Introduces students to basic image making technology and aesthetics. Fundamentals of film/video production in Super 8mm, Black Magic Pocket Cinema cameras, ProRes 422 (HQ), and other analog and digital image making, editing, and management formats. May emphasize personal, experimental or narrative films and exercises, according to instructor. Basic competencies include composition, basic audio, basic editing, studio critique, file management, etc. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 1502 (minimum grade B). Restricted to FILM (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Provides students with artistic foundational hands-on experience in integrated use of media software in both the PC and Mac creative imaging making digital working environments. Includes fundamentals in general computer maintenance, creative and practical audio editing, image management and manipulation, and creative moving image practice. Requisites: Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Covers basic camera, editing, and splicing techniquesfor Super-8 film. Equipment is available at the film studies office for a modest rental fee. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 1502 (minimum grade D-).
Instructs students in developing a technical and aesthetic understanding of the principles of analog and digital cinematography. Technical, creative and studio critique emphasis on the Bolex 16mm RX and Black Magic Pocket Cinema cameras, advanced composition, grammar and mechanics of cinema editing, film/digital lighting (exposure, latitude) multi-format origination and file management, sync sound techniques, etc. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of FILM 1502 and 2000 or 2300 (all minimum grade B). Restricted to FILM (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Includes analysis of independent and experimental animation and an introduction to various animation techniques (object, line, collage, sand or paint on glass, Xerox, cameraless, pixellation, etc.). Students produce exercise films and a final film exploring these techniques. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 2000 or FILM 2300 (minimum grade D-).
Covers the basics of "Why you need lighting", color temp, as well as camera techniques, lighting theory, and lighting set-ups for still and motion picture film video. Emphasizes hands on as well as theory. Recommended prereq., FILM 1502. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 2000 or FILM 2300 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Offers students both theoretical and practical experience in various specialized areas of cinematic production. Topics vary but include production in the documentary, fictional narrative, animation, computer animation, and experimental genres. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 2000 or FILM 2300 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Explores alternative methods of film processing and filmic image manipulation. Through projects, film screenings, lectures and discussions students will learn fine arts approaches to creative control for the moving image. Recommended prereq., FILM 2500. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of FILM 1502 and FILM 2000 or FILM 2300 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Examines the relationship between American films from 1980 to the present and their cultural and historical context. Includes films by Bigelow, Fincher, Hardwicke, Lee, Linklater, Lynch, Portillo, Stone and Scorsese. Assumes some film knowledge but is not restricted to majors. Recommended prereqs., FILM 1502, FILM 3051 and FILM 3061.
Surveys Russian cinema in historical and cultural context from early 20th century to the present. Same as RUSS 3211. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 1502 or RUSS 3211 (minimum grade D-).
Exploration of creative cinema production through short production and post-production projects. A short final project will be required. Focuses on the tactics and strategies of independent cinema production, examining a variety of approaches to genre. Explores a range of film and digital technologies. Department enforced prereqs., FILM 1502 and FILM 2000 or FILM 2300 and FILM 2500. Department enforced coreqs., FILM 3515 and FILM 3525. Requisites: Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Through projects, discussions, and screenings, this class explores the practices and aesthetics of computer-based moving-image art editing. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 3525 (minimum grade D-). Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Instructs students in the making of digital animation. Covers the use of the exposure sheet, frame series manipulation, digital motion techniques, and an analysis of pertinent films. Emphasis is on digital tools to create individual, personal, or experimental animated works. Includes experimental techniques of transfer between digital media and film. Recommended prereq., FILM 3525. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 2610 (minimum grade D-).
Studies and applies Pro Tools as a post-production audio toolbox. Applied techniques include sound recording, sound editing, field recording, foley, vocal recording and editing, plug-in generated sound creation, MIDI, basic scoring principles, audio sweetening, and audio mixing. Students will be required to complete regular editing assignments in addition to a final soundscape project. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 2000 or FILM 2300 and FILM 2500 and FILM 3525 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Learning aspects of professional development in the field of cinema. Through workshops and assignments students will learn of the many opportunities found within all areas of production. Guests will help inform the students of professional options and expectations. Topics will include: crew work, fund raising, marketing festivals, low budget filmmaking, and alternative venues. Students may have an internship concurrently with this course. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Recommended restriction to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 2500 (minimum grade D-).
