
TLEN-5265 (3) Copyright

Examines state and federal laws relating to the protection of works of authorship ranging from traditional works to computer programs. Studies the 1976 Copyright Act as well as relevant earlier acts. Gives attention to state laws, such as interference with contractual relations, the right of publicity, moral right, protection of ideas, and misappropriation of trade values, that supplement federal copyright. Same as LAWS 7301. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

TLEN-5270 (3) Antitrust

Studies American competition policy: collaborations among competitors, including agreements on price and boycotts, definition of agreement, monopolization, vertical restraints such as resale price maintenance, and territorial confinement of dealers. Recommended prereq., TLEN 5210. Same as LAWS 7201. Offered in alternate years. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CSCI-5273 (3) Network Systems

Same as CSCI 4273. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5274 (3) Radar Science and Techniques

Studies atmospheric radar fundamentals. Examines scattering by precipitation and atmospheric turbulence; long-wavelength radars and the dynamics of the middle and upper atmosphere; design of meteorological and clear-air radars; profiling tropospheric winds, temperature, and humidity by radar and radiometry; and ionospheric sounding using ionosondes and incoherent-scatter radars. Prereq., ECEN 5254 or instructor consent.

CVEN-5276 (3) Engineering Risk and Decision Analysis

Acquaints students with the fundamental principles and techniques of risk and decision analysis. Oriented toward project-level decisions in which risk or uncertainty plays a central role. Introduces students to Monte Carlo analyses, influence diagrams, and various types of multicriteria decision analyses. Culminates in a larger term project. Recommended prereq., CVEN 3227. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CVEN-5286 (3) Design Construction Operations

Considers topics associated with the effective and efficient design of construction operations. Topics include: front end planning; construction labor relations; productivity management. The course will emphasize construction productivity improvement by group field studies and discrete event simulation modeling. In-depth study of the way overtime, changes, weather, and staffing levels influence productivity. Industrial engineering techniques are applied to the construction environment to improve the use of equipment, human, and material resources. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

EMEN-5300 (3) Management of Research and Development

Provides practical, tested tools to manage research and development in industry and in university and government laboratories. R&D strategies are emphasized, as are innovation and creativity concepts and techniques. R&D portfolio techniques are emphasized and are the basis for a team project. Non-EMP students require instructor permission. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students in Engineering Management Program (EMEN) only.

TLEN-5300 (1-3) Telecommunications Theory and Applications

Examines the mathematical and physical theory of telecommunications. Deals with the fundamental concepts related to a wide range of topics including physical units, numbering systems, trigonometric functions, logarithms, indices, decibels, complexnumbers, calculus, elementary probability, and power circuit analysis. May be repeated up to 3 credit hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior) or gaduate students in the College of Engineering or Leeds School of Business only.

CSCI-5302 (3) Advanced Robotics

Exposes students to current research topics in the field of robotics and provides hands-on experience in solving a grand challenge program. Prereq., CSCI 3302 or instructor consent required. Same as CSCI 4302.

ASEN-5307 (3) Engineering Data Analysis Methods

Gives students broad exposure to a variety of traditional and modern statistical methods for filtering and analyzing data. Topics include estimation methods, principal component analyses and spectral analyses. Introduces these methods and provides practical experience with their use. Students carry out problem assignments. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

TLEN-5310 (3) Telecommunications Systems

Reviews fundamental technical concepts and terminology in telecommunications. Topics of focus include: decibels, noise analysis, transmission lines, electronic signals, radio spectrum characteristics, link budgets, AM modulation, angle modulation, digital modulation, multiplexing, sampling and digital encoding, detection, and similar physical layer concepts. Systems for analysis include CATV, cellular wireless, WLAN, satellite systems, internet networking and related voice and data networks. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior) or gaduate students in the College of Engineering or Leeds School of Business only.

CSCI-5312 (3) Health Informatics

Same as CSCI 4312. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-5313 (3) Environmental Fluid Mechanics

Analysis of viscous incompressible flows, with first-principle solutions for environmental fluid flows in oceans, rivers, lakes and the atmosphere. Topics include the Navier-Stokes equations, kinematics, vorticity dynamics, geophysical fluid dynamics, and density stratification. Prereqs., APPM 2350, 2360, CVEN 3313, or equivalents. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CSCI-5314 (3) Algorithms for Molecular Biology

Same as CSCI 4314 and MCDB 5314. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5315 (3) Ocean Modeling

Introduces students to basic principles behind, and the current practices in, ocean modeling. Discusses different prevailing approaches. Offers students hands-on experience with the use of supercomputers and work stations for model running and pre- and post-processing. Prereqs., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CSCI-5317 (3) Genome Databases: Mining and Management

Same as CSCI 4317. Credit not granted for this course and CHEM 5621 or MCDB 5621. Prerequisites: Restricted to graduate students or Computer Science Concurrent Degree majors only.

ECEN-5322 (3) Search Engine & Analysis of High-dimensional Dataset

Provides students with an exposition of the novel algorithmic methods for searching and analyzing big data. The class includes a project: students design a content-based music information retrieval system similar to those used by Gracenote, Shazam, or Pandora. Restricted to graduate students. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

CVEN-5323 (3) Applied Stream Ecology

Emphasizes the integration of hydrologic, chemical, and biological processes in controlling river, stream, and reservoir ecosystems at several spatial scales. Students apply ecosystem concepts to current environmental and water quality problems and learn field methods in field trips and a team project. Prereqs., general chemistry, physics. Recommended prereqs., hydrology, ecology, or environmental chemistry. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.

ECEN-5324 (3) Fundamentals of Microsystem Packaging

Same as ECEN 4324. Prerequisites: Restricted to any graduate students or Electrical/Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

ASEN-5325 (3) Small Scale Processes in Geophysical Fluids

Provides an overview of mixing and wave processes in the oceans and the atmosphere. Topics include turbulent boundary layers in the lower atmosphere and the upper ocean, air-sea interactions, and surface and internal waves. Prereq., graduate standing or instructor consent. Prerequisites: Restricted to College of Engineering graduate students or Aerospace Engineering Concurrent Degree majors only.

CVEN-5326 (3) Construction Project Controls

Examines tools and techniques employed to control design processes and construction operations. Students apply advanced scheduling and estimating techniques, culminating in the concept of earned value project management. Introduces high tech project control tools. Recommended prereqs., AREN 4420 and 4466. Taught intermittently.

TLEN-5330 (3) Data Communications 1

Provides a comprehensive technical survey of data and computer communications including Wireless, LAN, MAN, and WAN systems and standards. Covers packet switching, internetworking, addressing, routing, transport layers, TCP/IP internet, wired and wireless LAN technologies, congestion control and flow control schemes. Prereq. or coreq., TLEN 5310. Prerequisites: Restricted to students with 87-180 credits (Senior) or gaduate students in the College of Engineering or Leeds School of Business only.

CHEN-5333 (3) Research Methods and Ethics

Prepares graduate students to carry out independent research. Research ethics, laboratory skills, experimental methods, critical thinking, presentations, proposal preparation and career planning are discussed. Independent research project carried out under direction of chemical engineering faculty. Prereq., graduate standing.

CVEN-5333 (3) Multiscale Hydrology

Observations show that peak flows in rainfall-runoff events, and the quantities of annual peak flows, have a power-law dependence on basin area. Physical basis of power laws in peak flows will be explained from mass and momentum conservation equations governing stream flows in self-similar channel networks. Potential engineering applications to predicting floods under a changing climate will be covered. Prereqs., CVEN 4333, 5454 and 5537. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
