Covers the broad subject of building materials and systems. Includes a practical approach to assembly details, methods of construction, codes, foundations, steel, concrete, masonry, cladding, doors and windows, interiors, finishes, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, life safety and conveyance. Includes investigation of an existing facility along with a team presentation trends in commercial building construction. Requisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) Civil (CVEN) or Architectural (AREN) or GEEN (General) or Applied Mathematics (AMEN) majors only.
Explores fundamental principles of thermodynamics, including first and second law of thermodynamics, thermophysical properties, power and refrigeration cycles, gas mixtures and psychrometrics. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science. Requisites: Requires a prereq course of PHYS 1110 (min grade C-) and a prereq or coreq course of APPM 1360 or MATH 2300 (min grade C-). Restricted to AREN, CVEN or EVEN, GEEN, AMEN or EVENCVEN Concurrent Degree majors only.
Explores fundamental principles of fluid dynamics and heat transfer. Topics include fluid statics, momentum, and energy conservation; laminar and turbulent viscous flow; convection heat transfer; conduction heat transfer; convection heat transfers; and radiation heat transfer. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of APPM 2350 or MATH 2400, and AREN 2110 or GEEN 3852 or MCEN 3012 or ASEN 2002 (all minimum grade C-). Requires corequisite course of APPM 2360. Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.
Lecture course on the analysis and design of buildings and their systems to satisfy the requirements for a comfortable and healthy indoor environment. Examines psychometrics, thermal comfort, building heating and cooling loads, fluid flow basics, and HVAC components and systems. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of AREN 2120 or MCEN 3021 and 3022 and AREN 2050 (all minimum grade C-). Restricted to Architectural (AREN), Civil (CVEN), General (GEEN) or Applied Mathematics (AMEN) majors only.
Explores operations and architectural design strategies of environmental (climate) control systems in buildings with a focus on sustainability and resource efficiency. Topics include thermal comfort and indoor air quality, building thermal and moisture loads, HVAC equipment and systems and active and passive thermal strategies in buildings. Requisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) Program in Environmental Design major or minor students only. College of Engineering majors are excluded from this course.
Explores operations and architectural design strategies of plumbing, power distribution, renewable electricity generation, illumination, daylighting, acoustical control, vertical transportation, fire protection and telecommunication systems in buildings with a focus on sustainability and resource efficiency. Requisites: College of Engineering majors are excluded from this course.
Introduces the measurement of photometric and psychophysical quantities used in lighting. Experience is acquired in using light measurement instruments to evaluate lighting equipment and luminous environments. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 3540 (minimum grade C-).
Studies the fundamentals of architectural illumination. Introduces and applies basic principles and vocabulary to elementary problems in the lighting of environments for the performance of visual work and the proper interaction with architecture. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of GEEN 1300 (or CSCI 1300 or ECEN 1310) and APPM 2350 (or MATH 2400) (all minimum grade C-). Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.
Engineering course devoted to building automation and control systems. Topics include HVAC control technology and strategies, measurement and device technologies, analysis and modeling of dynamic systems, simulation of conventional and advanced control approaches, assessment of control loop performance, and hands-on direct digital control (DDC) programming exercises as used in current building control practice. Same as AREN 5010. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 4110 (minimum grade C-).
Applies engineering principles to the design of heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for buildings. Covers HVAC systems description, load estimating, applied psychometrics, coils and heat exchangers, air and water distribution systems, and primary equipment and systems. Same as AREN 5110. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 3010 (minimum grade C-).
Learn the optical design process used for illumination-based optics, with an emphasis on applications in architectural lighting. Includes in-depth coverage of luminaire photometry, lamps, materials, manufacturing methods, and product performance requirements. Optical design projects will utilize optical design software and include a variety of lamp types including LEDs using both reflector and lens optics. Same as AREN 5130. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 3540 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to Architectural (AREN) or Civil (CVEN) Engineering majors only.
Intended to help students understand light as a medium in design, begin the formulation of a philosophical perspective for its application, and continue to develop the skills required to design and implement lighting systems. Knowledge from previous lighting classes (Illumination I and Illumination II) is essential to this course. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of AREN 3540 and AREN 4550 (all minimum grade C-).
Engages students in exploring and solving lighting problems for exterior environments. Provides an understanding of the design criteria and lighting equipment used in three primary exterior applications: parking lots and roadways, floodlighting of buildings, and sports facilities. Recommended prereq., AREN 4550. Taught intermittently. Same as AREN 5540. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 3540 (minimum grade C-).
Applies the principles studied in Illumination 1. Provides further study in architectural lighting design methods. Uses lighting studio work to develop a broad knowledge of lighting equipment, design methods, and their application in a series of practical design problems in modern buildings. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 3540 (minimum grade C-).
Teaches fundamentals of radiative exchange as applied to illumination engineering. Describes and uses principal numerical techniques for radiative transfer analysis. Applies techniques to lighting design and analysis. Taught intermittently. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 3540 (minimum grade C-).
Introduces the generation and distribution of electrical power. Focuses on understanding the loads, control, and protection of secondary electrical distribution systems in building. Applies the national electric code to residential and commercial buildings. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ECEN 3030 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.
Applies the fundamental principles of illumination engineering to architectural daylighting design, exploring the quantitative methods and tools used to develop daylighting designs and evaluate their performance. Topics include solar and sky modeling, luminous radiative transfer, design methods, and controls for integration with electric lighting systems. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 3540 (minimum grade C-).
Studies the numerical methods and computer implementation of computer graphics visualization for architectural lighting engineering and design. Implements finite element radiative transfer and ray-tracing in computer programs. Studies the use of computer graphics visualization in lighting analysis. Taught intermittently. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of AREN 3540 and 4560 (minimum grade C-).
Explores the fundamentals of simulating/analyzing civil and architectural environments with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. Run with two parallel sessions: fundamentals and applications, with fundamental lectures presenting the principles of CFD technologies, and application sessions demonstrating the application of CFD for resolving building and environmental engineering problems (different than MCEN/ASEN) with hands-on exercises. Same as AREN 5990. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 2120 and APPM 2360 (all minimum grade C-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering majors only.
Engineering course devoted to building automation and control systems. Topics include HVAC control technology and strategies, measurement and device technologies, analysis and modeling of dynamic systems, simulation of conventional and advanced control approaches, assessment of control loop performance, and hands-on direct digital control (DDC) programming exercises as used in current building control practice. Department enforced prereq., AREN 4140. Same as AREN 4010.
Analyzes and measures performance of HVAC systems, envelopes, lighting and hot water systems, and modifications to reduce energy use. Emphasizes existing buildings. Department enforced prereq., AREN 3010 or equivalent. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Predicts performance and analyzes economics of high temperature, photovoltaic, and other innovative solar systems. Also includes performance prediction methods for solar processes. Department enforced prereq., AREN 2120 or equivalent. Requisites: Restricted to graduate students only.
Examines response factors, conduction transfer functions, and weighting factors for dynamic analysis of building envelopes. Also studies radiative and convective exchange in buildings, internal gains, and infiltration analysis as modeled in hourly simulations. Department enforced prereq., AREN 3010 or equivalent.
Introduces major simulation programs for analysis of building energy loads and system performance. Focuses on one hourly simulation program to develop capability for analysis of multizone structure. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of AREN 4110 or CVEN 5110 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to graduate students only.