
CVEN-3424 (3) Water and Wastewater Treatment

Introduces design and operation of facilities for treatment of municipal water supplies and wastewater. Provides an engineering application of physical, chemical, and biological unit processes and operations for removal of impurities and pollutants. Involves an integrated design of whole treatment systems combining process elements. Prereq., CVEN 3414. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CVEN 3414 (min grade C-).

CSCI-3434 (3) Theory of Computation

Introduces the foundations of formal language theory, computability, and complexity. Shows relationship between automata and various classes of languages. Addresses the issue of which problems can be solved by computational means, and studies complexity of solutions. Prereq., CSCI 3104 and 3155. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CSCI 3104 and CSCI 3155 (minimum grade C-).

CVEN-3434 (3) Introduction to Applied Ecology

Emphasizes the integration of physical, chemical, and biological processes in controlling terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Ecosystem concepts are applied to current environmental and water quality problems. Includes field trips and a group project. Same as ENVS 3434. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CHEN 1211 and CHEM 1211 (or CHEM 1113 and CHEM 1114 or CHEM 1251 or CHEM 1351). Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Civil (CVEN), Environmental (EVEN) or Architectural Engineering (AREN) majors.

ASEN-3519 (1-4) Special Topics

Studies specialized aspects of the aerospace engineering sciences or innovative treatment of required subject matter at the upper-division level. Course content is indicated in the online SchedulePlanner. Prereq., varies. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

CVEN-3525 (3) Structural Analysis

Studies structural analysis of statically determinate and indeterminate systems, deflections, energy methods, and force method. Prereq., CVEN 3161 or MCEN 2063. Restricted to Architectural or Civil Engineering majors only. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CVEN 3161 or MCEN 2063. Restricted to Civil (CVEN), Environmental (EVEN), or Architectural (AREN) Engineering majors only.

AREN-3540 (3) Illumination I

Studies the fundamentals of architectural illumination. Introduces and applies basic principles and vocabulary to elementary problems in the lighting of environments for the performance of visual work and the proper interaction with architecture. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of GEEN 1300 or CSCI 1300 (min grade C-).

CVEN-3602 (3) Transportation Systems

Introduces technology, operating characteristics, and relative merits of highway, airway, waterway, railroad, pipeline, and convey or transportation systems. Focuses on evaluation of urban transportation systems and recent transportation innovations. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

CSCI-3656 (3) Numerical Computation

Covers development, computer implementation, and analysis of numerical methods for applied mathematical problems. Topics include floating point arithmetic, numerical solution of linear systems of equations, root finding, numerical interpolation,differentiation, and integration. Prereqs., two semesters of calculus, linear algebra, and either CSCI 1200 or 1300.

CVEN-3698 (3) Engineering Geology

Highlights the role of geology in engineering minerals; rocks; surficial deposits; rocks and soils as engineering materials; distribution of rocks at and below the surface; hydrologic influences; geologic exploration of engineering sites; mapping; and geology of underground excavations, slopes, reservoirs, and dam sites. Includes field trips.

HUEN-3700 (3) Culture Wars in Rome

Investigates in Rome, Italy (during Maymester), the cultural contrasts among three different cities: ancient, pagan, aristocratic Rome; medieval, Christian, theocratic Rome; and modern, secular, democratic Rome. Draws on evidence from Roman literature, politics, art, and architecture. Must have completed a minimum of 26 credit hours by start of course. Requires some preparatory work in Boulder.

CSCI-3702 (3) Cognitive Science

Introduces cognitive science, drawing from psychology, philosophy, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, and linguistics. Studies the linguistic relativity hypothesis, consciousness, categorization, linguistic rules, the mind-body problems, nature versus nurture, conceptual structure and metaphor, logic/problem solving, and judgment. Emphasizes the nature, implications, and limitations of the computational model of mind. Prereqs., two of the following: PSYC 2145, LING 2000, CSCI 1300, and PHIL 2440. Same as LING 3005, PHIL 3310, and PSYC 3005.

