
May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours provided topics are different. Department consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

Supervised study of special topics of interest to students under instructor guidance. Department consent required.

Presents fundamental chemical and physical concepts that give rise to the unique optical, electronic and magnetic properties of nanoscale materials. Introduces important synthetic routes for producing nanomaterials, and interparticle forces governing colloidal behavior and self-assembly. Discusses current and potential applications in catalysis, biomedicine, renewable energy, and other fields. CHEN 4836 and 5836 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior).

Supervised study of special topics of interest to students under instructor guidance. Department consent required.

Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

Offers a supervised study of special topics, under instructor guidance. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Department consent required.

Available to seniors with approval of chemical engineering department. Subject arranged to fit needs of student.

Offers an opportunity for seniors to do independent, creative work. Numbered ECEN 4840-4849. Department consent required.

General topics relating to environmental engineering. One-on-one assistance with an instructor. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.

Subjects arranged in consultation with instructor and undergraduate advisor. May be repeated up to 6 credit hours. Department consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) Mechanical Engineering majors only.

Offers an independent, in-depth study, research, or design in a selected area of architectural engineering. Offerings are coordinated with individual faculty. Students should consult the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering. Numbered AREN 4840 through AREN 4849.

Special projects agreed upon by student and instructor. Department consent required.

Provides opportunities for independent study at the upper-division undergraduate level. Subject and/or project agreed upon by the student and the instructor to fit the needs of the student. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

Involves an independent, in-depth study, research, or design in a selected area of civil or environmental engineering. Offerings are coordinated with individual faculty. Students should consult the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering. Numbered CVEN 4840 through CVEN 4878.
