
Introduces basic physics, emphasizing an analytical approach to prepare for PHYS 1110/1120, the engineering majors sequence. This course does not satisfy any MAPS deficiency in either the sciences or math. Prereq., 1 year high school algebra or equivalent.

Intended primarily for nonscientists, this course covers physics encountered in everyday life. Topics include balls, scales, balloons, stoves, insulation, light bulbs, clocks, nuclear weapons, basics of flashlights, and microwave ovens. Prereq., high school algebra or equivalent. Approved for GT-SC2. Meets MAPS requirements for natural sciences: chemistry or physics. However, this course should not be taken if the student has a MAPS deficiency in math. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science or quantitative reasoning and mathematical skills.

Intended primarily for nonscientists, this course is a continuation of PHYS 1010. Includes electrical power generation and distribution, electrical motors, radio, television, computers, copiers, lasers, fluorescent lights, cameras, and medical imaging. Prereqs., PHYS 1010 and high school algebra. Approved for GT-SC1. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: quantitative reasoning and mathematical skills or natural science.

Three lect., one rec. per week, plus three evening exams in the semester. First semester of three-semester sequence for science and engineering students. Covers kinematics, dynamics, momentum of particles and rigid bodies, work and energy, gravitation, simple harmonic motion, and introduction to thermodynamics. Coreq., APPM 1350 or MATH 1300. Credit not granted for this course and PHYS 1170. Approved for GT-SC2. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science. Prerequisites: Requires prerequisite or a corequisite course of APPM 1345 or APPM 1350 or MATH 1300 (minimum grade C-).

Three lect., one rec. per week, plus three evening exams in the semester. Second semester of three-semester introductory sequence for science and engineering students. Covers electricity and magnetism, wave motion, and optics. Normally is taken concurrently with PHYS 1140. Credit not granted for this course and PHYS 1180. Approved for GT-SC1. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

Introduction to experimental physics through laboratory observations of a wide range of phenomena. Course covers experiments on physical measurements, linear and rotational mechanics, harmonic motion, wave motion, sound and heat, electricity and magnetism, optics, and electromagnetic waves with the mathematical analysis of physical errors associated with the experimental process. One lect., one 2-hour lab per week. Prereq., PHYS 1110; prereq. or coreq., PHYS 1120. Approved for GT-SC1. Approved for arts and science core curriculum: natural science.

Intended primarily for nonscientists, this course covers topics relevant to leaders, policy makers, and citizens confronted with science and technology issues. Topics include energy consumption and its impact on the environment; atoms and heat; radioactivity and nuclear reactions; nuclear bombs; light and radio waves for technological applications; climate change; quantum physics. Recommended prereq., high school algebra. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: quantitative reasoning and mathematical skills.

Discusses light, color, vision, and perception. Covers reflection, refraction, lenses, and applications to photography and other methods of light sensing. Other topics include lasers and holography. Course is geared toward nonscience majors. Meets MAPS requirements for natural science: chemistry or physics. Should not be taken by students with a math MAPS deficiency. Approved for arts and science core curriculum: natural science.

Explores the physical processes that underlie the diversity of sound and musical phenomena. Topics covered include the physical nature of sound, the perception of sound, the perception of pitch and harmony, musical instruments, synthesizers and samplers, and room acoustics. Nonmathematical; geared toward nonscience majors. Approved for GT-SC2. Meets MAPS requirement for natural science: chemistry or physics. Should not be taken by students with a math MAPS deficiency. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

Examines the roles of experiment in physics, using historical examples. Experiments provide a basis for scientific knowledge, test theories, call for new theories, give hints toward the mathematical form of theories, and provide evidence for the existence of entities involved in theories. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

Explore and discuss the nature of science and what it means to work in science, technology, engineering, or math. Focus on relevant open questions in these fields and the methods used to investigate them.

Engages non-physics majors in hands-on, minds-on activities and labs to investigate the physical world, the nature of science, and how science knowledge is constructed. This introductory course is especially relevant for future elementary and middle school teachers although it will meet the needs of most non-physics and non-science majors. Physical content focuses on interactions and energy. Same as EDUC 1580.

