
Meets during student teaching assignment. Includes topics of concern to teachers, such as classroom organization and management, lesson planning, assessment, journals, preparation of the teacher work sample, etc. Prerequisites: Requires corequisite course of EDUC 4691 or 4712 or 4722. Restricted to EDEL, EDEN, EDFR, EDGR, EDJP, EDLT, EDMA, EDRU, EDSC, EDSP or EDSS majors only.
Kindergarten through sixth grades. Prereq., completion of all education and content-specific arts and sciences requirements, and passing required licensure exam. Prerequisites: Requires corequisite course of EDUC 4513. Restricted to Elementary Education (EDEL-LICU or LICG) majors only.
Student teacher apprentices in a middle/junior or senior high school. Must be admitted to a secondary teacher education program in English, Japanese, Latin, math, Russian, science, or social studies. Department enforced prereqs., completed all education and content-specific artsand sciences courses, and passed required licensure exam. Prerequisites: Requires corequisite course of EDUC 4513. Restricted to EDEN, EDJP, EDLT, EDMA, EDRU, EDSC or EDSS (LICU or LICG) majors only.
Student teacher apprentices in a middle/junior high or senior high school. Department enforced prereqs., completed all education and content-specific arts and sciences courses, and passed required licensure exam. Prerequisites: Requires corequisite course of EDUC 4513. Restricted to EDFR, EDGR or EDSP (LICU or LICG) majors only.
Required experience for music students seeking education at both elementary and secondary levels. Department enforced prereq., completed all education and content-specific music courses, passed required licensure exam. Prerequisites: Requires corequisite course of MUSC 4193. Restricted to EDMU (LICU or LICG) majors only.