial procedures of the zoology section of the museum: relaxing, fixing, positioning, preserving, cataloguing, storing, and shipping. Also introduces students to the animal kingdom. Same as MUSM 5915.