
ECEN-5807 (3) Modeling and Control of Power Electronic Systems

Studies modeling and control topics in power electronics. Averaged switch modeling of converters, computer simulation, ac modeling of the discontinuous conduction mode, the current programmed mode, nulldouble injection techniques in linear circuits, input filter design, and low-harmonic rectifiers. Prereq., ECEN 5797.

CSCI-5809 (3) Computer Animation

Same as CSCI 4809 and ATLS 4809/5809. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5817 (3) Database Systems

Provides an advanced treatment of basic database concepts. Prereq., CSCI 2270. Recommended prereq., CSCI 3287 and 3753. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5817 (3) Resonant and Soft-Switching Techniques in Power Electronics

Covers resonant coverters and inverters, and soft switching; sinusoidal approximations in analysis of series, parallel, Lcc, and other resonant dc-dc and dc-ac converters; state-plane analysis of resonant circuits; switching transitions in hand-switched and soft-switched Pwm converters; zero-voltage switching techniques, including resonant, quasi resonant, aero voltage transition, and auxiliary switch circuits. Prereq., ECEN 5797 or instructor consent required.

CVEN-5818 (3) Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering

Familiarizes students with the fundamentals of engineering seismology, soil and structural dynamics, and the modern practice of geotechnical earthquake engineering. Focuses on describing earthquake hazards and methods for seismic analysis and design. Recommended prereq., CVEN 5798. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEN-5820 (3) Biochemical Separations

Extra work required for graduate course. Same as CHEN 4820. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

EMEN-5825 (3) Entrepreneurial Business Plan Preparation

Instructs students in the necessary elements of a business plan and how to prepare a complete, well-written plan for an entrepreneurial business venture. Students work in teams to create a business concept and take it through business plan completion. Recommended prereq., EMEN 5020 or equivalent. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

ECEN-5827 (3) Analog IC Design

Same as ECEN 4827. Prerequisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5828 (3) Foundations of Software Engineering

Explores techniques, languages, and tools for development and maintenance of software systems. Topics include specification languages, configuration modeling, testing techniques, process modeling, program annotations, and program proofs. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CHEN-5830 (1) Introduction to Modern Biotechnology

Introduces students to the biotechnology enterprise. Topics include the biotechnology industry and profession, the various academic disciplines of biotechnology, intellectual property, financing, and ethics.

CVEN-5830 (3) Special Topics for Seniors/Grads

Prereq., instructor consent. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CHEN-5831 (2) Biotechnology Case Studies

Capstone course required of all graduate students in the interdisciplinary graduate biotechnology certificate program. Reviews molecular genetics, product synthesis and purification, economics, intellectual property, and business planning. Working in teams, students present a biotechnology product plan. Prereq., CHEN 5830.

ECEN-5831 (3) Brains, Minds, and Computers

Same as ECEN 4831, and ASEN 4436/5436. Prerequisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5832 (3) Natural Language Processing

Explores the field of natural language processing as it is concerned with the theoretical and practical issues that arise in getting computers to perform useful and interesting tasks with natural language. Covers the problems of understanding complex language phenomena and building practical programs. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Same as LING 5832. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CHEN-5835 (3) Colloids and Interfaces

Provides a deep exploration of the fundamental principles of colloid and interface science and of related applications. Core topics include fundamental equations of interfacial science, capillary phenomena, interfacial thermodynamics interfaces, molecular monolayers, electrical surface properties, and interfacial a forces. Advanced topics include wetting phenomena, adsorption isotherms, dynamic interfacial behavior, surface modification, tribiology, surfactant self-assembly, and foams/emulsions among others. Prereq., CHEN 3320 (min. grade C-).

CVEN-5835 (3) Special Topics for Seniors/Grads

Supervised study of special topics of interest to students under instructor guidance. Prereq., instructor consent.

CHEN-5836 (3) Nanomaterials

Presents fundamental chemical and physical concepts that give rise to the unique optical, electronic and magnetic properties of nanoscale materials. Introduces important synthetic routes for producing nanomaterials, and interparticle forces governing colloidal behavior and self-assembly. Discusses current and potential applications in catalysis, biomedicine, renewable energy, and other fields. Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior, Fifth Year Senior) or graduate students only. CHEN 4836 and 5836 are the same course. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CVEN-5836 (1-3) Special Topics for Seniors/Grads

Supervised study of special topics of interest to students under instructor guidance. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq., Instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
