Provides an advanced seminar on new technologies and issues of professional practice in the environmental design professions. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 3100 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to Program in Environmental Design major or minor students only.
Advanced seminar focuses on theoretical concerns and practical issues inherent in environmental design and planning. Views concerns and issues in terms of setting, processes, and planning and design outcomes. Provides a critical synthesis of the inherently interdisciplinary nature of planning and design education. Prerequisites: Restricted to Program in Environmental Design major or minor students only.
The third of the four upper-division studios focuses on concepts of program, architectural meaning and human behavior in buildings. Through a number of design exercises, students learn how these factorshelp shape buildings. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 3310 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to Program in Environmental Design major or minor or College of Engineering and Applied Sciences majors only.
A studio exploring emerging issues and practices. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 3300 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to Program in Environmental Design major or minor students only.
The last of the four upper-division studios focuses on concepts of building technology, context and environmental sustainability. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 4510 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to Program in Environmental Design major or minor students only.
Provides an advanced seminar on theory and criticism in environmental design, e.g., architecture now and introduction to design theory and criticism. May be repeated for credit by petition. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 2130 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to Program in Environmental Design major or minor students only.
Examines history of European and American planning and urban design in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 2130 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to Program in Environmental Design major or minor students only.
By special arrangement with instructor. Department enforced, 3.00 GPA required. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 3100 (minimum grade C-).
By special arrangement with instructor. Pass/Fail only. Department enforced, 3.00 GPA required. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 3100 (minimum grade C-).
By special arrangement with instructor. Department enforced, 3.00 GPA required. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 3100 (minimum grade C-).
By special arrangement with instructor and outside sponsor. Pass/Fail only. Department enforced, 3.00 GPA required. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite course of ENVD 3100 (minimum grade C-).
To prepare students for undertaking an independent research or design project in Environmental Design, this asks students to engage with existing literature in the field. Students will understand how research and design projects are conducted, and how their own work fits within a long tradition of scholarship. Department consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).
Working with an advisor, students prepare, complete, and defend an honors thesis project, either written or creative. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-86 credits (Junior).