Investigates chemical and isotopic data to understandthe composition of the solar system: emphasis on the physical conditions in various objects, time scales for change, chemical and nuclear processes leading to change, observational constraints, and various models that attempt to describe the chemical state and history of cosmological objects in general and the early solar system in particular. Recommended requisite, upper-division undergraduate or graduate standing in physical science or upper-division undergraduate standing in Chemistry, Physics, or Math. Same as ASTR 5330 and GEOL 4330.
Exposes students to current controversies in science that illustrate the scientific method and the interplay of observation, theory, and science policy. Students research and debate both sides of the issues, which include strategies and spin-offs of space exploration, funding of science, big vs. small science, and scientific heresy and fraud. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of ASTR 1010 or ASTR 1000 or ASTR 1030 and ASTR 1200 or ASTR 1020 or ASTR 1040 and PHYS 1010 or PHYS 1110 or PHYS 2010 and PHYS 1020 or PHYS 1120 or PHYS 2020 (all minimum grade C-).
Explores the application of quantum physics and statistical mechanics to problems in astrophysics, space physics and planetary science, with an emphasis on radiative processes and spectroscopy of atoms and molecules. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
An introduction to radiative and dynamical processes aimed at graduate students in astrophysics, space physics and planetary science. Covers transport phenomena, the macroscopic treatment of radiation fields, magnetohydrodynamics and dynamical processes associated with planetary orbits and N-body systems. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Teaches magnetohydrodynamics and a few related areas of plasma physics applied to space and astrophysical systems, including planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres, stars, and interstellar gas in galaxies. Same as PHYS 5141. Requisites: Restricted to Physics (PHYS) or Astronomy (ASTR) graduate students only.
Includes basic phenomena of ionized gases, static and dynamic shielding, linear waves, instabilities, particles in fields, collisional phenomena, fluid equations, collisionless Boltzman equations, Landau damping, scattering and absorption of radiation in plasmas, elementary nonlinear processes, WKB wave theory, controlled thermonuclear fusion concepts, astrophysical applications, and experimental plasma physics (laboratory). Same as PHYS 5150. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Introduces solar and stellar winds, and planetary and stellar magnetospheres. Acquaints students with the guiding center theory for particle motion, magnetospheric topology, convection, radiation belts, magnetic storms and substorms, and auroras. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Covers equations of fluid motion relevant to planetary atmospheres and oceans, as well as stellar atmospheres; effects of rotation and viscosity; and vorticity dynamics, boundary layers, and wave motions. Introduces instability theory, nonlinear equilibration, and computational methods in fluid dynamics. Same as ATOC 5400. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Involves linear and nonlinear analyses of small-scale waves and instabilities in stratified fluids, with effects of rotation. Studies internal gravity and acoustic waves with terrestrial, planetary, and astrophysical applications. Also studies thermal and double-diffusive convection, homogeneous and stratified shear flow instabilities. Examines these topics from the onset of small amplitude disturbances to their nonlinear development and equilibration. Department enforced prereq., ASTR 5400 or ATOC 5060. Same as ATOC 5410. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Presents an applied mathematics course designed to provide the necessary analytical and numerical background for courses in astrophysics, plasma physics, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and radiation transfer. Topics include integration techniques, linear and nonlinear differential equations, WKB and Fourier transform methods, adiabatic invariants, partial differential equations, integral equations, and integrodifferential equations. Draws illustrative examples from the areas of physics listed above. Same as ATOC 5540. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Introduces multi-wavelength observational techniques,their limitations and effects of various noise sources. Describes basic data handling, error analysis, and statistical tests relevant to modeling. Topics include probability distributions, model-fitting algorithms, confidence intervals, correlations, sampling and convolution. Students derive physical measurements and uncertainties with hands-on analysis of real datasets. Department enforced requisite, senior level undergraduate physics or instructor consent will be required. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Applies radiative transfer theory to problems in planetary atmospheres, with primary emphasis on the Earth's atmosphere; principles of atomic and molecular spectroscopy; infrared band representation; absorption and emission of atmospheric gases; radiation flux and flux divergence computations; radiative transfer and fluid motions; additional applications such as the greenhouse effect; and inversion methods and climate models. Department enforced prereq. or coreq., ASTR 5110. Recommended prereq., ATOC 5235. Same as ATOC 5560. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Examines basic stellar astronomy: stellar classifications, kinematics, populations and distributions, and H-R diagrams. Covers principles of stellar structure, including energy generation and energy transport by radiation and convection. Includes stellar evolution theory, including compact objects. Department enforced requisite, senior level undergraduate physics. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Studies astrophysics of UV, x-ray, gamma-ray, and cosmic-ray sources, including fundamentals of radiative and particle processes, neutron stars, black holes, pulsars, quasars, supernovas and their remnants; stellar flares; accretion disks; binary x-ray sources; and other cosmic x-ray sources. Department enforced requisite, senior level undergraduate physics. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Highlights the classification, structure, content, dynamics, and other observational properties of galaxies, active galaxies, and clusters of galaxies. Discusses Hubble's Law, the cosmic distance scale,and the intergalactic medium. Department enforced requisite, senior level undergraduate physics. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Explores stellar atmospheres: basic stellar atmospheres, spectral line formation, interpretation of stellar spectra, and model atmospheres. Examines solar physics: the Sun as a star, solar cycle, chromospheric and coronal structure, energy balance, magnetic field, and solar wind. Department enforced prereqs., ASTR 5110 and undergraduate physics. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Highlights structure, dynamics, and ecology of the interstellar medium, stressing the physical mechanisms that govern the thermal, ionization, and dynamic state of the gas and dust; observations at all wavelengths; star formation; and relation to external galaxies. Department enforced prereq., ASTR 5110. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Covers the fundamentals underlying the design, construction, and use of instrumentation used for astrophysical research ranging from radio-wavelengths to gamma rays. Topics include Fourier transforms and their applications, optical design concepts, incoherent and coherent signal detection, electronics and applications, and signal acquisition and processing. Department enforced requisite, senior level undergraduate physics. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Studies the smooth universe, including Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric, Friedmann equations, cosmological parameters, inflation, primordial nucleosynthesis, recombination, and cosmic microwave background. Also studies the lumpy universe, including linear growth of fluctuations, power spectra of CMB and galaxies, dark matter, and large scale flows. Covers galaxy formation and intergalactic medium. Department enforced requisite, senior level undergraduate physics or instructor consent will be required. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Examines processes operating on the surfaces of solid planets and in their interiors. Emphasizes spacecraft observations, their interpretation, the relationship to similar processes on Earth, the relationship between planetary surfaces and interiors, and the integrated geologic histories of the terrestrial planets and satellites. Same as GEOL 5800. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Covers the structure, composition, and dynamics of planetary atmospheres. Includes the origin of planetary atmospheres, chemistry and cloud physics, greenhouse effects, climate, and the evolution of planetary atmospheres - past and future. Same as ATOC 5810 and GEOL 5810. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Considers the origin and evolution of planetary systems, including proto-planetary disks, condensation in the solar nebula, composition of meteorites, planetary accretion, comets, asteroids, planetary rings, and extrasolar planets. Applies celestial mechanics to the dynamical evolution of solar system bodies. Same as ATOC 5820 and GEOL 5820. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.