CVEN-3708 (3) Geotechnical Engineering 1

Studies basic characteristics of geological materials; soil and rock classifications; site investigation; physical, mechanical, and hydraulic properties of geologic materials; the effective stress principle; soil and rock improvement; seepage analysis; stress distribution; and consolidation and settlement analyses. Selected experimental and computational laboratories. Prereq., CVEN 3161 or MCEN 2063. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CVEN 3161 or MCEN 2063. Restricted to Civil (CVEN), Environmental (EVEN), or Architectural (AREN) Engineering majors only.

CVEN-3718 (3) Geotechnical Engineering 2

Discusses shear strength, bearing capacity, lateral earth pressures, slope stability, and underground construction. Analyzes and looks at the design of shallow and deep foundations, retaining walls, tunnels, and other earth and rock structures. Selected experimental and computational laboratories. Prereq., CVEN 3708. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite course of CVEN 3708 (minimum grade C-). Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

HUEN-3750 (3) Xi'an, China: Self-Awareness and Images of the Other

Explores Chinese culture abroad, focusing on ideas of self and other within special historical, social, political, and economical circumstances. Chinese and American concepts of self and society, of individual, collective, and national identities will be analyzed. Held on the campus of Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. Prerequisite: HUEN 1010 or equivalent.

CSCI-3753 (4) Operating Systems

Examines software comprising computing systems as it builds upon hardware to provide a programming environment. Looks at structure and function of editors, compilers/assemblers, linkers, etc. Basic operating systems concepts and systems programming in high-level languages. Prereqs., CSCI 2700 and 2400 or ECEN 3350. Prerequisites: Requires pre-requisite courses of CSCI 2270 and either CSCI 2400 or ECEN 3350 (minimum grade C-).

ECEN-3810 (3) Introduction to Probability Theory

Covers the fundamentals of probability theory, and treats the random variables and random processes of greatest importance in electrical engineering. Provides a foundation for study of communication theory, control theory, reliability theory, optics, and portfolio analysis. Prereqs., APPM 2350 and 2360. Credit not granted for this course and MATH 4510 or APPM 3570. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering majors only.

CHEN-3840 (1-4) Independent Study

Available to juniors with approval of the Department of Chemical Engineering. Subject arranged to fit needs of the student.

ECEN-3840 (1-6) Independent Study

Offers an opportunity for juniors to do independent, creative work. Numbered ECEN 3840-3849. Prereq., instructor consent.

HUEN-3840 (1-3) Independent Study

Offers an opportunity for students to do independent work in the humanities. Subject arranged to fit the needs of the student. May be repeated up to 3 total credit hours. Instructor consent required. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors) College of Engineering students only.

HUEN-3843 (3) Special Topics

Explores different important themes in the humanities, check with department for specific semester topics. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) College of Engineering students only.

GEEN-3851 (3) Statics for Engineers

Examines vector treatment of force systems and their resultants; equilibrium of frames and machines, including internal forces and three-dimensional configurations; static friction; properties of surfaces, including first and second moments; hydrostatics; and minimum potential energy and stability. Prereq., PHYS 1110. Recommended coreq., APPM 2350. Same as CVEN 2121.

GEEN-3852 (3) Thermodynamics for Engineers

Explores fundamental concepts and basic theory, including first and second laws of thermodynamics, properties, states, thermodynamic functions and cycles. Prereq., APPM 2350. Same as MCEN 3012.

GEEN-3853 (3) Fluid Mechanics for Engineers

Introduces fluid mechanics and momentum transfer, emphasizing the application of these principles to engineering systems. Prereqs., APPM 2350 or 2360, and GEEN 1300 or CSCI 1300. Same as CHEN 3200.

ASEN-3930 (6) Aerospace Engineering Cooperative Education

Students will participate in a previously arranged, department-sponsored cooperative education program with a government agency or industry. Recommended GPA above 3.0. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Junior or Senior) Aerospace Engineering majors only.

CHEN-3930 (6) Chemical Engineering Cooperative Education

Students enrolled in this course participate in a previously arranged, department-sponsored cooperative education program. Prereqs., CHEN 2120 (min. grade C) and GPA higher than 2.85. GPA higher than 3.00 strongly recommended.
