
MKTG-7820 (3) Doctoral Seminar: Sociological and Anthropological Approaches to Research in Market

Inquires into substantive and methodological issues concerning postmodern consumer research. Attains depth in a few areas while also providing a framework in which to situate other substreams of research. Uses ethnography, semiotics, literary analysis, and other interpretive methods to examine topics such as brand and store loyalty, atmospheric and shopping dynamics, creation of brand meanings, and other marketplace behaviors.

OPIM-7820 (3) Advanced Research in Information Systems

Examines advanced topics in information systems research, focusing on the electronic era and ebusiness. Examines foundations of ebusiness, including basic technical, organizational, and behavioral foundations. Covers leading edge research from both topical and methodological perspectives. Focuses on methods appropriate for studying ebusiness and examines future research directions. Prereq., PhD standing or instructor consent. Formerly SYST 7820.

MKTG-7825 (3) Doctoral Seminar: Empirical Models in Marketing

Presents state-of-the-art empirical modeling techniques (both reduced-form and structural) used by marketing scientists, as well as discuss the key findings generated from major empirical studies. Acquaint the class participants with the systematic process of conducting rigorous empirical marketing research, enable them to read and critically review empirical papers in leading marketing journals and, ultimately, start doing independent empirical research. Prereq., a graduate course in regression.

ACCT-7830 (3) Doctoral Seminar: Accounting Research

Designed to assist the doctoral student in integrating courses and fields of study in order to be able to apply knowledge and skills to problems in accounting. Special attention given to the development of thesis topics.

FNCE-7830 (1) Doctoral Seminar: Dissertation Research

Assists doctoral students in integrating courses and fields of study in order to apply their knowledge and skills to problems in finance. Gives special attention to development of thesis topics. Continuous enrollment required of all finance doctoral students while doing course work.

MKTG-7830 (3) Doctoral Seminar: Dissertation Research

Assists doctoral students in integrating courses and fields of study in order to be able to apply knowledge and skills to problems in marketing. Gives special attention to development of thesis topics.

ORMG-7830 (3) Research Design and Methods in Management

Introduction to research design and commonly used methods in management and organizational research. Covers the fundamental building blocks of research, provides the basics of a number of analytical techniques, and presents considerations important in analyzing multivariate data in organizational research. Restricted to Ph.D. students only.

ACCT-8820 (1-6) Graduate Seminar

Provides opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in accounting through an experimental seminar. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours. Prereq. varies. Offered irregularly.

FNCE-8820 (3) Graduate Seminar

Experimental seminar offered irregularly to provide opportunity for investigation of new frontiers in finance.

MKTG-8820 (1-6) Doctoral Seminar: Special Topics

Studies marketing literature on a topic or topics selected by instructor. Examples include marketing history, international marketing management, marketing environment, marketing of high technology products, and marketing models.

ORMG-8820 (1-4) Graduate Seminar

Provides opportunity for investigating new frontiers in organization management through an experimental seminar (offered irregularly).

ACCT-8900 (1-3) Independent Study

Requires instructor's consent and departmental form (taught as doctoral seminar). Prerequisites: Restricted to Business graduate students only.

BPOL-8900 (1-3) Independent Study

Requires consent of instructor under whose direction study is taken. Departmental form required.

FNCE-8900 (1-3) Independent Study

Instructor consent and departmental form required.

MGMT-8900 (1-3) Independent Study

Requires consent of instructor under whose direction study is taken. Departmental form required.

MKTG-8900 (1-3) Independent Study

Requires consent of instructor under whose direction study is taken. Departmental form required.

ACCT-8990 (1-10) Doctoral Thesis

Prerequisites: Restricted to Business graduate students only.

MGMT-8990 (1-10) Doctoral Thesis

Work with a faculty advisor on a doctoral thesis. Student should have passed comprehensive exam before registering for doctoral thesis hours. Prerequisites: Restricted to Graduate Students only.