Provides students with professional internship experiences with film, video, new media production companies, governmental agencies, production units, audio recording studios, and new media industries. Students will be responsible for securing their own internship position. May be repeated up to 9 credit hours. Recommended requisite, CU GPA of at least 2.00, upper-division standing, and a 3.00 GPA as a BA or BFA film studies major. Offered pass/fail only. Requisites: Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Through projects, discussions, and screenings, this class explores the advanced practices and aesthetics of computer-based moving-image art editing. Topics include how to edit and manage a postproduction cycle, how to use digital editing systems and capabilities such as compositing, digital audio,and optical effects treatments. Cannot be taken simultaneously with FILM 3400 or 3600.Same as ARTF 5000. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses FILM 1502 and FILM 2000 or FILM 2300 and FILM 2500 and FILM 3400 or FILM 3600 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to Film (FMST) majors only.
Prepares students for advanced Film Studies production courses. Subject matter varies each semester. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours, provided the topics are different. Same as ARTF 5010. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of FILM 1502 and FILM 2000 or FILM 2300 and FILM 2500 (all minimum grade D-). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) FILM (FILM or FMST) majors only.
Examines creative issues in contemporary cinema art. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students explore filmmaking ideas with guest artists within a seminar setting. Filmmakers, videographers and programmers of national and international reputation, with an emphasis on "experimental" practice, interact with graduate and advanced undergraduate students, and discuss their work at seminar meetings, public lectures or events. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Recommended prereqs., FILM 1502 and FILM 4453. Same as ARTF 5030. Requisites: Restricted to Film (FILM or FMST), Fine Art -Studio Arts (BASA), or Fine Arts-Creative Arts (ARTC) majors only.
Explores techniques for the visualization of the physics of fluid flows including seeding with dyes, particles and bubbles, and shadowgraphy and schlieren. Reviews optics and fluid physics, especially atmospheric clouds. Assignments are student-driven, to individuals and mixed teams of graduate undergraduate, engineering majors and photography/video majors. Please see FILM 4200, ARTF 5200, MCEN 4151 and MCEN 5151 are the same course.
Presents a studio course on basic single camera video production strategies and concepts. Through class screenings, projects, demonstrations, discussions, and readings, students gain an introductory familiarity with camera, lighting, sound, editing and the organization and planning involved in a video project. Explores a basic theoretical understanding of video as an art form and its relationship to television, film, art, history, culture. Same as ARTS 4246. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of FILM 2000 and FILM 2500 (all minimum grade D-).
Continuation of beginning video production. Extends the knowledge of single camera video production strategies and concepts. Expands the concept of montage (editing) and strategies to develop a video project through class screenings, projects, discussions, and readings. Furthers theoretical understanding of video as an art form. Same as ARTS 4346. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 4240 (minimum grade D-).
Continuation of intermediate video production. Explores advanced technical skills to control the quality of the video image in production, postproduction, and distribution. Emphasizes self-motivated independent projects, conceptual realization of advanced student work and basic working knowledge of distribution and life as a media artist. Promotes further theoretical understanding of video as an art form. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Same as ARTS 4446. Requisites: Requires prerequisite course of FILM 4340 (minimum grade D-).
Advanced exploration of creative cinema production through short production and post-production projects. Course focuses on the tactics and strategies of independent cinema production leading to the completion of a BFA thesis project exploring either documentary, experimental, or narrative genres. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Same as ARTF 5500. Requisites: Requires prerequisite courses of FILM 3400 and FILM 3515 and FILM 3525 (all minimum grade C). Restricted to Film (FMST) majors only.