
HONR-3810 (3) Privilege and Modern Social Construction

This course examines social constructions that lead to productive interactions between and among American social communities. Using case studies and humanistic accounts, students analyze the lived experiences of a unique group or successful citizens who routinely evidence productive practices of multicultural engagement. Through interactions with policy makers and community practitioners, students design and enact activities that allow them to reconstruct their personal patterns of privilege practices of their peer groups in various settings. Prereq., HONR 1810 or demonstrated academic study of race, class, and gender. Prerequisites: A minimum 3.3 cum GPA is required for this Honors class or you must be part of the first year student group.

IPHY-3810 (1) Forensic Biology Laboratory

Introduces basic laboratory techniques and procedures of modern forensic science with emphasis on biological aspects such as forensic entomology, forensic botany, hair analysis, forensic anthropology, and forensic DNA analysis. Prereqs., MCDB 1150, 1151, 2150 and 2151, or EBIO 1210, 1220, 1230 and 1240; CHEM 1133 and 1134. Coreq., IPHY 3800.

HIND-3811 (3) The Power of the Word: Subversive and Censored 20th Century Indo-Pakistani Literature

Provides an overview of a selection of writings by important 20th century Indo-Pakistani authors, which will permit students to get acquainted with Indian literature. Provides insight into the experience of social and political events in the 20th century and the reaction of the government to the critical analysis and portrayal of these events. Taught in English. Formerly HNDI 3811. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.

HUMN-3811 (3) Love, Death, and Desire: Classical Japanese Literature in Translation

Surveys the major works and authors of classical Japanese literature, both poetry and prose, from the earliest historical records and literary anthologies through the Heian period (784--1185). Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051. Same as JPNS 3811.

JPNS-3811 (3) Love, Death, and Desire: Classical Japanese Literature in Translation

Surveys the major works and authors of classical Japanese literature, both poetry and prose, from the earliest historical records and literary anthologies through the Heian period (784--1185). Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051. Same as HUMN 3811.

GEOG-3812 (3) Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean

Introduces the geography of Latin America, focusing on the lands and peoples of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. Examines regional and national culture, history, environment, and population, as well as ongoing environmental and socioeconomic changes. Recommended prereqs., GEOG 1982, 1992, 2002, or 2412.

ECON-3818 (4) Introduction to Statistics with Computer Applications

Introduces statistical methods and their applications in quantitative economic analysis. Prereqs., ECON 2010 and 2020; and either ECON 1078 and 1088, or MATH 1300, or MATH 1310, or MATH 1081, or MATH 1080, 1090, and 1100, or APPM 1350, or equivalent.

GEOL-3820 (3) The Fluid Earth

Examines the myriad forms of fluid behavior found on Earth, from the atmosphere to the inner core. Explores how basic principles of fluid physics may be used to understand a broad range of earth processes, including mantle convection, atmosphere and ocean dynamics, stream flow, lava spreading, and glacier motion, among others. Covers fundamental fluid concepts such as viscosity, pressure, convection, friction, and free-surface flow. Prereqs., MATH 1300, or APPM 1340 and 1345, or APPM 1350, or equivalent. Recommended prereq., GEOL 1010 or equivalent.

HUMN-3820 (3) Greek and Roman Antiquity in Music, 1600 to Present

Explores the influence of Greek and Roman mythology and history on various genres of music since 1600. Explains the context and meaning of ancient themes and their use by composers from the Renaissance to the present. Recommended prereq., CLAS 1100. Same as CLAS 3820.

RLST-3820 (3) Topics in Religious Studies

Intensive study of a selected area or problem in religious studies. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours as topics change. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 27-180 credits (Sophomore, Junior or Senior) only.

HIND-3821 (3) The Mahabharata as Literature, Performance, Ideology

Offers an in-depth introduction to the Mahabharata, reputedly the world's longest epic and one of the foundational works of Indian civilization. Synopsis of the full text and selected excerpts will be read, including a translation of the spiritual classic, Bhagavad Gita. Recent scholarship on the poem's historical, ritual, and mythic contexts as well as on its performance traditions will also be examined. Formerly HNDI 3821.

JPNS-3821 (3) Monsters, Monks, and Mayhem: Medieval Japanese Literature in Translation

Surveys the major works and authors of medieval Japanese (poetry, prose, and drama) from the Kamakura and Muromachi periods (1185--1600). Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051.

GEOG-3822 (3) Geography of China

Surveys the world's most populous country, examining physical and historical geography, urbanization and regional development, agriculture, population, energy, and the environment. Seeks to situate China's development in a broader Asian and global context. Recommended prereqs., GEOG 1982, 1992, 2002 or 2412. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.

ASTR-3830 (3) Astrophysics 2---Galactic and Extragalactic

ASTR 3730 and 3830 provide a year-long introduction to physical processes, observations, and current research methods in stellar, interstellar, galactic, and extragalactic astrophysics, with astronomical applications of gravity, radiation processes, spectroscopy, gas dynamics, and plasma physics. Prereqs. or coreqs., ASTR 3730, and PHYS 2130 or 2170, and MATH 2400 or APPM 2350. Elective for APS major and minor.

HIND-3831 (3) The Many Faces of Krishna in South Asia Literature and Culture

Using both textual and visual sources, the multiple facets of Krishna in Indian religious experience will be explored through poetry and prose, painting and sculpture, music, dance, and drama. Formerly HNDI 3831.

JPNS-3831 (3) The Floating World of Play and Passion: Early Modern Japanese Literature in Translation

Surveys the major works, authors, and genres of literature from the Tokugawa through Meiji periods in their historical and cultural contexts. Attention is given to various approaches of literary analysis and interpretation. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., JPNS 1051.

RLST-3838 (3) Dancing, Religion, and Culture

A critical examination of the received cultural, religious, and academic understandings of dancing and the body; the construction of a richer theory of dancing that will more adequately support comparative studies; the study of dancing in cultures and religions in a diverse representation of cultures; and a more in depth social study of Latin American dancing including actual dancing experience.

GEOG-3840 (1-6) Undergraduate Independent Study

Provides an independent study opportunity, by special arrangement with faculty, for students presenting strong geography preparation. May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Restricted to geography majors. Prerequisites: Restricted to Geography majors only.

PHIL-3840 (1-3) Independent Study

May be repeated up to 8 total credit hours. Prereq., 6 hours of philosophy course work. Restricted to juniors/seniors. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 57-180 credits (Juniors or Seniors).

ARTS-3841 (1-3) Undergraduate Independent Study---Photography

Reserved only for special projects in photography, not offered in the curriculum. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., ARTS 3191 or 4161. Requires a detailed proposal, instructor's signature, and departmental approval.

ETHN-3841 (1-6) Undergraduate Independent Study

Consult the Department of Ethnic Studies for information. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., ETHN 2001. Department and instructor consent required. Formerly ETHN 3840.