Three demonstration lect., one two-hour lab/rec. week, plus three evening exams in the semester. Covers mechanics, heat, and sound. Elementary but thorough presentation of fundamental facts and principles of physics. Natural science majors with a knowledge of calculus and others taking calculus are urged to consider taking the calculus-based courses PHYS 1110, 1120, 1140, and 2130, rather than PHYS 2010 and PHYS 2020. This course is designed for premed students in the biological sciences. Prereq., ability touse high school algebra and trigonometry. Approved for GT-SC1. Meets MAPS requirements for natural science. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

Three demonstration lect., one two-hour lab/rec. per week, plus three evening exams in the semester. Covers electricity and magnetism, light, and modern physics. Natural science majors with a knowledge of calculus and others taking calculus are urged to take the calculus-based courses PHYS 1110, 1120, 1140, and 2130, rather than PHYS 2010 and PHYS 2020. This course is designed for premed students and students in the biological sciences. Prereq., PHYS 2010. Approved for GT-SC1. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science.

Third semester of introductory sequence for science and engineering students except physics majors and those studying computer applications in physics (for these, see PHYS 2170). Covers special relativity, quantum theory, atomic physics, solid state, and nuclear physics. Physics majors should take PHYS 2170 instead of PHYS 2130. Prereqs., PHYS 1120, 1140, or ECEN 2250, 3400. Coreq., MATH 2400. Normally taken with PHYS 2150.

One lect., one 2-hour lab per week. Includes many experiments of modern physics, including atomic physics, solid state physics, electron diffraction, radioactivity, and quantum effects. Normally taken concurrently with PHYS 2130 or PHYS 2170 but students may take PHYS 2150 after taking PHYS 2130 or 2170. Prereqs., PHYS 1120 and 1140.

For physics majors in plans 1 and 2 and those studying computer applications in physics. Completes the three-semester sequence of general physics. Emphasizes developing skills for physics majors. Includes relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic structure. Normally taken with the laboratory PHYS 2150. Prereq., PHYS 1120. Coreq., MATH 2400 or APPM 2350.

Theoretical Newtonian mechanics, including position and velocity dependent forces, oscillation, stability, non-inertial frames and gravitation from extended bodies. Ordinary differential equations, vector algebra, curvilinear coordinates, complex numbers, and Fourier series will be introduced in the context of the mechanics. Prereqs., PHYS 2130 or 2710, MATH 2400 or APPM 2350. Coreq., APPM 2360. Credit not granted for this course and PHYS 2140.

Various topics not normally covered in the curriculum; offered intermittently depending on student demand and availability of instructors. May be repeated up to 7 total credit hours.

Selected topics for undergraduate independent study. Subject matter to be arranged. May be repeated up to7 total credit hours.

For nonscience majors. Reading, discussions, debates,and lectures are used to study how science affects society economically, intellectually, and in terms of health and national security. Another focus is how government fosters and funds scientific activities. Recommended prereq., completion of core science requirement.

Teaches strategies used in scientific writing with an emphasis on argument, reviews and reinforces essential writing skills, provides experience in writing both academic and professional communications in a style appropriate to the literature of physics. Prereqs., PHYS 2130 or 2170 and lower-division core writing requirement. Approved for GT-C03. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: written communication.

Contemporary issues in energy consumption and its environmental impact, including fossil fuel use and depletion; nuclear energy and waste disposal; solar, wind, hydroelectric, and other renewable sources; home heating; energy storage; fuel cells; and alternative transportation vehicles. Included are some basic physical concepts and principles that often constrain choices. No background in physics is required. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: natural science. Same as ENVS 3070.

Lagrangian and Hamiltonian treatment of theoretical mechanics, including coupled oscillations, waves in continuous media, central force motion, rigid body motion and fluid dynamics. The calculus of variations, linear algebra, tensor algebra, vector calculus, and partial differential equations will be introduced in the context of the mechanics. Prereqs., PHYS 2210, APPM 2360, or equivalent.

Introduces quantum mechanics with wave, operator, and matrix computational techniques. Investigates solutions for harmonic oscillator, potential well, and systems with angular momentum. Develops a quantitative description of one-electron atoms in lowest order. Prerequisites: Requires a prerequisite course of PHYS 3210 (minimum grade C-).
