The four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are progressively developed in a predominantly oral presentation. Grammatical concepts are explained and practiced through dialogues, written exercises, and conversations. The cultural focus is on the personal world and life of students.
Continuation of ITAL 1010, with more difficult grammatical concepts explored. The cultural focus shifts to social and civic areas. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 1010 (minimum grade C-).
Introduces students to a critical appraisal of the Humanities in their world. Because the Humanities were rediscovered in the late Middle Ages in Italy, the course explores the Humanities from an Italian-centered perspective, though it broadens the scope of its analysis to make this perspective relevant for students who come from a variety of cultures and backgrounds. Requisites: Restricted to students with 0-56 credits (Freshmen or Sophomore) only.
Introduces major literature through close readings of women's writings in their historical context. Offers a general introduction to women's status and roles in Italy and France. Taught in English. Same as FREN 1400. Approved for GT-AH2. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.
Introduces students to representations of Italian society that have persisted through the ages. The course readings allow students to better understand how certain stereotypes about Italian society (e.g., Latin lover, Mafia) were born and persist in the present. Taught in English. Approved for GT-AH2. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: contemporary societies.
Traces the development of the fantastic theme in Italian Literature from its origins (late nineteenth century) to contemporary times. Analyzes the modes of reception and appropriation of non-Italian gothic and fantastic narrative traditions through which Italian writers have subverted the national literary model proposed by realist narrative. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts. Taught in English.
Enhances the skills learned in the first-year course and develops greater fluency in understanding and speaking. More emphasis is placed on reading and writing through the use of activities featuring cultural themes that present a realistic portrait of contemporary Italy. Taught in Italian. Approved for GT-AH4. Meets MAPS requirement for foreign language. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 1020 (minimum grade C-).
Continuation of ITAL 2110. Some reading in Italian literature and culture with considerable practice in writing and speaking Italian. Fulfills the Graduate School language requirement for the Ph.D. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 2110 (minimum grade C-).
Increases student's ability to read and analyze literary texts by improving vocabulary and terminology. Students read short stories, essays, short plays, and poems to acquire critical skills and improve expression of opinions and arguments in Italian. Taught in Italian. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 2120 (minimum grade C-).
Teaches students to write in Italian in a variety of genres, focusing on the creative aspects of writing. Exercises and themes are drawn primarily from current events and culture (i.e., blogging, journaling, essays and films), but also allows students to develop their critical skills in other areas. Similar to ITAL 3010. Students may not receive credit for this course and ITAL 3010. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 2120 (minimum grade C-).
Introduces students to complex forms of writing within Italian studies. Focuses on the analysis of literary genres (e.g., autobiography, essays, short stories) through a step-by-step process that allows students to craft advanced arguments in Italian. Studies will read Italian literary texts and write and revise in workshop format (e.g., peer review, collaborative assignments). Similar to ITAL 3020. Students may not receive credit for this course and ITAL 3020. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: written communication. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 3015 (minimum grade C-).
Improves vocabulary and fluency in spoken Italian, and competence and confidence in correct and more sophisticated written Italian through the study of the history of Italian art. Exercises and themes focus on Italian Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, and Modern Art. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 2120 (minimum grade C-).
Taught in Italian, the course covers various topics of Italian Cinema from WWII to the present. Focus is on periods, genres, themes, and auteur/directors. Emphasis on review of language structures previously learned and acquisition of new vocabulary to enable students to discuss different aspects of Italian culture, in Italian. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 2120 (minimum grade C-).
Covers a selected reading of major texts, prose, and poetry of 20th and 21st-century literature. Emphasizes critical reading and analysis of modern and contemporary Italian literature in its literary and historical context. Taught in Italian. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ITAL 2130 (minimum grade C-).
Introduces students to 19th century literary history through a selected reading of major texts, prose, and poetry. Emphasizes critical reading and analysis of Italian literature in its literary and historical context. Taught in Italian. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ITAL 2130 (minimum grade C-).
Covers a selected reading of major texts, prose, and poetry of Medieval and Renaissance literature. Emphasizes critical reading and analysis of texts in their literary and historical context. Taught in Italian. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ITAL 2130 (minimum grade C-).
Emphasizes practice in translating varying types of prose from Italian into English and English into Italian. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 2130 or ITAL 3015 (minimum grade C-).
Serves as an introduction to the study of the effect that politics and the media have in shaping Italian culture. Makes use of the World Wide Web for instruction. Taught in Italian. Familiarity with Internet helpful. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 2130 or ITAL 3015 (minimum grade C-).
Provides an introduction to the Italian way of conducting business, with a close view on the company and its world through learning marketing and producing a real company project for the market. Analyzes topics of international marketing and trade using Italian and American economics websites. Focuses on building cross-cultural bridges between the U.S. and Italy to have smoother business relationships and enable students to participate more easily in joint international working teams. Requisites: Requires a prerequisite course of ITAL 2120 (minimum grade C-).
Focuses on close reading of Dante's poetry with emphasis on the intellectual, religious, political, and scientific background of the medieval world. Taught in English. Same as HUMN 4140. Credit not granted for this course and ITAL 4145 or 4147. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Focuses on close readings of Dante's poetry with emphasis on the intellectual, religious, political, and scientific background of the medieval world. Taught in Italian. Credit not granted for this course and ITAL 4140, HUMN 4140, or ITAL 4147. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of ITAL 2130 (minimum grade C-).
Focuses on close reading of Dante's Inferno. Examines the specific sites and art in Florence and nearby cities that Dante references in the Inferno, as well as visual representations of Hell created both before and after Dante's poem. Taught in English. Offered through the CU Study Abroad Program. Credit not granted for this course and HUMN/ITAL 4140 or ITAL 4145. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
Analyzes the rise of realism in the 13th and 14th century Italian literature and parallel manifestations in the visual arts. Focuses on Boccaccio's Decameron and contemporary realistic prose and poetry with emphasis on gender issues and medieval cultural diversity. Taught in English. Same as HUMN 4150. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts or human diversity. Requisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).